Would It Be A Good Idea To Start A Food Truck

What the best way to get loan to start food truck?

The best way would be to not get a loan. I’d use savings. Investigate an IRA Rollover for Business Startup. If you don't have any savings then ask family for funding. If you must try to get a loan you'll need a comprehensive business plan and be prepared to put up collateral, sign personal gaurentees have a good chunck of your own money ready to invest. Nobody is going to give you money if you aren't willing to risk your own. The Small Business Administration offers loans for businesses. If you have access to the SBA and decide to go the loan route start at the SBA.

What do I need to know to start a food truck?

You need to find out the licensing requirements of the city/state you plan on operating in. There may be different requirements depending if it is a food truck or food cart. You also need to find out where you can operate. There may be areas where it is illegal to operate and you want to know before you try it. Going along the lines of licensing: I doubt you can sell heated food out of your SUV. I'm pretty sure that will be breaking some kind of food handling law. It's a bit silly, but you may want to watch a season or two of 'The Great Food Truck Race' to get an idea of the issues that may occur. You can find episodes on YouTube. They have run into all kinds of issues on the show.Good Luck!

Should I start a food truck business?

Other than a food cart, this is the cheapest way to get into the food industry. If you're just starting out, this is the way to do it. Profits are highly dependent upon the locations you park your truck / trailer / or cart. Also, it depends on if you pursue multiple locations, and fairgrounds. You need to get the applications and pay the entrance fees to put your Truck / Trailer / Cart into a Fairground, and from what I've heard it's very much worth the effort.

How to start food truck business?

Where do I begin with starting a food truck business? I haven't even started on what I might like to offer (depends on what type of truck I decide on-or should it) or the name. Only thing for certain is that I want to know the logistics of how the process goes.

Any help?

Would a pho food truck be a good business to start up? I live in LA, and everyone loves Vietnamese noodle soup?

There was a pho truck in LA called phamish

It closed in Dec (or officially "taking a break").

I think a food truck has to have decent food but doesn't need to be great food. I've eaten at Kogi, The Lime Truck, and Seabirds (and many others but these are household names). None of the food made me "dream" about it. I've been to events were there was 1+ wait for all the food trucks including: The Lime Truck, The Lobstra Truck, The Grill Cheese Truck (who waits an hour for a grilled cheese). this was before the Lime Truck won the race.

I think the thing you need to be successful with a food truck is great marketing and great tweeting.

So if you think you can market your concept so that people "want" to eat there = I think you have a shot. I would try it.

What i need to start a food truck business?

Go to and arrange for a free meeting with a SCORE counselor. They will guide you through the process.

If you were start a food truck, what would be your niche food offering or concept?

I would call it "The Drowsy Dane" and sell Æbleskivers and other delicious Danish food, as I've yet to run into a Danish food truck!These things are unbelievably delicious. If you haven't eaten them yet, go now and seek them out. They will change your life (provided you have some good jam on the side to dip them in).