With Two Evictions On My Record One 17 Years Ago How Can I Get A Good Image Back To Rent A Nice

Eviction on rental history but I was never evicted?

I am trying to move and just found out that an apartment i lived at 2 years ago has down evicted on my rental history. But i was never evicted i moved out in Jan when my lease was up and gave my notice and i even got my security deposit back.
Moved out in Jan and there are two evictions on my report one in may that says terminated and another in July that says dismissed. How can i fix this?
Also what does "eviction terminated and evictions dismissed mean"
The apartment company is extremely sketchy and very hard to get ahold of anyone.

Can you rent an apartment after eviction?

He included the rent and fees from the evictions in bankruptcy 2-3 years ago: do evictions go away with the bankruptcy record in seven years? He's in Michigan, where it appears the law on apartment denials is up to the company/owners; he understands why. Besides hoping to find someone who will rent him a room in their home, are there alternatives to renting beyond SROs and long stay motels for someone who does not want to bother his family and friends by asking for help?

My co-applicant for my apartment has an eviction on her record?

My sister was evicted from her apartment last year and has been living at home since. She was 30 days late on rent because she had lost her job and was in the middle of a messy divorce. She has always been good with her finances in the past; however, her financial troubles hit at the same time and put her in a bind.
My question is: She is looking to get an apartment with me since my lease is up, our parents are moving out of state, and we have no other family or friends that have room to take her in. I have no prior evictions so would a landlord look at the application and be willing to rent to us if one of us has eviction history and the other does not? Her credit history is only messy around the time of her eviction, meaning she has a charge off on one credit card for $400, which she paid in full and another charge off for her car, which they repossessed (yes I know its a lot, but I'm not writing to have people judge her, so please only answer the questions) She has been up to date and paying in advance all of her bills for the last six months, since she got a new job. We compared credit reports so I know exactly what is on hers. My credit is excellent. Please only serious answers. We are looking to rent in a complex and are trying to avoid renting a single family home. However, if that is our best option, we will take it. Thank you in advance!

If my landlord is evicting me, do I still have to pay rent?

First of all, I am so glad that I am being evicted. I hate my property and have been trying to get kicked out for a long time.

Finally I come home one morning and the eviction notice or "notice to quit" is on my door. The landlord put it there on November 16th when we had made previous arrangements for late rent to be paid on November 20th when I got paid.

So I think she thought it over and would just rather have me out on the street than be paying rent late.

So in this case, do I still have to pay rent and continue to pay rent until the eviction date specified on this paperwork (Dec. 16th)?

I don t want to stop the eviction process under any circumstance.

I missed the court date for my eviction, do I have a warrant?

I was just evicted from my apartment like 2 months ago because I could not pay all of the rent. They evicted me, and there was supposed to be a "court" date or something, but friends told me that it wasn't acutal court, that it was just an attorney signing papers to make it final. And the office never contacted me and told me I had a court date at this place and time or anything.
But they did leave a note of my door after 2 weeks of me not paying rent, after rent was due, that said I had to be out by this date, or the cops would come and remove me.

So my question is did I miss an actual court date? And would this make me have a warrant out for my arrest?

Eviction in New York State?

My landlord is kicking me out because I cant pay January rent.(ive never been a month behind) Its me my wife and our 2 kids ages 17 months and 6 months in a one bedroom. He left me a voice mail telling me I have 3 days to be out. What should I do. I know that cannot be legal. Should I call him back?? I know if I call back its going to lead to a fight which is what I want to avoid. I just afraid that hes going to change the locks or show up one day and try to start taking my stuff out. Any help would be appreciated Thanks

Eviction while husband is deployed?

Our landlord hates us, and he is very anti-military. I won't go into it, and I will just leave it at that. Anyway, we signed a lease for us and our three pets (two cats, one dog). My husband recently deployed, and I went away for a week for his going away ceremony, and to spend time with him on his one week of leave. I hired a pet sitter recommended by a friend, but the pet sitter was horrible. I do not think she ever even came to my apartment; the animal messes were never cleaned, and the animals were never fed. The apartment was a disaster, but I got to work to take care of it, and I even hired a professional carpet cleaning service. Our landlord is trying to evict me over this. He said he "let himself in" to our apartment while I was gone (which is against the lease) and he told me to get rid of our pets or he will evict us (I said no I would not get rid of the pets, they are on the lease too), and he is generally harassing me on a daily basis. He has wanted us out of the apartment for a long time now, ever since he found out my husband is in the Army (not joking, he hates the military). Anyway, I have heard that military families cannot be evicted from their residence while the service member is deployed. Is this true? If so, can someone please point me to a website that says so? I would like to show him something tomorrow to get him to stop harassing me. I am not getting rid of our pets, and I do not have the resources to move right now, and it is very unnecessary, as we have been living here for 2 years with these pets with no problems before this incident. Please help.

How long does it take to get evicted after not paying rent for an apartment?

There was a recent question where a tenant had not paid rent for two years, another where rent went unpaid for four months - and that is just until the landlord woke up to get the eviction started. Some landlords are more proactive and aggressive to evict, starting the steps toward eviction as soon as the rent is considered late.Here are some example of landlords delaying.Steve Babiak's answer to How do I do an eviction now that it has been over two years since I’ve seen the tenant or payment in Atlanta, GA?Steve Babiak's answer to Tenant called me jerk when I asked her to pay rent. She did not pay for 4 months now. I do not want her to be upset enough to damage my house, so what should I do?Steve Babiak's answer to Tenant lost his job and got no assests. How will I recover unpaid 3 month rent and legal fees?So, we can't give an accurate answer simply due to any delay by the landlord.Then there is the matter of the law in that jurisdiction. There are certain preliminary steps that are required by law, such as furnishing a "notice to quit", and those have some built in (by law or the lease) time periods before the eviction action can be filed with the courts. And then the court has to schedule the matter. And even if the landlord wins a judgment for possession, the tenant might still have an opportunity to appeal that decision and just might do so.Of course, there is a minimum timeline that you can calculate by looking at all of the timings involved and using the smallest - but even that can vary by jurisdiction. For example, an eviction in a big city could take weeks or even months to get on the court schedule, whereas in a smaller town it could happen in short order.

My 15 year old daughter punched me on the face twice when I was stopping her arguing with her dad. Shall I call the cops on her? What would they do? My mouth is still swollen from yesterday.

Wait wait wait…. Why is she still alive after punching you twice. I know that no parents wants to beat their kids. But discipline is needed. I do not even think abouf raising my hand or scream at my parents even tho i'm 19. And i hope i stay this way untile the end.It's not magic that some kids don't do such thing to their parents. It's the parents that showed weakness. Why would u call the cops? This a family issue, and you parents should be able to handle it. What would u do what she start doing drugs and such. You need to have a way to get inside her head, peacefully and forcefully.This is my suggestion,Whatever have been done is done. You can't take that back, But have her unstand that what she have is a privilege and not a right. That phone bill, the internet, the house, the food, the heat, the water. You should let her know that “If you gonna live in my house, you gotta show us respect” also, make some ground rules and discuss it with her, explain to her why did you decide on such rules. Take her opinion and maybe modify some rules. As long as she understands why such rules exist and admit that they're for the best, you'll be closer and more understanding.Almost a method poped up while typing the last one: Be the bridge that connects her to everything. Once things clam down, try getting closer, and when time is right, talk about what happended and laugh it off. It'll come a time when she remembers closeness and the fun she had. DON’T TRY TO CONTROLL YOUR KIDS, TRY TO UNDERSTAND THEM.