Would Life Be Easier Without Money And Possessions

Could we live without money?

By the sense in which im asking this; i dont mean that everything will be 'free' to such an extent.
This might sound very 'Ommish' of me, but why do we value our humanity, on what only 'money' can be converted into meer 'rocks' which are deem to us as 'precious' - and by all fact are earths resources.

To get straight to the point, we need to change humanity as we know it. When i say 'we' I dont count myself in that particular group, but as a whole - human beings, we only seem to live for money. Money - formally known as paper - trees, are killing lifes. I have only just thought of it there, that we are fighting over trees? so why cut them down in the 1st place? lol

I sort of strayed, to clear this up; Lets abolish 'money' lets work for 'food' - since thats all we really need to survive?
Money/ rocks /trees are deemed more important than human lifes. And this is all due to greedyness corporates who dont care about the earth, and infact would rather destroy it to only gain and make themsels happier.

So this is where we all need to change our lifestyles? instead of working for the rich lets work for the poor, lets not work for ourself lets work humanity?

How does the desire for money and possessions affect the way people think and plan?

This is called greed and there is a reason it is one of the SEVEN deadly sins.

Can life be spent without money?

I think only if you can go back to a primitive life style and live off Mother Nature.  Unfortunately. Civilization has taken that away from us mortals. In Thailand monks live in the temple and each morning go out with an empty bowl and accept food and offerings from believers, they also accept donations in the form of money. In the USA countless homeless people roam the streets dumpsters and some still ask for money.  So if you live off a religious entity be it a church, a temple, or a mosque they are all supported by other people's money.  Living off the government or a cult is the same. Money, the root of all sins yet we civilized people are enslVed by it. Unless you find a place on earth and completely live off Mother Nature. The answer would be no.

Can the world function without money? If yes, how?

It's very easy, example, say your a laborer in your community, say you work for the local water company, you go to work every day knowing the work you do that day is going to help the community you live in. You go to work every day knowing your home, your family, your food, your water, all secure , not worrying about bills because there is someone who likes working on farms, someone who likes working in the water systems, someone who likes working on electricity, someone who likes working to heal people, help people stay healthy, someone who likes teaching, and it goes on and on so forth and so on. It's all a mind set, knowing that this life we live does not require me to be compensated just to go out and work to help the people in my community. There is always people who would work certain jobs, or any job every day knowing all they have or own was secure, and their most basic needs are met. If people as a whole would just set and think about it for a moment, everything that man has made came from this earth, nothing came from nowhere else, all we have came from this planet. It's not like that this planet cost money to make or cost money to turn around the sun, so the same should be and could be living on it. I know I would go and work every day without having to be “paid “ if I knew my family, my home, my food, and my possession were secure and I knew that the work I done was helping the community I lived in, doing my part so to speak. And that's what would be required of all people who lived in such a world. The monetary system that is in place right now is made for selfish, greedy, immoral people who would not work every day just to help others or do their part to help our society reach higher levels of living. The monetary system is a system of control to make individuals getup every day to do work that they should be doing anyway just to help others and help society as a whole.

What do you think about a world without money? Is it possible?

‘UTOPIA’The future (200–300 years ahead) is a world without money. Money has become such a bad tool which is controlling our life, putting our whole life just to run behind possession and acquisition of wealth and material things.In such world, economy would be different, no companies, no motivation for possession or hording of things and wealth. People would work on projects they really like to contribute in. The new challenges would be to make ourselves better, to evolve and enjoy. If not this and you’re thinking that won’t be a good challenge or motivation enough, then don’t you think that you are controlled by money today.Such world would be possible with :a. The molecular assembler or replicator in star trek, which would create resources and products in thin air, like if you want a glass of water or a Lamborghini. This would solve scarcity of resources, 0 ownership cost, and no requirement of labor for distribution and manufacturing of goods.b. A government run by Fair AI : We will achieve singularity in 2045–2050. (May Universe bless us that they turn out good.)c. Factories and deliveries will be highly automated without human need : even if some products may need real manufacturing & distribution rather than through those molecular assembler, then that will also be automated.and few things more…

Is money your most important possession, if not what is?

Yes, money is my most important possession. Without it, I wouldn't have my home, or my car or be able to go to rock concerts. It's not as important to me as it is to you. As long as I have enough to get by & a few thousand in the bank to fall back on should I need to, I'm happy.

Do money and material possessions automatically lead to happiness? what makes a person content?

Money and material possessions do NOT lead to happiness. Confidence and contentment with self and an enlightened state lead to a contented person.