Would It Be A Good Idea For Men To Take A Few Years Off Work To Raise Children - Since Women Birth

Why do women have more rights to children than men?

I look at this way men are supposed to be the main provider for the child and they may not be able to take care of them plus I think its sexist to say men are more prone to violence and sexual advances wemon are too if not more big one right now is Casey Anthony

Is it wrong to think that women being homemakers while men are the breadwinners is a great lifestyle?

I think that females and males have evolved to be naturally better at certain things.
Females make the best caretakers. They're more in tune with the emotions of others.
Males make the better breadwinners (workers outside the home). They're generally able to focus on tasks at hand. Men don't go their periods once a month. When a woman is on her period, she's in a crankier mood, gets cramps, and she's just less predictable. I'm not saying it makes her totally incapacitated. But the kinds of jobs women think they should take on (doctors, judges, police force), gosh I have to say I think men are way better suited for those things. Mens' brains are better at looking at the facts, not going by intuition. So, when it comes to cooking/cleaning/being a nurturing mom, there's thankfully more flexibility and room for error. But it's not even so much about other women would be better at certain jobs. It's that men are better at working with other men. Women joining the workforce just gave rise to sexual harassment, and men feeling cynical and emasculated. Men and women notoriously don't understand the way the other operates.
Man + woman = babies. Babies will always need to be cared for. Enter the mother. While the woman is doing that, someone needs to go out and trade their hard work for money to support he family. I think this is a great system. It's efficient, and it compliments the way humans evolved.
Is it wrong to think this way???

Should mothers work outside the home?

One aspect of the Tara Grant murder that has bothered me is the fact that this woman had several au pairs coming in to the home and was often out of the country on business trips. I only want to draw on this woman's life (not her horrible death) as a launching point for what I think is an important debate. Call me old fashioned and traditional but I personally do not think a woman can make her children, her husband and her home her first priority when she hires people to care for her children and her home while she is away long hours. I find it a bit selfish when a woman gives birth to children but then for whatever reason has no desire to actually MOTHER them and pays other women to mother them for her while she climbs the corporate ladder. I think if you decide to have children, YOU should parent them. Not some au pair from some foreign country.

Could you raise a child conceived by a spouse's infidelity?

Don't just answer willy nilly here. Really think about this! Be honest with yourself and me. Thanks.

For men-if your wife cheated and conceived a baby that was the other man's but you decided to work out your marriage-could you raise the child as your own?

For women-if your husband cheated and the other woman conceived a child, would you be willing to be a Step-Mom to the child and help raise it if you wanted your marriage to work
how would you feel if your husband's girlfriend had a baby and he didn't want to see the other child?

Are current Abortion Laws unfair to men?

A man can really lose out when with the notion of a women's choice.
Example 1. A man believes that the child inside of the womb is alive and his son or daughter. He is committed to raising the child with or without the mother, but think he or she deserves a life. He also is fully committed to finically supporting the women until she recovers from birth. The mother decides that she does not want the baby and the man feels as if he lost a child.
2. A man was sleeping around with another women. She got pregant and right afterwards the man lost his job. He already had a family, so he didn't want another child. He didn't think of the baby as a person, so he asked the women to get an abortion. She declined and had the child. He was then finically tied to this child for 18 years and his other family suffered because of the fathers split duties.

Is this fair? I personally don't have a soultion besides banning all abortion, but please give me your thoughts. Are current Abortion Laws unfair to men?