Would You Rather Have An Underbite Or An Overbite

Would you rather have an underbite or an overbite?

Overbite! Underbites suck

What is worse, an overbite or an underbite?

I'd rather look like a horse than a bulldog.

Overbite turning into underbite, help?!?

I agree with Sally. If you feel that something's not right, call your orthodontist! Or if you prefer, see them for a quick visit. They should know what they are doing since they are trained professionals, but it won't hurt to contact them.

I had expanders a couple of years back. They are these metal gadgets placed inside and on your jaw (upper or lower, depending on which you need). I needed them because I had a crossbite. Well it expanded so much that I had gaps between my teeth and my upper jaw was huge and ugly. But frankly, it was all fixed after my braces closed the gaps. Now they're perfectly straight!

So basically, if you will feel better after calling them, go ahead. If not, ask your orthodontist about it during the next visit. :)

Do you have a crossbite, overbite, or underbite?

Just being curious. I have a crossbite with underbite tendencies, you could say. My lower front teeth stick out in front of my top teeth because of my jaw, but my other teeth are normal. If my parents had been nice, I would've gotten braces as a kid, but now instead I suffer with it and will probably have to get braces or have surgery because it's rather complex.

So anyway, I would just like to know if you have any dental weirdness! Thanks for sharing!

Bite on bull mastiff is it always a underbite?

should be level or slightly undershot- never scissor or overbite.

I am 14 and have an underbite. Should I get braces and perhaps jaw surgery when I am older or leave it be?

I am a periodontist and see this problem often with my patients. Based on this X-ray alone, Here is my advice:First, I would see 2 different reputable orthodontists and get a diagnosis and treatment plan. Then compare the two and hopefully they are in line with each other.Second, It is possible that your teeth are straight but the relationship of your upper and lower jaws is not in proper alignment. For this reason, it is possible that you will only need to wear a head/neck gear.Third, the fact you are only 14 years old is a huge positive. Since you have not finished growing, using a head/neck gear the lower jaw can be “held” in place while the upper jaw catches up and grows into place. This way without braces or surgery the treatment may be accomplished. Having said that, If your lower jaw is 5mm more in front of the upper jaw than that is A LOT and I would not sit back and wait.Fourth, You may want to consult with an oral surgeon about having your wisdom teeth removed when you are ready for it. Best age to remove them is usually 17–25 years old. This would help prevent the teeth in the lower jaw from being pushed forward, especially since the xray shows that you don’t have a lot of room in your jaw to accommodate them.Finally, I have seen many people that later on in life have issues with their bite and TMJ problems because they did not address this when they were younger. You have no idea how much of peoples headaches, neck pains, and TMJ is related to this very issue of upper and lower jaw relationship.Overall, Doing minimal treatment at 14 years of age can prevent a more extensive jaw surgery later in life.

Does everyone have an overbite?

No. It is not true. Most people do have an overbite to some degree. Only when the overbite is pronounced do you see protruding front teeth.

There are people that have an underbite. The bottom teeth fit in front of the top teeth when the jaw is closed.

How can you fix an overbite cause by braces?

Hi..this is normal overbite. No need to worry about this. As your treatment will continue you will fell better. My doubt is that in this type of normal bite generally lower teeth are also bonded simultaneuosly when upper teeth are bonded.Both upper and lower teeth should have braces from beginning in your case.This also reduces treatment duration .Below images show abnormal overbitesFirst image is open bite and lower image is deep bite and your bite is a normal bite.Generally in deep bite cases lower teeth are bonded later and only upper ones are bonded initially.In your case both upper and lower teeth should have been bonded on 1st visit itself.Ask your orthodontist about that.