Will You Be Voting For Hillary

Will you be voting for Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden in the next Democratic primaries?

Neither. I don’t think Hillary is going to run, and Biden shouldn’t.Hillary Clinton has been accused of a lot of things, but being stupid is not one of them. She has already been through two Presidential campaigns and lost both, and even though she would still like to be President, she is smart enough to understand that her running again would be a recipe for re-electing Trump. I don’t think she would get the nomination, but she would draw enough support and create a massive primary brawl amongst Democrats that whoever did win would be weakened.Biden is a good man, but should not run for President. He is too old, would not win, and would have to continually answer why he is a better older white man to run vs. Trump. People don’t want more of the same, they want something new, even if that “new” doesn’t turn out to be better.

Did you vote for Trump or Hillary?

Neither.I live in the state Mike Pence is from (sorry), so there was very little, if even at all, chance that my vote would have mattered in the long run this past election. As well, I disagreed with too many policies of Hillary’s to feel comfortable voting for her.However (this is me trying to score brownie points here - you can skip this), I always encouraged any people that I knew in swing states to go blue for her. I also agreed with Bernie when he united himself behind her.Do I regret it in hindsight? Well, yes an no.I admit, looking back the reasons that I justified not voting for Hillary were a little childish at the time, so I regret not informing myself better about her platform and lashing out when challenged about it.At the same time, however, like I said previously, I don’t feel like my vote would have mattered in the long run this past election. To me, there is not much you can do as a blue voter in a red state, especially one as gerrymandered as mine.In addition to this, The Tweeter-in-Chief has made it abundantly clear that no Republican is going to win the presidency for a very, very, very long time. It just sucks that we have to deal with this disaster of an administration to learn this.Oh well. Can’t change the past, I guess.

Raise your hand if you are voting for Hillary Clinton now smack yourself with it because your a idiot?

Not unless you say, "Simon says."

Is Hillary Clinton a "child of satan"?

Your question piqued my curiosity, so I did some "Answers" research. These questions are a testament to reactionary orginality and Jerry Fallwell, one of your favorite evangelists, may have gotten them started:

-- is hillary really the devil, but worse smelling?
-- Hillary Clinton is the Devil and she is a racist?
-- is hillary clinton possessed by the devil?
-- Is Hillary Satan?
-- is hillary clinton satan's daughter?
-- Falwell compares a 2008 Hillary candidacy to having the devil on the ballot. Was he joking or mobilizing?
-- Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist?
--Would Hillary Clinton be a worse President than Satan?
--Does anyone believe that Hillary Clinton is Satan?
--Would Hillary Clinton be a worse President than Satan?
-- Why can't everyone see that Hillary Clinton is really Satan?
-- Will Hillary serve two terms as president, or will Satan recall her back to hell after one?
-- Do you think Hillary has finished those box of chocolates that Satan gave her for Valentines day?
-- Falwell said Hillary Clinton is worse than Lucifer, does that prove he is more a politician than a Christian?
--Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist?
-- Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist? Or is it Bill?
-- Do you think Hillary Clinton,the Antichrist, sleeps upside down and spins her head around and makes faces ?

Did you know that George H. W. Bush voted for Hillary Clinton?

Yes, therefore proving Bush 41 was an intelligent, patriotic man