Would U Write An Essay About What Principles Of Government And Law Did Us Take From The Roman

How did the Ancient Roman Government influence modern day democracies?

the basic idea of voting for representatives. Romans actually in my opinion voted for more than we do now, for example they could vote whether or not we went to war.

the Greeks invented democracy and the idea of a ruling senate. Rome took these ideas and added onto them, eventually forming a Republic. they also had a place to put the senate when they met (Curia), like we have the capital building today.

Rome also placed emphasis on laws, with the 12 tables being the prime example. i'll give you the link to what the laws states. you'll see many of them are similar to ones today, such as if you are called to court you must appear.

of course, the idea of people running the empire was lost towards the end of Rome's glory days and the empire eventually crashed and burned, but the contributions still remain. you'll be fine, especially if your studying from your books. just remember to relate to now a days, and always explain your examples. good luck :D

How can I write an essay for a law?

law in now days low so search another topic to write essay dont be angry its jok
well you r able to do that while you take pen and notepad just start to wrote topic automatically comes in your mind nothing will help you without your mind

How did the Enlightenment influence revolutions?

The American Enlightenment is a term sometimes employed to describe the intellectual culture of the British North American colonies and the early United States (as they became known following the American Revolution). It was a part of a larger intellectual movement known as the Age of Enlightenment. Influenced by the scientific revolution of the 17th century, the Enlightenment took scientific reasoning and applied it to human nature, society and religion. Politically the age is distinguished by an emphasis upon liberty, democracy, republicanism and religious tolerance – culminating in the drafting of the United States Declaration of Independence. Attempts to reconcile science and religion resulted in a widespread rejection of prophecy, miracle and revealed religion in preference for Deism – especially by Thomas Paine in "The Age of Reason" and by Thomas Jefferson in his short Jefferson Bible – from which all supernatural aspects were removed.

"What side are you on?” Should the process of amending the U.S. Constitution become easier?

Forgive me for saying this, and I'm going to be a little harsh on you --

You're "not even old enough to vote", well thank your professor for the smack in the face. If you don't know much about the government of this country before you start voting, then please either don't vote or move out.

You will have enough trouble being a responsible voter anyway -- your friends are mostlly empty-headed nitwits who think that if a politician promises that a certain tax hike won't affect them, then the tax hike is okay; never mind that that tax hike could collapse the economy. Oh, what, didn't they think of that? So "It's okay to destroy the economy just so long as I don't have to pay higher taxes" makes sense? Good God, we elected a halfwit to the White House on that argument.

*tear hair*

Anyway, I believe what one of my professors offered in Poli Sci is quite true -- The Constitution was not meant to be changed lightly. It can be changed, if the issue is serious enough, but the process was made deliberately difficult and slow. That way it would never be subject to the whims of intellectual fads.

I dislike the whimsy that "the Constitution is a living document" because that's always the excuse used to demand changes (usually through a court, not what the founders envisioned) without having to worry about getting the legislation drafted and ratified by a majority of the states.