Would You Be Upset At This If You Were My Mom

How can I stop being upset by my tactless mother??

My mother still has the power to upset me even though I am now in my early twenties. I find she puts me down about my figure, as I am 5 foot 9 and slim with a 36b bra size. She gets off on telling me that my boobs are small and that men really want what she has (she is 68 and is overweight but with a very large chest) It makes me angry and I tell her but it doesnt stop as she has always been like this. She is always trying to put weight on me also saying im too thin (shes 4 stone overweight). I find it really upsetting and as ive always been told these things I feel unlovable as my breasts are too small but I know this is crap really. My logic tells me she is jealous but shes my mum, why be like this? any advice?

My mom will get mad if i get a b???

okay, my mom isnt very strict be thuinks i have very good potentioal. she wants me to gt all a's on my report card. i have to show her his paper in math that i got a 65 on and have her sign it. i could always just have my dad sign it becasue he wont care as much as my mom will. but i i dont show her i will fell gulty. i have no idea what to do. please help with ways to telll her

Are you serious, going to jail for hitting my mom?

A lot of good parents would file charges against their child for that. The reason is that kids need to learn that assault is not acceptable in society, but also that no parent needs to take being assault and just let it go.

Filing charges usually means the kid would end up in juvenile court, and from there someone would decide what to do. If a kid were being violent (not some little kid of five or so, but a good sized one), the police would be able to pick up that kid.

Caring about a grown child isn't about letting them get away with assault. It's about teaching them they can't act like hoodlums and that they cannot just hit people (especially people who DO love them).

Parents generally love their children through all kinds of things, but if a kid suddenly decides to hit a parent, particularly if that kid has been giving his parent all kinds of ridiculous trouble, there can be a point where a parent decides he has had enough. In fact, even when parents care about kids there are times when a kid can pull so much "baloney" they can actually wear away at their parent's love.

Encouraging a kid to express his thoughts and opinions is being a good parent. Overlooking the occasional grouchy day, or even a generally sullen attitude, is also being a good and understanding parent., Overlooking a kid's hitting a parent is being a stupid fool of a parent who is willing to get hit and do nothing. That doesn't teach a kid anything, and if that kid anyone other than a parent he would find himself charged with assault. Parents are people, just like everyone else.

How dare any kid think he could hit a parent and not be charged with assault? I suppose if you've been raised in a home where hitting goes on by one person or another, your family may not think of it as "assault". There are a lot of families, though, where nobody hits anybody, hitting is viewed as violence, and would be seen as "assault".

Loving someone isn't about letting them get away with bizarre and unacceptable behavior and showing no respect for their parents; and it isn't about letting one kid turn the house into a "psycho ward" with violence.

My mom just found a condom in my wallet :( can i get her to beleive its not mine????!!?

She is a typical brown parent and is very strict on waiting to have sex until marriage...if she continues to beleive im sexually active then my life is pretty much over. I denied the whole thing and said I found the do i convince her to beleive me?? does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone been in a similar situation?

My mom is really angry with me, what should I do?

Hmmm... the no dating rule is a tricky one. There are plenty of legitimate concerns that a parent can have about their kids dating, but mostly it'a about the parents being afraid for you. First apologize to them for breaking their rule. It's irrelevant if the rule was stupid or not, if you want them to respect you you have to respect them so own up to disobeying them. Then talk to them about their concerns. Why don't they want you to date?What makes 18 better than 17? Why doesn't your mom trust you?Find out what the concerns are, and address them. Your parents are trying to restrict teenage love which in reality is about as practical has holding water in your hands. find a way to help them not worry so much, make concessions to them so that they will make concessions to you. But the entire time you do this you need to be mature and calm. If you lose your temper you'll reinforce the idea that you're not ready for dating. If you need to show displeasure with their behavior , show it in the form of disappointment, not in anger.