Would This Be Possible

How would it be possible for the Equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity to both increase?

Terrible question.

1. Motorcycles are a very weird product because it isn't one product at all. With bikes from 125 cc. all the way up to over 1,000 cc. you don't have to move the supply curves at all. If people become better off, they will buy bigger and more expensive bikes so the quantity sold goes up and the average price does too.

2. Even for a true single product, if it is a Veblen good, demand will increase with price:
Perfumes are the classic example.

3. With only a small number of manufacturers, you aren't dealing with a normal competitive product but oligarchical market where advertising is an important component.

If all you have is a 120-V line, would it be possible to light several 6-V lamps without burning them out? How

To get 6v lamps to run off 120v, without any other components you will need to join 20 of them up in series.

for the second question, if they are in series the one with the higher resistance (R2) will glow brighter, this is because v=ir the i is the same in series so the one with higher resistance sucks up more volts and since power = vi, it has a greater power output.

In parallel they both get the same voltage but the one with a lower resistance (R1) lets more current through so its brighter.
Again power = vi helps because V is the same in parallel and the one with a higher I has a greater power output.

Which one is correct, "How it is possible?" or "How is it possible?"?

To User-11637673366349878978:To ask a question (as indicated by your question mark [?]), you must put at least part of the verb before the subject. Therefore, “How is it possible?” is correct (“is” is the simple verb, and “it” is the subject).Another similar question would be, “Is it possible?” Notice that, even without “how,” the verb is still placed before the subject.When using auxiliary verbs (e.g., do, have, will), the order is a little more complicated. Below are some sentence examples (notice that the auxiliary verb comes first, then the subject, then the main verb):Have you talked with her yet? (“You” is the subject.)Has anyone finished eating dinner? (“Anyone” is the subject.)Did you remember your wallet? (“You” is the subject.)Will that team win the tournament? (“Team” is the subject.)—Sarah M. 2/19/2018ORIGINAL QUESTION: “Which one is correct, ‘How it is possible?’ or ‘How is it possible?’?”

Would it be possible to build a planet?

Although you might think that there are a lot of asteroids out there, their total mass is only enough to build a very tiny planet. You would have to collect an impossibly large amount of material from all over the solar is mass distributed in the solar system?The Earth's mass is 600000000000000000000000 kilos and took several billion years to cool down after its formation, you would have to wait a similar amount of time for your new planet to cool.In summary if you had the colossal resources needed to build your planet then it would be a lot cheaper to sort out the problems with Mars and Venus.

Would it possible to farm in egypt if the nile river did not exist?

The answer is NO. Egypt depends entirely on the water of the Nile for irrigation.

Is "Could you please let me know if it would be possible to come next week? If yes, what would be a convenient time?" correct?

One big problem, one-middle-sized, two tiny.The big problem is that the first part isn’t clear whether you are asking permission to come to them… or whether you are asking them to come to you.The middle-sized is that, in the second, you should say “If so” rather than “If yes”.The tiny problems is that the first should say “let me know whether it” rather than “let me know if it”, and that “could” should be “would.”So, depending on what you’re asking, the two best versions are:Would you please let me know whether it would be possible for me to come to you next week? If so, what would be a convenient time?Would you please let me know whether you could come next week? If so, what would be a convenient time?

Would it be possible to predict the speeds that a coaster will reach before it’s ever placed on the track?Why?

Of course. Roller coasters are fairly basic kinetic energy-potential energy transfer thingies. Most climb on tracks up conveyor-belt or chain like systems, gaining Potential energy (g.P.E) equal to mgh, where m is mass, g gravitational field strength, and h height. As the roller coaster makes its first dip some of this potential energy is turned into kinetic energy. And so you can say mgh+1/2mv^2=constant. In other words, the total energy remains the same. This of course ignores friction and air resistance which would be included. Also the mass of the roller coaster train will change as the number and weight of people on it changes. So roller coasters need to be designed with a lot of 'play' in the system. So a more accurate equation would be

mgh + 1/2mv^2 = initial total energy - energy loss * t