Will You Vote For Me

Will you vote for me?

Lenovo/Intel put on a short essay contest recently. The winners get to take a tour to Lenovo, Intel, Dolby Labs, and Namco/Bandai US headquarters! Please vote for my entry at:​techtripcontest/contests/1​24325/voteable_entries/261​16333

The top 20 voted entries make it to the next level, where Lenovo/Intel judges will select three grand prize winners!

If you know anyone else who would be interested in supporting me, please share the link with them or invite them to this event.

Voting ends tonight at 11 PM, central time!

Thanks, strangers!

PS: I fully expect people to answer "no" and/or to troll this question. If trolling, please be creative =)

Will you vote for me?

heres the link....please vote for me. I would like to be an actress and believe that this could help me. If i win i will get a photoshoot, ill be in Life & Style Magazine and ill be on the state newspaper website and on the cover of the newspaper. My name is Lanie Annette, Thank You!!

Will you vote for me?

Seriously I got security warning :/

Will you vote for me?

I am in a voting contest and it ends Wed 7-6 at 12'01 am. I have been working my buns off getting family and friends to vote and people are passing me like crazy! This is for a car and my family is in dire straights right now because I am ill with Fibromyalgia and my son is disabled with a rare illness called Sturge-Weber Syndrome and we are stranded and can't get to appointments. Here's my entry and it's an app free 2 clicks. Will you PLEASE help me's good Karma and I'll love you forever! LOL! Thanks!

Will you vote for me?

what do i get out of it

Will you vote for me?

I want to run for President of the United States

1.-Lower taxes for the middle class
2.-Take our military out of any country that doesn't want us there
3.-Open up all of our farm land and put our farmers back to work.Suspend all imports of anything we can produce right here in our country, feed our own.
4.-Stop all outsoursing of jobs.
5.-Explore and drill for more oil of our own ,forget about the enviromentalists for a while.And any country that raises prices on us ,as OPEC is doing for oil we will raise prices on them at an equel rate,like $100 a bushel of wheat.
6.-Put our military on our borders, both north and south.
7.-Get rid of all inner-city gangs,Black,Mexican,White,Chinese,Asian,...
These are just a few of my proposals.
Please vote for me.
(God Bless America)

Will you vote for me for president?!?

I am a middle aged biracial man which is great because that makes me a unifier based solely on the fact that I am multiracial, regardless of what I may say or who I surround myself with.

Compared to the other candidates, I am the least experienced, but dammnit, I want change! Not sure how I'd bring change but ya know, I hope I can somehow, just trust me on that one. I have never changed anything or anyone in my career yet, I've been waiting all my life to this very moment to start changing things

Sure, I take some money from lobbyists, but then again everyone does. I have pieced together a vision for America by combining some of Jimmy Carter's policies and Hillary's. Jimmy was a great president you know, his policies were flawless.

Yes, i am surrounded by radicals, but remember, they are not me, you must understand this! Why does it matter if I listened to 20 years of intolerance at my church?? I didnt say those things!

Will you vote for me??

You want my vote, what for?

You are honest

You are hard worker

Do u think these 2 qualities suffice for any one to serve

What is your bank balance to survive. remember serving others cost money.

Do you want to serve full time / part time by working for your livelihood.

Honest doesn't mean you do not expect remuneration.

As on now remuneration is reported to be not sufficient to serve.

All that an honest person can do in India is to go on hunger strike to protest and have some juice to break the fast plus wide publicity in newspaper and TV. Nothing beyond - repeatedly on one or the other issues till death.

Your name will come latter in text book at the curse of the students as you have just added one more headache to remember.

may be you will have a statue and a holiday in your name.

On the other hand, will you be like lalooji?. graze to the content but bring prosperity to at least in one sector of the Govt like lalooji to Railways. - Lo my vote is yours.

Will you vote for Chuck Baldwin?

I did not find enough information to make a judgement call on his web site.
I am glad,however, to see someone besides myself raising the issue of independent candidates.
I have been accused of "throwing away" my vote for years. The last person I voted for was Jimmy Carter. (Boy was that a mistake!) Since then I have voted for any independent or third party candidate on the ballot. I cannot bring myself to vote for the two parties who have refused to change things.
To me, it does not matter who gets into office if it is a Dem or a Rep. - it will be business as usual in Washington until we stop electing and re-electing these self-serving politicians.
Here are three other choices and another independent candidate for your consideration. You will not agree with all of their platforms but you may agree with enough of what they say to consider supporting them.

Al Letcher for President 2008