Would The World B A Better Place If Every Single Person Was Dead

Would the world be a better place if (every)one was honest or if they were good?

I think that people are honest (mostly).If you read any books about body language, behavior, etc, you can tell that, even if people don't use "words" to tell you how they are feeling, tuning in to their body language and subliminal messages (think: listen to your heart) can help you discover things you didn't think you knew.For instance, I know a lot of people (myself included) who have a tendency to exaggerate stories (big hand gestures, big facial expressions, lots of movement)...when telling a Tall Tale.When someone is a bit quieter with their movements, or, not moving at all, that often correlates to deep thinking and therefore, deep truths.I also know people who change the pronouns about who they are talking to or about. (I have a tendency to use the pronoun "her" when I am actually referring to myself). So I notice when other people use different pronouns all of the time, but they also really mean "I" or "myself."As for...would the world be a better place? I think the world is already a great place. We have Quora! We had the year 1987! ( ; - ) We are constantly growing as a people...I think of our planet as having a world population. And the internet is helping us realize this potential.So, though there are a lot of negative things happening world-wide and even country-wide, there are also a lot of amazing things happening, too.And, to steal from "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film)": "The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters...We have both light and dark inside of is what we choose to act on that defines us."

If everyone thought like you the world would be a better place?

Everyone would be a lot smarter and more common sense. There would still be things to fight about, though.
But then again, it would be boring knowing everyone was like me.

How would the world react if every single person who supported Trump in any way suddenly died?

Oh boy, you should be more careful with your word choice since you said “…in any way…” that means people who give Trump any form of coverage or attention is included since anti-trump coverage puts his name out there and supports him by putting him in the spotlight. You suppoet him by giving him attention like in the old saying “Only thing more entertaining than a good story is a good controversy”.So if your scenerio does happen, mass hysteria and a possible collapse of the global economy will follow.Suppose your walking down the street and you see someone drop dead, you don't know why and no one can explain it. You will be freaked out but then when you switch on the T.V. and find out that people from all walks of life, The poor, the rich, CNN, Fox, the left, the right, blacks, whites, the old, the young all just dropping dead by the dozens of thousand across the US. Some isolated cases in other countries too.The scientific community would be baffled, who can make the correlation of supporting Trump to all this random death? Trump himself will be dead and so woulda large majority of the white house staff. The public would see it as some crazy unknown disease. The religious community would properly see it as a sign of the rapture or apocalypse. Mass panic would lead to rioting, cities would cease to function, what's left of the U.S. government would declare a national crises and state of emergency. The U.S dollar inflates and affects the currency of almost every single other developed country in the world.Countries that receive our Aid will also see an economic crash and have their own riots, trillions of dollars circulating the global market is now uselessThey would react with shock and then realize how much damage control is gonna be needed to stop an entire global catastrophe.

Would the world be a better place if every single person was of the exact same race and skin color?

No, these same bigots would find OTHER attributes that differentiate humans, and lock on that.

Would the world be a better place if all politicians were dead?

Politicians are like weeds.Within a week or so, new ones would just sprout up, making a mess of things and getting thorns in your feet just like the old ones.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we required that a person's IQ be tattooed to their forehead after they graduated from university?

Being a person who usually judges people only and I repeat only on their desire to learn and sometimes even intelligence,I feel like I should agree.But that's not the  case.  Firstly a person cannot be defined only by his IQ. Yes its true that smarts is a must for most people but there's more to it.Now lets say an employer chooses his employees only based on intelligence.Not only is it judgmental but it also creates possibility for problems.Only because a person is smart doesn't mean he's hardworking,polite,social,reliable etc.   Secondly there's always exists a possibility for "corruption".By that I mean these IQ results being manipulated wich would basically turn into a business and would possibly make our life a lot more difficult.

Would the world be a better place if the agenda-driven feminist-hating MRA's died?

Good question.

The world would be a better place if the MRA's *were* agenda driven. If they had real activists who left their keyboards and went out to organize, petition, change laws, do marches, lobby for social change, picket, had men's rights parades (like the gay-rights parades, and the breast cancer marathons).

It's not that there is a shortage of issues to be found. Men are not treated fairly in family court, they are passed over for jobs by women who are not as experienced (just to fill quotas), they are doped up on ADHD medicine as little boys because they learn by *doing* which is much more work for teachers.

There's a ton of men's right's issues. That's not the problem. The problem is getting the men to take it to the streets and demand change. Just like feminists did. Otherwise, nothing will change and feminists will continue on to the 4th wave of feminism, where women's rights are taken at the expense of men.

What will the world be like: if each and every person knew their exact time of death?

Considering that death day of each and every person is known to everyone in the society, the sentiments over the death will be overriden by the sense of curiosity. people will find it hard to cry for the death as it was expected...There wont be ay further use for medical insurance.Laws will be broken by the individual to fullfil the needs.Fear of god will be reduced....Atheism will spread rapidly....