Would I Get Screwed Over If I Asked The Police For My Bag Back

Car DING no police report SHOULD I PAY ?

about 6 months ago, my friend was driving my car. He parked and when he opened the door, he hit another car. Small ding according to him, windy day at the time.
Anyway, the lady of the toher car got his name, license plates BUT no isurance, no police report was done either and he gave a fake phone number.Well, this morning I got a call from the ladys insurance co./attorney office. They demand $600 from me (sounds like a deducatible of some sort) They asked me if I woned the car? I said yes.
They asked me if I was involved in this? I said no. Never seen this lady or her car. Or I dont know anyone by the name of "Peter Pan" whose this lady wrote down at the time
They asked me: Did I let "Peter Pan" drive my car I said nope. Dont know anyone with this name I asked back: Is there a POLICE REPORT for this matter because my own insurance hasn't asked me anything about this. The person on the other side replied: No, but we have to ask our customer first, blah blah (Then I hanged up)help!

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

I was arrested for shoplifting, but the police let me go?

Wow, okay, first of all, don't do anything for them, don't give them anything. That could just get them in trouble, and since you're trying to thank them, that's not what you want. But if you're eager to get busy with something, write a short story about this! I'm being serious, you're half way there anyway, and your writing seems very good! It already sounds a lot like a novel here and there.

My dad was robbed..can the cops get back his stolen bag?

my dad was robbed and beaten by a gang of teenagers in Newark NJ..the ambulance took him to the hospital..but can the cops get his bag back? he takes the bag to work every is his work bag. it has very important things inside of it. are the cops actually going find the people who did this to my dad...and if they do, would my dad have to go to court?...I'm glad my dad is back home from the hospital..i don't know what his body looks like but his face is really swelled u think it is safer/cheaper for him to drive to work than to take public transportation (he works in NY) or maybe cheaper to take a cab to NY? what would happen when the cops find the thieves?..does my dad have to go to the police station to make sure something is done about this?..i wasn't there when everything just angry, sad, frustrated.....those kids have no lives jumping a man who is old enough to be their father/grandfather for his work bag

Can the cops fingerprint a bag of weed?

can the cops fingerprint a bag of weed? i got pulled over and they said they found a bag. if so how long does it take for the prints to dissapear off the bag, if they do at all?

Someone stole my phone and i got it back and it was broken... what can i do? please answer?

yeasterday some jackass stole my phone... it was sitting on the table and i guess when i wasnt looking he took it. Today my friend told me who had it so my other friend got it back for me and my IPHONE was broken in half with the power button screwed up. i told the office because i wanted him to pay for it and they said they cant do anything because no one SAW him take it. we just know he DID take it and didnt make an effort to give it to someone he just broke it but i know he stole it. the office said i could resolve this civily(like cops?). so what should i do? Do i have the right to make him pay? when it was stolen it was either on the table or on my bag... which was on the table with me.. what should i do?

Have you lost your purse or wallet and gotten it back?

At Heathrow Airport I left this purse hanging from a hook on the back of the bathroom stall door.Inside this purse: everything. Wallet, I.D., credit cards, cash, passports, phone, blackberry, boarding pass, a notebook, my Kindle and my planner.I walked out of the stall, washed my hands and waltzed out of the bathroom unburdened, with a spring in my step.About 3 minutes later I froze. My bag was not on my shoulder.I felt panic, complete with a racing heart and sweat trickling down my stomach. I ran back to the bathroom practically incoherent and banged on the door of the stall I had used. I stammered, yelling through the paneling.The woman who an eternity later (less than 30 seconds) came out tried to calm me but I didn't have time to be calmed. Another woman in the bathroom explained she had found the purse and  handed it to an officer. I had visions of the bag being destroyed (because that's what they say they will do if they find a bag "unaccompanied".)I ran. I found a uniformed man and babbled. He frowned and escorted me to a room. The room was full of abandoned bags and suitcases. There was mine, crouching in a corner, cold and alone in a world it didn't understand.  (OK. It's inert. But stay with me.) I pointed to it with a trembling finger.The officer grabbed it and put it in my hands. He asked me to list what was inside. I did. He handed it over."OH MY GOD" I said, exultant, shaky, grateful, relieved. "I could kiss you right now"."Please don't" he replied.