Would You Rather Vote For A Woman Or Another Black Man

What would you rather be? White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Muslim?

If you are white, would you rather be Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Muslim

If you are Black, would you rather be White, Hispanic, Asian, or Muslim

If you are hispanic, would you rather be White, Black, Asian, or Muslim

If you are Asian, would you rather be White, Black, Hispanic, or Muslim

If you are Muslim, would you rather be White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian?

By Asian I mean from China, Japan, Taiwan, Viethnam, Laos, etc (u know , because Indians are asian too?

Oh lets add Indian to the list.

And please do not try to lecture me about what these terms REALLY mean, you know what Im talking about.

Would you rather vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Why?

Ms. Clinton would be a great first Woman President for our country. Just like Barack Hussein Obama was an awesome first Black President.Hillary Clinton is the better choice for America AND the world. By Far. She is highly educated and experienced. If she is considered a “felon”, then by that same standard Mr. Trump is the scum of the scum of the earth.Hillary even forgave her husband’s indiscretions in the 1990s and stood by her man like a rock. She must be an amazing woman who I would be proud to have as a President.But she is going to lose.I am an American. I would have voted for Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately, although I am a US Citizen, I value my time greatly (I have a young son) and my 1 vote is not going to tip the balance is her direction in Palm Beach County (remember the butterfly ballot and Morikami museum?) Florida.My background: I am an extrovert and live primarily in the US. I can size up the people I meet quickly. There are a ton of highly educated closet Trump supporters who do not own red baseball caps but believe in and identify with Trump’s philosophy of “Make America White Again”Donald Trump is going to win this election easily.Think of it this way: Mr. Trump is a top-notch salesman with a rock star marketing team with him. Whether he is an uneducated buffoon with the general knowledge ( and hands) of a 8 years is irrelevant.Ms. Clinton has 0 sales experience and a below average marketing machine supporting her. So, who do you think wins?If the Donald follow’s up on his pre-election promises, and wins a 2nd term in 2020, we won’t need an election in 2024. The world will ne over.I spent a lot of time on statistical analyses with some highly robust regression concepts ranging from non-linear regression to RANSAC to account for Outliers to Yada Yada Yada.I used over a 1000 different variables from Brexit to Instanbul, ansd from the Mike Tyson’s endorsement to Milania Trump’s speech faux pas (Milania’s speech actually increases Trump’s chanced!)I wanted to validate my work by sharing it with other “geeks” of Quora. Unfortunately Quora assumed my question was a joke and moved it to the jokes section when it got very few views and answers. Thanks Obama!Mr. Trump is going to win this election bigly. That you can believe me.If Mr. Trump is re-elected in 2020, we won’t need an election in 2024. The Earth will be destroyed big league.Numbers do not lie.

Why did black men get the right to vote before women?

first of all unless you're asking this for school it is a STUPID question. the real question is why didn't black men have the right to vote in the first place.
second of all if i'm not mistaken black men got the right first because they were seen as superior to women.

How come the international community accepts a black man (Barack Obama) running a mostly white country (USA), but did not accept a white man (Ian Smith) running a mostly black country (Rhodesia)?

Ian Smith was not half-black African, as Obama is technically half-white.   Smith was rather the child of white English immigrants,  and his party the Rhodesian Front maintained such principles as a formalized and officially maintained racial imbalance (in favor of the white ruling minority) of the ownership of land,  for instance.  Which was part of what became objectionable to the international community.  (Now whether or not that country is much better off today, really, under Robert Mugabe,  is another question and is 'debatable' at best.  Interesting piece on that here, by a black Zimbabwean pro-democracy activist:  Ian Smith has the last laugh in his grave - Zimbabwe Situation)  But Obama has obviously never implemented  racist-type policies like that, against the white or generally 'non-black majority' here.   Obama was legitimately elected furthermore, twice, with a good share of non-black voters having voted for him.  He could never have won the election after all if his main or primary support was only from the African-American community (which only makes up about 13 or 14% of this country's population overall).

Why did people accept the idea of freeing blacks rather than giving women equal rights?

The newer territories out west in that time period did not want slavery. In order to make those territories into states, and not have them separate, slavery had to go. We like to think it was to free a people and it was, but the driving force also was to join the western territories to the states that existed. To get the western territories to become states, when they opposed slavery meant that took precedence over women's rights. The real reason is often not talked about, but it is a truth that this was more about joining with the western territories than freeing slaves.