With This Dream I Had Earlier

Do early morning dreams come true?

Answers vary from person to person and products of these dreams too.In my province we have blind faith for these precognitive dreams. We kinda believe it has some external connections to our waking life. And if we had a bad dream we gotta tell it first to our pillow or tree, to decrease its likelihood.Well, it might sound horrid or funny whether early morning dreams are true but our real experiences can attest to that.My mother has had dreams that became real but some are indirect. (And some queasy dreams that are associated to infidelity of my father; let’s exclude the deets of this) yay.Mom dreamt of his brother’s death, and days had passed where she received the upsetting news which had turned out as it was from her dream. However it was his other older step brother. (Not exactly her brother who appeared in dream though it went as representation)My elder sister, has lucid dreaming. Before she goes to sleep she ask for assistance or guidance, kind of cues in order to have the correct decision for the following day We tried to convince her to request for lotto digits before she goes to sleep rather she’d just give us straight response that she have tried it and it did not work.My younger sister. She woke up in tears. She dreamt father died, said it was fuzzy but it felt real. Then when father came back home (he totally told us he nearly died from intoxication. He turned purple and had lost conscious.)Sadly, I don’t have this kind of faculty in my brain for self-proving. Nonetheless I never wished to have one cos it would be disconcerting if I too would be encountering premonitions of dying loved ones.So. Do early morning dreams come true?For some, and for us; Possibly undecided yes, since we do have few established answers because … Hello? how many variables does it take to make just to label these psychic dreams that came true as coincidental anecdote?So. again, the possible answer will be reliant to the following phenomenon, whether or not your precognitive dream correlates, transpires or expires. Very circumstantial, but who knows? maybe those dreams carry cryptic messages, or I’m becoming chatty and digressing?

Dreams about my period coming early and heavy?

This is just a thought, take it or leave it.

A period is a cycle of your bodies inner cleansing. Are there things you feel that you need to be cleansed of? Thoughts, ideas, guilt, anger, insecurities...anything?

Another possibility: Could there be something in your life that is happening too fast and you feel worried about it?

Do you feel something in your life is out of control and you can't stop it?

I'm a dream interpreter, but remember, any interpreter could be wrong, we only tell you what we see or think based on common symbolism and meanings. Only you can know for sure if the interpretation is right. If it rings true, accept it, if not, just ignore it.

I had a sex dream and I ejaculated, both in the dream and in real life, will this always happen?

Masterbate straight before you to bed to stop c u m I n g in your sleep ( wet dream)

I had a dream about a girl I've never seen before. Will I ever be able to meet up with her again but in real life?

Personally, I have had all sorts of dreams which included an unknown woman I never had seen before in real life - yet planned to marry anyway; as well as another girl I loved during my dreams but never met. They were both lovely. And if I think about it carefully, I might add another ten on that same dream-list. Basically, all those dreams were related to the fact that my emotional state wanted to commit to a lovely woman.They were all people I never met, yet somehow when I tried to rationalize that during my dreams; I always found out that those people were people I did know but often were a bit altered in a way that I would have found them perfect. I discovered that during one of my most recent dreams - in which I wanted to say ‘hi’ to that person. I realized her shape altered to someone I actually knew. The two women had so many characteristics in common that I realized that my mind had created an image of a woman all by itself by using a sketch of someone I knew well in real life.So, basically you already met the persons your mind has created regarding desire. It could be one person in particular with some small changes; or someone with a lot of changes. Nevertheless, your mind has been so kind enough to make her appear in a way that fulfills the purpose of the dream.Your mind knows what it misses; and if it hurts you emotionally that you did not meet a certain woman yet, then you may very well dream about a girl you have never seen before but craved for all your life. It is a common thing of your brains to add a ‘random’ female in your dreams to emphasize that you miss something in general; rather than any specific person.[math]^{[1]}[/math]

What's the coolest dream you've ever had?

One time I had a dream that I was with my two best friends and we went on a helicopter to england. On the way, the pilot had a heart attack and died, so we landed in the ocean. We had to try to swim to the land, which we did. For some reason we left the pilot, but he was dead anyway. When we got to england, we saw this amazing little sandwich shop. When we went in we saw my dad and mom and sister eating. It was weird, because that we live in the USA. Then we 3 sat down and ordered a drink. Then we got them and drank like half and then we left back to the ocean. We saw this thing like a play area, on the ocean. We decided that it would be a fun idea to try to cross it, all the way back home. Along the way, the water got really deep. I got scared, but my friends went on. I almost slid into the water and then one of my friends ran after me, but she fell in. I didn't actually fall in, I grabbed the rope hanging above me. Thankfully she was able to get back on the floaty. But she had all these little white star fish on her face. They were so hard to get off, but we did. Then we all made it back to the house, but my family was there. So weird. Then I woke up!!! lol.. funny dream, huh?

youre dream was funny and weird too!! lol

Have you ever dreamed of your children before they were born?

Yes I'm only 17 and I am no where near having children, and I had a dream that I had just given birth to a little baby boy and was holding him for the first time. And what is really strange is that about thirty minutes before i had my dream, my boyfriend, who will most likely be my future husband and that baby's father, had a dream that i was in labor. It was kind of like we were living it. It was really strange.

I had a dream last night about Eminem?

Last night i had a dream about Eminem but earlier that day i sent a letter to him and it was just asking him for help about something important, and later that day when i went to bed, i had a dream about Eminem and we were talking and sitting on the couch and i told him what i needed help with and we stood up and he looked at me and said he would help me and he gave me a hug, and i woke up. When i went online to the dream interpreter i looked up the key words celebrity, and hug and for celebrity it said desire to be noticed or acclaimed and for hug it said protection, love ,or comfort, or care. I had this dream last night and last night it was the 14th and it said if you have a dream on the 14th of any month it means that the dream comes true for sure and for-token good. I got so excited to hear about this and it all makes sense between me sending the letter and that same day having a dream with Eminem saying that he would help me and with the dream interpreter :) Does any one else think this is amazing? I am so happy :)