Worst Name To Give Your Kid

In your opinion, what is the worst name you can give a child?

I must say I agree with every word you've typed. I must, however, add Hunter, Payton/Peyton, Harper, London and Sparkle (yes, I know someone with this name)

What are some of the worst names to name a kid?

best one i've heard was from another answerer who said her friend calls her baby you-reen but spells it Urine.

What would be the worst name to give your child?

LMFAO @ Bean, Eartha and Ceiling Cat OMG!!!!!! I couldn't even pick a best answer!

I'll just add "Michael-Vick" and "Jeter" pathetic

What is the worst name you've ever heard/seen?

If you can give a reason why you can't stand it that'd be great too.

The worst name I ever saw was Toolio - I don't know if the person was going for a unique twist on Coolio, but it sounds more suited towards being an insult than a child's name.

What’s the worst possible name you could give to a child?

Any name that is an object. Or any name that will embarrass your kid as they get older and learn the meaning behind their name. Some of today’s celebrities have gone crazy and named their kids ; Muziq, Camera, Apple, kal El, Rocket, Chicago, Story and so many more in the last couple of years.I bet all those kids will get teased and bullied at some point throughout their school years. It has become such a controversial subject that people are saying giving your child a strange name borders on child abuse. A judge has already stepped in and told the parents to get their head out of their asses and choose a proper name. Any of those above listed celebrities’ baby’s names could qualify as the worst.

What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?

Last November (2018) there was a story in the news about an incident where a Southwest Airlines employee made fun of a child named Abcde to another employee.While it’s so wrong of any employee to mock a child while on the job, it’s also terribly wrong for a parent(s) to name their child with such a ridiculous name that will undoubtedly bring teasing, insults, social and employment difficulties to their child for the rest of their life (unless of course the child gets their name legally changed as soon as they’re old enough to do so independently.What’s even more astounding is that “There are, at minimum 373 women and girls named Abcde in the US. There are probably closer to 400.”Do people around the world give their kids such stupid names or is this only a US phenomenon?People are shaming the mom of a 5-year-old named Abcde, but it's a surprisingly popular name

What are some of the worst names you've ever heard people name their kids? My son is named after a cheese?

My friend who works at a doctor's office told me about an elderly woman by the name of Urethra...
My other friend named her youngest son Solan...
My mother was gonna name me Karma Samantha, but my grandma named me instead....I ended up with Billie Marie. (ugh!)
Also, in Final Destination 1 & 2, the character by the name of Clear Rivers...that name just bugged the living crap outta me!

What is the worst name you've heard for a child? What does that say about the child’s family?

The worst name I ever heard of for a kid is one I actually found on this site: parents that named their son Peekaboo because they thought it was a “cute baby name”, and then didn’t understand why people kept criticizing them for it.I’ve seen some stupid, stupid kid names, but just…wow. Naming your kid after a child’s game really takes the cake. My daughter went to school with a girl named Unique, and another named Kychelle, and I thought those were bad.Generally, the kind of parents that give their kid a really stupid name think they’re being “creative” and “clever”, but actually aren’t anywhere near to either. In my experience they’re short-sighted idiots who don’t have the brains to realize what a nightmare of a life they’ll be saddling their child with. Kids are cruel; sending a child off to elementary school with a “name” like Peekaboo is basically asking them to get beaten up and bullied. The weird name phenomenon hadn’t really got off the ground yet when I was a kid, but there were a few odd ones out there, and they were the targets of some ruthless, ruthless bullying. I got a little of it myself, since Stevie isn’t a particularly common name for a girl, but at least it’s a real name. It’s not Unique or Peekaboo.The family of a kid with a stupid name also isn’t thinking about that child’s adulthood. Who wants a name that will make someone smirk or laugh every time they’re introduced? A name that will embarrass them every single time they have to put it on a nametag? Nobody.I understand not wanting to call your kid something common like John or Sarah, but there are plenty of names out there that are unusual without being cringe-worthy.