Would The World Be A Better Place Without Atheists

Atheists - Do you think the world would be better off without religion? Did you weigh the pros & cons EQUALLY?

seemingly,you keep tabs on any tragic event that could arguably point a finger at religion, but how do you calculate it's positive influence when there's no measure for it? How can ANYONE ever fathom ir's value?

There are now 7.4 million Atheists. Is the world a better place?

There are many more Christians who don’t make this world a better place. There are many more Muslims who don’t make this world a better place. There are many more people involved in many other religions that don’t make this world a better place. To make this world a better place, people need to have compassion for their fellow humankind. ALL OF THEM. Then, this world will be a better place. All the world’s religions have only made this world worse.

How has atheism made the world a better place?

"Atheism is just a way of clearing the space for better conversations." --- Sam HarrisAtheism by itself is simply a stance on a single question: "Do you believe in a God or not?". Going back and forth on this question does not instantaneously make one a better person or the world a better place.However, the concept of God tends to be a place-holder for many questions (What is morality? What's the purpose of life? How should we spend our lives? What's the nature of consciousness?) and it fills these in with simplistic and superstitious answers.Becoming an atheist will not by itself give you answers to these questions; those will require an understanding of science, philosophy, morality, and so on. But not believing in the place-holder of God might motivate you to find better and more informed answers to them. Ditto for society in general.

Atheists, do you think the world would be a better place without religion, or would humanity simply find another way to divide?

I wish I could tell you that if religion was wiped off the face of the world we would suddenly become peace-loving hippies but I don't believe that's the case. Conflict has existed within groups belonging to the same religion and even denomination forever, there is no reason to think we would somehow become nicer if we all put our gods aside. With that being said, religion has been a huge motivating factor for those looking to exploit the masses for quite some time. I'm not saying it's the only argument on the table but it's far more powerful than many others. The reason, in my opinion, is that we have collectively decided that religious belief is off the table when it comes to debating the merits/validity of an argument. We just treat it as if it were off limits and therefore incontestable, regardless of how it is employed.

Would world have been a better place if every single was an atheist?

I think YES, Because when every person become atheist that moment :There will be no RADICAL ISLAM CHRISTANITY HINDUISM.NO TERRORISM .No conflict between two community.NO MORE SECULAR DRAMA.NO WASTE OF RESOURCES, which can be useful for Humanity.THIS IS MY PERSONAL THOUGHT, IF ANY ONE HAVE PROBLEM THEN SORRY, IT’S YOUR PROBLEM. :)

Can you name one atheist that has made the world a better place?

Can you name one Atheist that has made the world a better place?? Just name one that has changes the world for the better?? That has made a huge difference In the world that has affected hundreds of thousands of people. I can name alot of Christians.

Atheists can you prove the world would be better with out religions?

lets say for the sake of this argument your right, and their is no god.
in such a world religions all would be product of human imagination, and not of Divine Revelations.

if they can invent what ever religion and god they like, this made up thing can not cause them to do any thing they didn't create it to do, and intended to do any way
their for isn't it safe to assume that in such a world religion is not a cause for people action and beliefs, but product of their beliefs and action.
so if, as you claim religion causes people to kill, it is the people who created the religion in the purpose of promoting murder.
how could religion be the cause of any thing, if it's a figment of our imagination, shouldn't it be just the symptom of our natural human behavior, expressed through every thing we do?

and when i say the world be a better with out religions
i'm not talking only about born again conservative Evangelicals. the world would be a better place with out these Satan worshipers.
i'm talking also about Buddhists, Taoists, Pagans, Hindus, Shamanists and any supernatural belief

now, if religion causes people to do things, as you suggest your self, it must be separated and independent from humanity, created by out side force, not influenced by the predetermined factors we humans posses from birth.