Would Having Depression Affect A Future Job Prospect Of Being A Teacher

History help! During the Depression working women were...?

During the Depression working women were:

A. embarrassed to be working
B. respected for being family providers
C. paid extra if they got married
D. accused of taking jobs away from men

I have it narrowed down to either B or D..but it could be either..
Please help!

Depressed at my lack of intelligence or natural talent-Please help?

Hey guys,

I graduated from a decent public high school in Connecticut and found that I was able to do well in terms of grades, extracurricular acheivement, and the like when compared to my peers.

However, one thing has truly bugged me (I will be attending college next year): I am not someone who naturally picks up math or science. While taking Calculus 2 in high school, I was in a class with the best kids in the school. Yet, I couldn't help but be envious when I had to study for hours, wishing the concepts would come easier to me, while geniuses around me effortlessly got As while intuitively understanding the concepts. The same applied to science.

The subjects that I did well in-art humanities, english, history, and social sciences-all were merely a product of my hard work. They enabled me to become ranked 3rd in my class of 300 students, but I never felt like I was a genius. My success was purely hard work.

I have never second-guessed myself or my ability, but over time, my confidence has gone down greatly. I am relegated to believing that I have no natural talent and that I simply can only work hard. To succeed in the world today, that's not enough:

The world loves and rewards those who are proficient in math and the sciences-in terms of money, these are the people that enjoy the most confident, satisfying lives.

How do I stop myself from comparing my own life with others and will I be able to be successful? In college, I am worried once again about grades leading to job prospects, etc etc...I can never study anything in peace.

I really appreciate your responses.


18 years old, stressed, considering suicide.?

I am so stressed right now. I go to a vigorous private school. My parents require all A's, and I currently have a B in one of my classes and they told me they are going to punish me and take away some privileges. In addition to that, my girlfriend hasn't texted me back in the past 48 hours and I'm worried something is wrong. In addition to that I'm about to go take a test and I'm extremely nervous and stressed about that, especially since my parents have been yelling at me all morning about my one B grade. On top of that, I have a massive paper coming up in one of my classes and I just don't know how I'm going to get it done this weekend in addition to my other homework. I've been so stressed and depressed for the past fee months. My parents are constantly yelling at me and we constantly disagree and I feel like I can't do anything right and they make me feel like a piece of crap. I hate life and I just want to kill myself and I'm seriously considering it. The last 2 years have been so hard. My friends keep telling me "things will get better", but they're not getting better. I don't know what to do and I'm so discouraged. I'm 18 years old.