Wishes That Can Come True

Do wishes come true?

wishes do come true but not by there self you have to help them come true u cant just make a wish and sit back to see it come true it dont work that way
blessed be

How can i make a wish come true?

u said " i MAKE a wish come true ", so you have to work for it.

Have any of your 11:11 wishes come true? If so, what was it?

I wish on 11:11 all the time, it's kinda my obsession!
11 is my favorite number, btw(:

I've wished for a ton of things on 11:11.
I wished that me and my boyfriend (before he was) would be together, and now we are!

The one I want the most, hasn't come true: my dad's fiancee to move out and they break up and cancel the wedding.

I wish big, haha.

Do wishes come true...?

has any of your dreams or wishes come true? have you ever wished hard enough and believed it will come true and it did? can it really happen like if you wished for a friend or something and you think about everyday how you'd meet and become friends and then one day it happened you met a new friend?

Does God make wishes come true.?

Listen what God did for some others......

How can I make a wish come true?

There are numerous methods, and which works for you will depend a lot on your own personal belief systems and what kind of woo works for you. Wishing on a star is popular, but can feel a bit too spineless and insipid for a lot of people. Prayer can work, if you’re devout. You may try investing energy in a ritual. A wish granting ritual that doesn't take a lot of set up is to wear a necklace every day (preferably one that’s related symbolically to your wish) and any time you reach up to fix it, for example when the tie or clasp slips around to the front, make your wish. This has the added benefit of keeping the wish present in your mind throughout the day. Baking wishing bread is another method- write your wish down and bake it into a home made loaf, then safely burn or bury the bread as a sacrifice. Something I find effective is to work the wish into a project of some kind. If you sew, knit, or paint, work the intention of your wish into every stitch or stroke. If you garden, plant something that’s associated with your wish, keep the plant near you, and pour your intention into caring for it. The more effort you put in, the more likely you are to get a result.That said, in the words of the critically underrated Disney’s Princess and the Frog, “That old star can only take you part of the way.” Magic is hard work, not a short cut, and it won’t work if you expect to just wave your hand and have everything fall into place. Magic is your feet planted in the earth and the sweat on your skin. It’s willpower, taking hold of the universe and bending it to the shape you want because you refuse to let it be any other way. If your wish is for a job, you can’t just make the wish and wait for one to fall into your lap. You make the wish, and then you get out there and do the work and put all your effort into it. If you wish for someone to love you, then a wish can arrange circumstances to give you a chance, but it can’t seize another free creature by the brain and make them love someone they don’t know. If your wish is for money, no magic in the world will make a sack of cash fall into your lap with no strings attached. You Must Do the Work. And recognize that the Work is the Magic. You pour your effort and your intention into every step. You strain yourself to the limits with effort. You refuse to accept a universe that will not be as you see it. And the universe will answer.

Why do people say " It's 11:11, make a wish"? Do those wishes come true? I don't get that.

People make wishes at 11:11 for the same reason they wish on falling stars, birthday candles, and dandelion fluff.Nostalgia.Second to nostalgia, is superstition.It should be understood that wishes are achieved through hard work, and not by magic. Most of the “wishing times” came from superstitious beliefs that very few people still agree with. Most times that people make wishes, it is just to feel happy and be playful. Making wishes reminds people of better times in childhood, when the world was still a mystery.Wishing is fun.

Do wishes ever come true?

I've carefully considered the question you've asked. If I answer hastily I'll find myself making edit after edit followed by a frustrated complete deletion. If I think on it for too long it'll sit in the drafts file along with 84 other half written once upon a times.Let's set some ground rules and then proceed.Nothing religious or faith based. Spirituality is ok, but religion gets messy. To have a religious mess un-messed, hit up one of the models I role myself after Marcos Sheldon Padilla. He has the experience and finesse to untangle tensile strength religious razor wire without gloves and come out sipping on the blood of Chr… Wait, unscathed sipping on a glass of wine.No violating the laws of physics. I mean, have you read some of their Quora answers? Dude, I asked some stuff and those guys weed whacked me to death mercilessly. Examples— wishing to check out the inside of a black hole and write a book about it, wishing light was one or the other, wave or particle. That kind of stuff.So that's it. Let's do this.When I think of wishing I can hear Judy Garland singing Somewhere over the rainbow. About that, the place over the rainbow, it isn't impossible to get to, but it sure can allude a lot of folks.Imagine if you will, focusing on the other side of a rainbow intensely. If you walk, run, fly, or drive towards it, more often than not, it will move, or dissapear. From point a, where you are, to point b, somewhere over the rainbow, let's say that it's 5000 feet. If you're focusing on a rather unlikely far of goal or wish, you may end up cheating yourself out of the 4999 steps between. They may each have been unique and rewarding beyond what your wish was in the first place. Being present is different than not caring. Setting realistic goals along with a plan on how to achieve them is probably a good idea. Making a wish and telling yourself the shooting star was it's probability seal is kinda like trying to hit the Powerball. I know, somebody's gotta win. Just remember, it'll never be you or I.I'm sure my grandfather wasn't the first to respond to an adolescents incredibly unlikely wish list with these words:Shit in one hand, wish in the other. See which one fills up first. Haha haha. That's him laughing, not me. It took me over 20 years to understand the power in those words.Wishes do come true, yes. The most amazing wishes that we are granted are usually the one's that we never made.Leon

Does the wish come true if we ask on 11:11?

The pattern 11:11 is eye-catching because on a 12-hour digital clock it can only happen with 1’s that all four numbers are the same. But it does happen twice a day. On a 24-hour clock 11:11 only happens once a day, in the morning. But to compensate, wishers have 22:22 to work with at night.In 2011, there was a lot of wishing happening on November 11, during the minute when calendar clocks all read 11:11/11.11.11. Of course they didn’t all show that at the same time, but nobody cared. That global tsunami of ten-digit wishing basically created the world we live in.But that’s a very powerful wishing opportunity that only comes along once every 100 years. Probably just as well.Four-digit ops have very limited psychic pull by comparison, but they’re better than nothing. Making wishes, that’s the important thing. Because you never know.

If you had 5 wishes that could come true, and you could not wish for more wishes, what would you wish?

I wish for a world filled with only decent, we’ll meaning people who live like the golden rule defined their very being.I wish that I could be the weight and fitness level of my choosing, without having to work for it. !!!I wish that I could find a way to help all of the people I want to help, from the people that can’t afford their medication to the people that seem to afford too much medication, and everyone else.I wish my student loans were paid off.Jet pack!!