Would It Be Weird To Put Word

How to put words on rocks?

So I'm a HUGE Hunger Games fan, and I saw this really cool idea on Etsy where you take gold cording, wrap it around a piece of coal, and wear it as a necklace. Weird right? Anyway, I thought that it would be really cool if I could paint the words DISTRICT 12 in gold (which I already have a gold sharpie for) and then under that, in smaller, finer print I want it to say "where you can starve to death in safety". I would use the gold sharpie again, but it's not very fine and my rock (just a regular rock which I threw into a fire) is not very big. So how could I write words (preferably gold) on my rock? Any idea or link for instruction is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Does the word 'world' sounds complex or a bit weird to put in my domain name?

If you are talking about mashing together somelongmeaninglessnonensestringlikethis, then your guess is as good as mine (I never pay much attention to such Domain Names). But in that case you should contact a trademark lawyer to make sure you won't be taken to court because of the name. ;)

Quotes and cool/weird words to put on a bracelet or a necklace?

Ok, so I'm getting into kandi bracelets and necklaces and I'm getting letter beads soon. I already know what I'm putting on a bracelet and a necklace. But I make a ton of bracelets, and I'm sure it wont take me ridiculously long to make a necklace. So any quotes or weird/cool words.
And no, I'm not putting "Supercalifragilisticexpialidoucious" on a necklace... To long for my wrist... (28 around)
Oh, and sorry if this is in the wrong place.

Weird word problem? Help is very appreciated.?

OK, so look at what the question is... How many gallonsof coffee could Paul make at a time?

What do we need to know to calculate this? Just the volume of the container. And we know we only need one container because the length is specified per section and the expression, " Paul made one from a section of pipe..."

He closes one end so we have a cylinder and can calculate the volume of the cylinder by:

V = Surface Area * Height, so

V = πr^2 * height. Here r = half the diameter and height is the length:

V = π(50 inches)(50 inches) * 100 ft, now making all units of equal type by transferring feet into inches:

V = π(2,500 square inches) * 1,200 inches, as using π as 3.1415926536 gives:

V = 9,424,777.95 cubic inches (to 2 dp).

Finally, as 1 gallon is 231 cubic inches, we divide our answer in order to find the volume in gallons:

V = 9,424,777.95 / 231 = 40799.9045 gallons

V = 40,800 gallons (to 3 sf)

Hope that helps :)

Why does RuPaul put emphasis on weird words in his catch phrases?

This question seems to have been answered very well by our peers. It is also important to understand that many of the phrases used by Ru precedes him/her and have been embedded in Drag culture before she became it’s icon.To understand this further I would suggest you take a moment to look up the documentary “Paris is Burning” on Youtube where you will see how many of the catch phrases we know from Ru Paul’s Drag Race in fact where lingo back in the mid 80s in the Drag Scene of New York.Nowadays, Queens are finding that creating their own catch phrases for the show makes them more marketable and memorable for the audience, and Ru Paul (and her team) are no exception to this rule.

Do I have to put a space between 2 words if im gonna make a crossword puzzle?

ok first of all I need the awnser to this fast in the next 10 minutes......
So were making this crossword puzzle about space ( sun, stars, planet, ect ) in our class and so I needa know if I can put for example: the most popular comet is called________.
but the awnser is Halley's comet and its 2 words Halley's/Comet and I wanna know if I put a space in the crossword or I just write it like halley'scomet or halley's-comet
plz somewone awnser in next 10 minutes or else its useless but thx anyways

I feel like Bullet point in word is weird, because sometimes the distance between the cursor and the bullet point is so far away. Is there any way to fix this?

Yes, this can get annoying, especially with nested bullets where Word seemingly has a mind of its own. But it's fairly easy to fix if you have the ruler enabled.

Is It Weird Getting The Word "Ohana" Tattooed On You If You're Canadian?

I'm planning on getting Ohana tattooed on my shoulder with stitch beside it from Lilo & Stitch because it means family and family means, nobody gets left behind or forgotten and to because when I was little i remember watching it with my mom and sisters and it was my favorite disney movie and still is to this day it is but my friend said that it would be weird because I'm Canadian and its part of hawaiian culture but I don't think it would be weird because its something that means a lot to me.