Would You Ever Write This Blog Post About Your Child

Have you ever written a blog post or comment at 3am only to read it again a week later, cringe and regret it?

Embarrassing blog posts? No, and that is because I tend to write them ahead of time, and let it marinate before publishing. I AM occasionally mortified by typos that I never seem to see until they are actually published.Poorly constructed comments? Yes, because they tend to be of the moment, and therefore more likely to be misunderstood (“No, that’s not what I meant!”) That’s why I don’t do Twitter except for links to verified news stories and my blog posts links.

How do I write a witty and a good blog post?

Here are some points you can keep in  mind.Keep it ShortEven if you are writing a very very funny item, it is difficult to hold the attention of readers for a long time, given the status quo, consisting of internet trolls and short pictures. Remember that Brevity is the soul of Wit. Keep your points, write as is necessary, cut the unnecessary bullsh*t out of it.Write on relevant topics.In initial phase, go for popular topics. Things you know will garner the attention of people.Don't make it a boring essay.Add Anecdotes .Nothing funnier than some funny incidents which has happened to you, or which you make up. Authenticity is not an issue, but don't plagiarize.Get publicity.It is necessary that what you write reaches people. Share it on social networking sites.Get feedback.Ask your well wishers for some honest feedback. Ask only those who would point out honestly if you have written crap.Keep Reading and Improvise.Check out what others write, improvise,keep reading new blog posts , news, articles to get stuff to write about. Also, Be regular on updating.

How do you write when your child is home sick?

If my child needs my dedicated attention, I give it. Writing can wait.If my child is sick but resting, there’s no known risk of something critical and I am not needed on high alert, I will calm my mind as best I can, find a space that is still in earshot of my child—I have good hearing—and focus on what to write.And the instant I am needed, I drop what I am doing and tend to my child. If that turn of phrase was going to win me a Grammy for Best Supporting Blog Post in an Indie Film but now it’s gone, oh well. My child is here. That Grammy doesn’t need me as much as my kid does.

I lost my muse to write, how can I get it back?

When your muse seems to have disappeared, it’s your muse’s way of telling you that you aren’t taking proper care of it. (Bloggers need "mental health days", too.) It can be a tight bind to find yourself in one morning, but there are some things you can do to coax your muse back home.

☻ Turn off the computer. A muse is like a "special" friend; it likes some quality alone time with you every now and then, without distraction.
☻ Talk to friends. A muse is like a "special" friend; it doesn’t like to be smothered all the time. Show it that you have other friends with whom you can talk and bounce ideas around.
☻ Comment. Sometimes you’ll happen across another blog that sparks passion within you and as you write the comment, you realize you’ve just written an entire blog entry. Hop back over to your own blog, write it up, and trackback.
☻ Take a walk, go dancing, be active. This goes back to the quality alone time mentioned above, instead of just sitting around the house, get out into the fresh air and get your body moving.
☻ Rediscover your inner child. Our childhoods are rife with potential content for blog entries — even if not true to the letter. Do things that remind you of your childhood and allow yourself to feel in the process.
☻ Watch a movie, listen to music, or read a book. All of these activities stimulate different areas of your brain, and each of them can cause you to relax (depending on the subject matter, of course). And in this relaxed state, inspiration may hit.
☻ Be prepared. You never know when your muse will return, so be sure to carry around a small pad and pencil or voice recorder so you can jot down quick notes.

If your muse refuses to return, then it may just be time for a vacation altogether. Get away for a few days or weeks, then come back to your blog refreshed.

How do i write a good paper?

So this is my first time taking a.p and for the summer assignment we have to write two 6-8 page papers on the books assigned. ive read the first book and have started the paper but i have no idea what I am doing. We are supposed to write about how it relates to the five theme and despite how simple it sounds I am struggling. Can you give me some tips. ( the books are A History of the World in Six glasses and The Good Earth). Oh and my teachers said to write like an historian and not like you are writing a novel and the problem is I know how to write like im writing a novel and not like a historian. ( Hope this makes sense and please please help me )

Raised by twitter, short blog posts and texting, will the next generation have a patience to write and release books?

You failed to mention that we are also the generation raised on Kindles and e-books. From the caveman to the modern human being, the itch to tell and listen to a story has not diminished, and it never will. Maybe books in the conventional sense will become obsolete and might totally move into the digital world. Maybe publishing houses will shut down as everyone takes the self-publishing route. Genres such as fanfiction or WhatsApp stories may enter the literary scene and take it by storm. Things are certainly going to change, but not so drastically that we stop reading or writing. We are social beings who love to share our ideas with the world and we shall continue to do so till the human race perishes. However, it's the responsibility of those before us to instill the love of reading and writing. My grandmother is a translator and my parents are avid readers. This is one of the major reasons why I like to read and pen stories. Having a role model in the family is crucial to keep the beautiful world of literature alive. The next time it's your child/nephew/grandchild's birthday, gift him/her a book.Lastly, here is some evidence to support my statement -From Quora (Questions like these give me hope):What are the best books I can read to my daughter that have strong female role models? How do I learn to love reading?My daughter (aged 8) tries writing stories. She makes lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and always has a dearth of topics. How can I help her to continue her hobby?How do I get published even though I am a young writer?Around the Web:

How can I get a child interested in writing if they try to escape from writing anything?

Writing is a gift that not all are bestowed with. Just like everybody can't sing, similarly everybody can't write. More often than not, its an innate desire to pen down your thoughts onto paper. You can't force yourself into writing. So if a child doesn't feel like writing anytime, let him/her be.However, we can do our own part in making our kids learn it or at least give it a shot. What we can do is:Encourage them to read books. Let them soar high in the world of imagination and provide them with lots of books of whichever genre they like. Enid blyton, Roald Dahl, Harry potter…there are so many books that appeal to children. They can also read comic books if they prefer that. Bottom line is- they must read.Give them opportunities to explore the imagination and creativity their brain is capable of. Never dissuade them from believing in unicorns. Never undermine their thoughts no matter how far from reality they might seem. Because we do this, children take it as a discouragement.Whenever the child writes something, always appreciate to give him the initial boost that is required. We all need motivation to do stuff. We need to be given impetus. And children must be given that.

If you could write your dad a letter thanking him, what would it say?

Dear Dad,
I wish you were still here and free of the Alzheimer's that destroyed your mind and then your body. I never got the chance to thank you for showing me what a strong marriage is. How a man and woman function as couple through the good and the bad. How you impressed upon the me the importance of standing up and taking what you had coming when you screwed up. I'm sorry that you didn't get to see me put my life back together and doing the things you taught me. I'll never match the man that you were. But I'm giving it a hell of a shot.

Is it a violation of privacy for parents to blog about their children?

As with everything in life, and particularly with everything parenting, it's all about the details. For better or worse, parents have the right to make all kinds of bad choices about their kids in the interest of protecting the child's interests. And in the end, it's all a matter of judgement and people will always have different opinions. Your duty as a parent is to give your kid the best childhood you can. Is that blog going to do that?A little blog that only family will read where you tell about their backyard exploits can't do any harm. Posting their Social Security data in a blog about computer security is a different matter.  Somewhere in the middle is a (faint, wide, and hazy) line you need to keep in mind. How would your kid feel if you told what you are going to post to a stranger at the playground? That's a good place to start thinking about this. Would your kid interrupt you halfway to add some detail you forgot? Would they blush and get away? Maybe your kid doesn't grasp the reach of a blog, or the permanence of internet history so you can't ask them to decide what to post but you know what fills them with pride or shame. Share only what they would like to share.