Would It Be Better If We Lived In The World That There Were Not Any Things Makes Us Unsatisfied

I have everything I thought I wanted, and I'm still not happy. Why?

I had everything I ever wanted.Not just the money, the beautiful house and the great job. I also was a well-balanced human being gifted with intelligence, humour, good looks and so on. I also had an amazing family, close friends, a loving partner and a beautiful dog.I was miserable.The wake-up-in-the-morning-and-wish-you -hadn’t kind of miserable.I was so unhappy, and on top of that I felt really guilty because it felt like I had nothing to complain or be unhappy about. And I didn’t.This state lasted for about two years before I completely broke down.I broke down out of frustration that I couldn’t answer the following question:“I have everything I want - how can I possibly be unhappy?”This lead me on the search for happiness. What is it it and where does it come from?I spoke to the most inspirational business leaders,I went to see psychologists and psychiatrists,I had the chance to meet some of the world’s spiritual leaders,I sat by enlightened masters,I practiced sports, yoga, meditation and holidayed on sandy beaches.After all this, it took a complete surrender of everything I thought I was, and it took me giving giving up on life altogether.Then I understood.More than simply understood, I experienced it first hand.I came to know true happiness.So what is it and how is Happiness achieved?Happiness comes from within.I guess you know that already but let me just reiterate how true this is. I’ve seen the world’s richest people be the most miserable and people with ‘nothing’ happy as children. This proverb describes it well:Happiness does not mean feeling joy, or even good.Sounds crazy, right? Let me explain… Happiness does not come from feeling good, it comes from not feeling conflicted, not repressing, or not trying to hold on to anything.Happiness is the art of living in the present moment, accepting everything as it is an not wanting to change it.Happiness is remaining open to whatever life throws your way, no matter how painful it may be.Happiness is remaining true to the quality of the moment, to what really is rather to what you want it to be.I am still in disbelief that after so many years of misery I can say that I am truly happy, and that nothing outside that shift this state.I write this in the hope that at least one person is inspired by this and that it rings as true. In my experience, it is.

Why are people not satisfied with what they have in life?

If you are not happy with what you are having then the chances are that you will never be happy with what you will ever have.Most of the people we meet around us are plain “restless”- restless to go somewhere , restless to achieve something .They are damm sure that whatever they are having right now is not sufficient and with X amount of hard work and determination,they will achieve what they want,reach where ever they want to and they will be happily ever after .In other words they have a Perfect Idea of their Imperfection .And where their idea of Imperfection comes from, it is some divine revelation that made them realize their follies or is it introspection that led to this conclusion….Well in case of most of the people it is a No.Their idea of perfect life comes from others,how everyone..apart from them is living a ideal life.So the people are not satisfied with what they have because they compare themselves with others and the present world technology provide them with lots of platform to compare, be it Facebook, Snapchat or Instagram where you can brag about your vacation to Hawaii or your newly bought Mansion in best locality of the town.So the problem is We envy people and we want people to envy us and this makes us unsatisfied with what we have .So stop comparing and start living .Peace..

Why are most people not satisfied with their life nowadays?

Because they are working longer for lesser now.Because they are continuously being told that they are worthless - by their families, by the society, by recruiters.Because they spend their days working their ass off at their jobs, and their nights lying on their bed, scrolling through their Facebook feed, allowing a string of updates from people they barely know, about fancy dinners, exorbitant vacations, coveted jobs, ecstatic relationships, and unwanted gadgets, stir up their dormant envy like magma in a smoldering volcano, slowly chipping away at their fragile sense of self-worth.Because they are told that 12 years of schooling isn’t sufficient and that they must get a degree. And 4 years later they are told that a mere ‘Bachelors’ would only fetch them a job serving coffee and making sandwiches, and that they must get a post graduate or a doctorate. And then they are told to be happy for having the opportunity to slave away one-third of their lives, barely eking out a living, and that if they persevere for a decade or two, they might get to come up to the ‘other side’. And then a few more years later, they are told that technology has progressed rapidly, at a pace they couldn’t possibly have matched, and that all they learnt can now be done at a fraction of the price by an automaton developed by a hot-shot kid at the world’s leading university, and here’s their severance check.Because people are fucking insatiable and would stop at nothing short of the entire universe.Because the media feeds them updates after updates about uber-exceptional folks - the man with 30 different degrees, the 25 year old CEO of a 200 billion dollar company, the 17 year old kid who made his first app and sold it to Yahoo for a cool 30 million, the athlete who was paid their entire annual salary for being on the field for just one minute, the actor who has slept with hundreds of Playboy models, lives in a mansion in Malibu, drinks like a sea-lion and snorts cocaine for breakfast.There are a whole bunch of “becauses” more. But none of them matter if only you decide to change the locus of control of your happiness. Change your benchmarks. Be realistic in your expectations. Compare yourself today with your self from yesterday. Realize that success and contentment aren’t the same.

Why many christians try to predict the end of the world,if we know that nobody knows except GOD???

The bible say that the end will come like a thief in the night.Many christians talks about signs but a thief in the night comes without signs,earthquakes,murders and bad things has ocurring for more than 500 years and the world has not end..I understand that many christians are so unhappy and frustrated with the life that they desire the end soon,but let me tell you that for the end can pass 50 years or more.

Is an unhappy life worth living?

To start off, don't give up hope! there is someone special out there for you, I can tell your lonely by how you describe it so thoroughly. I have felt your pain before myself and the best way to deal with this is to be yourself, try not to be someone you aren't, along with avoid lying, gossiping, etc. Those are some of the common things that we as people do, that can be rude sometimes and can degrade ourselves.

Something else you could try is join up in more clubs, sports, activities, etc. Usually joining in something you like, you will meet someone (not always) that have similar interests and beliefs to you.

Another thing is to be careful, you might be trying too hard. If you try too hard, you may run into the wrong crowds or find bad people. try not to get discouraged because I know theres a good friend out there. And even without a friend, you still got your family. Your family won't abadon you, they are your caretakers and will be there for you, so you will never truly be lonely. Don't give up hope! I'm sure your a great person!

Why am I not happy no matter how much extra money I make?

It'd be a lie to say that money doesn't buy happiness. It does - to a point.It seems that human beings can never be satisfied with the amount of money they make, and that dissatisfaction often leads to unhappiness.A survey of wealthy U.S. citizens, in which they were asked, "How much money do you need to live comfortably?" reveals this. Those who had a net worth of over $1 million said that they needed $2.4 million to live "comfortably". Those who had $5 million said they needed $10.4 million to live comfortably, and those who had $10 million net worth said they needed $18.1 million to live comfortably.The above is adapted from the book "The Pearson series in Economics" by Jeffrey M. Perloff. Comfortably is an important word there. It quite amazingly captures the essence of human behaviour. We're never satisfied. Stop chasing the money. You'll always want more, as revealed in the survey above. If someone whose net worth is $10 million wants $8.1 million more to live comfortably, wouldn't want some more money when you're making ��50,000 a month? Of course you will. When you're making ₹1,00,000 a month, you'd want 1.5 lacs - the cycle won't stop. Aim to earn more (most people do) but don't get lost in this never ending path (most people do).

Is money everything in our life?

money makes everything in life!!!