Would You Even Be Mad At Me If I Was You

Would you be mad if your boyfriend got high before every date you went on?

Whenever i spend time with my girl i get high before. she doesnt realize and doesnt even know i smoke. would this bother you as a girl. The reason im asking is because im starting to realize she is a very special girl and want to know if its fair to keep doing this or if i should stop

My friend is mad at me, what should I do?

Ask them why they are mad at you. (If they refuse to tell you, it is apparently their problem. Nothing will get resolved if they just ignore you)If it is something you did wrong, you can either apologize or explain yourself. Do whatever works in the situation, but be sure if you are explaining yourself to explain the situation/misunderstanding/etc. in a logical, convincing way. Don’t just spew/yell/scream pathetic shit.If they continue acting like they are mad at you even after you apologize (or explain yourself) than just walk away. Wait for them to leave their state of self pity.Above all, just stay calm as another human being that is “mad” at you should be nothing to lose any sleep over (unless they are going to murder you, to which I say, if you know they are going to murder you either get far away or know how to protect yourself. Surely it is not that bad though)

Why do I get mad/sad when my boyfriend doesnt text me even though he's online?

Your boyfriend does not have to talk to you all the time, but with a good healthy relationship, your boyfriend should put in an effort to maintain regular communication. If he is online, and he isn't reaching out to you, that's okay, because you can always reach out to him, and if he replies, great! Now, if he is online, you text him or message him, and he doesn't reply and yet continues to be online for long periods of time and ignores you, then I would feel uncomfortable as well. The first shows that he is simply browsing his facebook like any other person would, and doeant mean any lack of interest in you. The latter shows that you are a low priority, and he isn't whole heartedly committed, depending on the circumstances. If he is involved in a business that requires him to be online and not talk to you, then you should be okay, but I'm guessing that is not the case.If he ignores you, worry. If he replies to you, don't worry.The thing is though, don't text him just to see if he will reply. Then you are kind of playing a game. Text him because you genuinely want to, which can be tough because that's all a LDR can be… texting or video calls. You can get a little tired of it after a while, so it later becomes less about actually wanting to text or chat and more about desperately trying to fill in the gap caused by physical distance in a relationship with texting. It sucks. It's not very satisfying. I've been there, so I understand.

Do i call my girlfriend whose mad at me???

so last night on the phone my girlfriend was getting mad at me so she said "ill talk to you later because your making me mad" and i (joking around) said do i call you or are you calling me back and she just hung up so i didnt call her back because she was mad at me so i want to know when i should call her and apologize?? like today? or should i wait another day?

What would you say to a girl if she's mad at you?

Best thing you can do is apologise and take responsibility for upsetting her, even if you didn't mean to.Whatever you do, DO NOT make excuses or try and explain your behaviour or what you said. Even if it was 100% a misunderstanding, let her be angry and feel upset. When she's calmed down later, there will be time for explanation. Don't minimize the fact that she's upset, even if it sounds ridiculous. Bottom line is that you've upset her, whether or not you meant to or whether or not she's got the wrong end of the stick.Say to her“I can see that you are upset and I want to apologise for making you feel that way. You are justified in how you are feeling and I would like for is to talk about this when you feel ready to. If you would like some space, maybe we can discuss this in an hours time, or I am happy to talk about this now if you feel you are comfortable with that.Do you have anything that you would like me to understand about how you are feeling and how this has upset you so that we can be on the same page? I really want to understand how this has made you feel and maybe we can both think about what's just happened and reconvene after a brief period of space so that we have processed our thoughts”.Listen to her, don't butt in, don't try to explain, don't try to excuse, just let her be angry for a bit and when she's got it out of her system and she feels like she's been listened to, you can discuss it calmly and make up.

Why does my husband gets mad at me when I am mad at him?

I think it's the stupidest thing. He won't accept I am angry with him. He actually gets mad at me for being angry with him. I am never allowed to just be angry. When I finally get over it after a little bit we can't move on because he is being all pissy. I feel this is ridiculous. He then won't talk to me for a long period, sometimes a day. I feel so frustrated because I'm not allowed to just be angry because then he gets angry & makes everything about him. I'm so sick of this.

My boyfriend got mad because I was flirting?

My mom's boyfriend told my guy I was flirting with the guy who does our landscaping and now he's mad at me! But I don't think it 's a big deal because we are always flirting with each other but it's innocent. Just because I flirt with a cute guy doesn't mean I'm going to cheat on him! Why get so mad if someone just flirts?

My girlfriend verbally abuses me when she's mad at me, but she truly loves me. So do I. What do I do?

I am sorry to say, but she absolutely does not love you. Anyone who is abusive most likely does not even like let alone love themselves. She is either mentally ill or full of self loathing. Or whatever it is. But she will be unable to truly love you until that's resolved. Whatever she says.I have personal experience with verbal abuse in a relationship, and it can literally drive you in to the ground. It's a horrible situation. I was a different person. I was not perfect, I had many faults but I didn't deserve that.When I pointed out the cycle of verbal abuse, it just went no where, it literally fell on deaf ears. Everything had a retort of something I did, at some point, and it would always turn in to tit for tat and then war.I doubted myself and I grew angry and resentful which just fuelled the fire even more. So I became a part of the cycle. I became someone that wasn't me.By the end my self esteem was shattered and I was not a nice person either. It was the lowest point of my life.But the good news is I eventually shook it off. She went her way and I went mine and by all accounts she is now very happy.I literally felt like I was “coming out”. For the first time in years I could truly, just, be, me. And oh God it felt good.All my health issues disappeared literally overnight. The sleep issues that plagued me for years, gone. Never returned. I feel so much better. I feel like me.So do yourself a favour.Find someone who is more concerned about the future and their personal development than putting others down to lift themselves up.Embrace yourself.Love yourself.Love life.

What should you do when someone is mad at you but refuses to tell you why?

At one point, one has to draw a line and treat other people like adults.I remember, I was once in a relationship with a girl that used of sort do that. Would say everything was fine but in her behaviour , you could tell she was upset at something. So this is what I would do;Me: “You look upset. Is there a problem? Do you wan to talk about it?”Her: “I am fine.”Me: “Is that true? The way you are acting does not indicate that you are fine at all.”Her: “I am fine. There is nothing wrong.”Me: “Okay. You say you are fine and I have to believe that you are telling me the truth so I am going to ask you again on last time, and if you say that you are fine, then I will drop it and if there is an issue then you are going to have to reach out to me. Since I will assume you are telling me the truth.Is everything okay? Is there anything that is bothering you? Or is there something I did wrong?’Her: “I am fine.”Me: “Okay. So I am moving on.” And I would drop it. As I am not going to waste 15 min. of my life trying to pull teeth with someone who is an adult and also claims to be one.Sometimes she would get more upset sometimes less.Obviously this was not was she was expecting but I do not have time to deal with people who are acting like children. If there is a problem and you want to solve it, and the other person is giving you an open and willful ear, then it is your responsibility to communicate it to the other person. No one can read your mind. Sure, many times people.partner/friends can pick up on what is wrong but in order to avoid misunderstandings, just say it.Maybe about a day later she would come back and tell me there was something wrong or nothing at all. Sometimes she would have the gall to tell me that I was not being “supportive.” Sorry, but as an adult, I made a conscious decision to date mature people, not kids.In the end, this behaviour was part of the reason why we broke up.Everyone says that they are want to be mature, well then, give them the benefit of the doubt and do so. If they constantly do not, then they are not and if possible get them out of your life.