Witch European Country Seems Most Like The Us

Witch European country claimed most of the land in North Africa during the 1800's?

France claimed what are now Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. Egypt was in effect a British Protectorate.

Look up these countries in wikipedia and compare the land areas of the three to that of Egypt.

Whitch country in Europe has the most beautiful people ?

Well, I explain I'm from Japan, and I went to Europe 3 weeks I visited UK, France, Italy and Germany...
and for me Western people are not really the same for example anglo-saxon countries UK, US, Australia... have many physical similitaries, and Potugal, Spain, Italy it's pretty the same too...

I don't find British people really beautiful, British are even quite often ugly,
in Germany it's not bad, it's pretty good but people in the street don't have an impressive beauty,
in Italy people looks sexy and hot but they have often brown skin and black haire not a lot of blond with blue eyes, they have a strong latin characteristic..
in France, this country make me an impressive feelings, because French men and women don't look like anglo-saxon-germanic people, and don't look like italians or spanish,
in fact, they have a typical physically trait, it's a big difference between French men and English men and French men and Italian men...
I like their mix, I saw many blond, brunette with blue or green eyes, I think they are mix between anglo-saxon people and latin...they have also sweet smile and they are not effeminate basically they have a sweet appearance. French women are the most slim in Europe, (I read this in some newspaper...)
I never went to Scandianavia, but many people said that Swedish men and women are the hottest in Europe... in fact be blond and tall it's quite hot...and Nordic people have a strong beauty...

so what's you opinion what do you think about these Europeans countries concerning beauty, witch country do you prefer ?
I want to knew what is you opinion about that everybody have his opinion about beauty...tell me you view and explain why you choose this country...please don't put you native country...

I'm Japanese and I'm quite confused about Western beauty...

if you have a few time to spent, please answer to this useless question... thank you...

Witch country got the most beautiful girls in the world?( I like Blonds)?

Well each country has its own definition of beauty. In lots of African tribes, a long neck is thought of as beautiful. If you are looking for blondes, lots of European countries have blondes. Sweden is a good example. California and Florida seems to have blondes too if you want to look closer to home.

Which country has the most witches?

There is no possible answer to this question, since not all countries are entirely conducive to witchcraft by any means, and therefore witches in those countries don't make it known that they are witches. This remains true to a large extent even in countries where witchcraft is not only entirely legal, but is protected by law. Not all witches have publicly declared themselves, and neither should they have to.

Which country do American criminals flee to the most?

It would be hard to get a statistical answer (regarding which country wanted Americans flee to most), but the most likely correct answer would be Mexico. However, if you bunch a few countries together as Europe, that continent would be competition.If you are an American in Europe, who is mingling with the locals, you will end up being introduced to other Americans already living there. If you get to know these European Americans, you will learn some of them are fleeing some legal problem in the US. It may just be alimony or child support payments. Or it may be something more serious, like a felony warrant.Technically-legally, most European countries have mutual extradition treaties with the US, and wanted Americans could be deported back to the US. But, in reality, only a small number actually do. European countries don’t place a priority on enforcing American laws. If the American-European wanted person doesn’t get into major trouble, he/she has nothing to worry about.The Americans I have met in Europe who fit this category were all running from relatively innocent crimes: probation, parole, pre-trial prosecution for drug possession, and child support. But I’m sure there are all kinds over there.It’s worth noting the most famous American in exile, Edward Snowden, is in Europe, Russia, actually. I, personally, haven’t been there, but, considering the absence of an extradition treaty (the US turned down Russia’s offer of one), it may be a good choice.

Do original whites (Europeans) practice witchcraft as Africans do?

Absolutely. There aren’t many genuine traditional witches left in most European countries - most modern ones belong to revivalist groups such as Wicca - but I believe there are a lot of traditional practitioners in Finland, and a lot of people in Scandinavia, the Highlands of Scotland and Ireland still believe in the Wee Folk. There are also a fair number of ritual magicians.Also, I’m not sure about other countries but Britain and Italy still have a *lot* of traditional ritual customs. There are people in England performing traditional dances with antlers or stylized horses or burning barrels; people in Scotland parading through the streets dressed all in burrs or swinging balls of burning tar on the ends of chains or burning ceremonial longships; people in Sardinia dressing up in contorted black wooden masks, similar to the “false face” masks of the Iroquois, and then watering the fields with bulls’ blood. We haven’t gone away.