Would Tsa Be Categorized As A Defined Or Complex Media

When is the New World Order going to begin?

You are living in it now. It is just not complete. USA and most of the world is run by Democrats and Republicans who have sold out to the New World Order. That means that people like the Rothchilds and Soros are running the show. That is why we are having open borders all over the world. They want to destroy America, Western Civilization, and the Nation State to make way for a centralized Global Tyranny by the elites. 911 put everything into a higher gear and gave the USA/NWO the excuse to do regime change throughout the Middle East. This allows them to put in a Rothchilds’ central bank and place a puppet in power that will be responsive to the NWO. 911 was pulled off by the NWO and the American Deep State was complicit. These are false flag operations and they are used all the time by these people to start wars or get legislation passed. For instance they would have no qualms about setting up a mind controlled assassin to do a school shooting so they could use their Media to push for gun control. Tyrants always try to remove guns before they put their lockdown in place. At the current time Trump is the major anti- New World Order force in the world. If he is successful they will all be imprisoned or given the death sentence. That is why their wholly owned Media attacks Trump every day and every hour. They are scared to death of being destroyed. Meanwhile most of the American population is in a mind controlled trance and can not see what is really going on. We could easily defeat this if people were to wake up in large numbers. The people are complicit in allowing this to go on. God help them is all I have to say.

Would TSA be categorized as a defined or complex media?

General Purpose Complex media, NOT selective or differential