Would You Tell People Something They Don

What is something that you don't normally tell people about yourself? (keep it clean, please)?

I don't tell people that I'm POOR. I have a great paying job so nobody would suspect it. I live way out in the country so most people don't see my ratty trailer house. They see my old, wrecked and worn out car, but they never say much or make any comments about it. My frig, closet and pockets are about empty almost all of the time. Insufficient fund charges are a normal part of my financial portfolio. Savings account, what is that? That reminds me, I better pay my credit card and student loan bills soon, if I don't the late charges will continue to mount and I will really be in a world of s#@*. David

What is the best way to tell someone something they don't want to hear?

I assume that what you would like to tell this person is something that they really NEED to know and that you are doing this out of love or friendship.  If not, then you should consider holding your tongue.I learned this technique from my former boss, who I guess had the responsibility for giving a lot of bad news to people over the years.  Its called the "sandwich technique".  Luckily, he never served me this "sandwich" in the time I worked for him, but basically the bad news is delivered in between two pieces of good/positive news or information.Step 1:  Deliver a positive statement about your friend (or some positive information).Step 2:  Deliver the "bad news", i.e. the thing they don't want to hear.Step 3:  Finish with another positive statement about your friend (or another piece of positive information).Good luck!

If you don't tell someone something they didn't ask about, are you lying?

There is a difference between telling a lie and not disclosing information. This is why in many situations witnesses are told to only answer the question, and not embellish or expand upon their answer. A prime example was Senator Session during his hearing. When asked if he had witnessed or heard of any contacts between Trump campaign personnel and Russians, he blurted out that he had never had any contact with Russians. This was not the question he was asked, and he offered information unnecessarily. Had he settled down, and really listened, he could have simply answered the question, “No, I did not witness any Trump supporters communicating with Russians.”While on the surface this may in fact have been a bending of the truth, it certainly did not rise to the level of the information he shared without being prompted, which most certainly was a lie.Now, this is not to condone withholding vital information, particularly if safety is an issue.The maxim is, never ask a question for which you don’t already know the answer. The corollary would be, never answer a question that has not been asked.

How to get someone to tell you something they don't want you to know? 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!?

Well, my friend wants to tell me something, but she doesn't really want me to say it. She talks about it all the time with her other friend, and she told me to give her 5 good reasons why they should tell me, and she promised she would. 5 reasons, please? :D

How do you tell someone close to you that you really don't like something that they're doing, or how they're speaking to you?

A good formula to use when telling someone something that is difficult to talk about to them is to lead off with something positive about what you like about them, then tell them how it bothers you when  _____, then follow up with another positive.  Using this method, it's easier to discuss the topic, because you essentially reassure them that you value the relationship, but that there is something that needs to be addressed, but this is not so big a problem that it is going to affect your relationship.Example: Try saying something like this:  "I really enjoy being around you, or I really enjoy talking with you, or whatever is meaningful to you.  However, it bothers me when you snap at me.  It hurts my feelings. (Keep the focus on how it makes you feel.)  But I really do value our friendship and hope we can work through this."   For the best results, don't bring this up right after they has snapped at you about something, but later when you are both calmer and it's not fresh on both your minds.  Look for a moment when you're having a good conversation to bring this up.  They'll be more likely to be receptive.  Often we let things bother us for a while over repeated incidents and don't say anything about it and it keeps annoying us, until it builds up into this big problem in our minds.  It's so tempting at that point to explode and say something like "You always do_____, and I wish you would stop it ".   Anything that starts with "You always...." will put them on the defensive, and their likely comeback is "No, I don't ALWAYS do _____"  and a big argument ensues.  The goal is to let them know what bothers you, AND to keep the relationship.  If you just talk about the problem, they might think that this problem is so big to you that you don't want to keep the relationship.   This is why it's SO important to reassure them that you do value the relationship as you are discussing the problem with them.

If you tell someone not to do something they will usually do it anyways, so is there a better way of saying "hey don't do this"?

It all depends on how you communicate it. Many people use negative embedded commands, without realising it, and so this creates exactly the situation they are seeking to avoid.Example: a mother says to her little boy ‘Don’t throw stones in Mr Phillips’ garden.” The human unconscious mind is a positive command based structure and does not understand negatives, limitations or tenses. It only understands positives and the present tense. So all the little boy will hear is the embedded command ‘throw stones in Mr Phillips’ garden’ or ‘do throw stones in Mr Phillip’s garden.’ What she could have said is ‘come and play with me’ and he would have complied as it is a positive command.Another one - compare these two signs and tell me which one is going to get a more obendient response from the public:Don’t tread on the grass VERSUS Keep off the grassThe above is a real example. I saw it on two public lawns in London. One had the second sign on it. Everyone obeyed it. The other lawn had the first sign on it - and was covered in people having picnics. I actually wished I had taken a picture as it is such a good example of what I am talking about.Check out the language of Shelle Rose Carvet and read up about embedded commands.Another example, taken from many business letters and advertising mailshots. You send this stuff out and want a call back so you can sell your products, right? So answer me this then - which ending is going to be more effective? See below:1-Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your queries.2-Pleas just give us a call so we can answer your questions.’If you want someone to stop something, use the word ‘stop’, but make it less friendly and if necessary put up your hand. Avoid giving out mixed messages by smiling while you say this.If they fail to understand, let the situation pass, and then, when they are thinking of something else, call them over to a private space, where you cannot be overheard, and explain to them very clearly that you do not appreciate being railroaded and having your boundaries trampled on. Look them directly and calmly in the eye when you say it. Then wait in silence for them to respond.I would bet money they will apologise and change their behaviour.If they don’t and continue hurting you, find someone else to befriend who cares more about you.

What should you say when asked "Tell me something I don't know"?

Silly questions deserve silly answers. The answer needn't even be true.Some of the innovative replies:Gangadhar hi shaktiman tha (Gangadhar and shaktiman were same)The distance between me and you is xxx cmYou cannot touch your nose with your tongueYour ring finger is smaller than your index fingerOne of your asses is smaller than the otherThe food you are eating might contain shit of xxx animalTwo plus two equals fourYou know nothing Jon snowEven kids ask better questionsSome of the replies if the question irritates you, and you are pretty close to the person:Your head length is same as my foot lengthIf I punch you, xx number of bacteria on your skin will dieWell, I'm not interested in telling you anything suchDonkeys are more intelligent than some humansYou are a ********Yout mouth looks good when It's shutSome of the replies to girls:Your lipstick might be adulterated with leadYou are ignoring good guysI've a crush on youBlah blah picky linesIn Antarctica, all ethnic girls are taller than boysGirl's fart smells worse, because it contains more of hydrogen sulphideGirls have bigger tongue than boysI repeat, many of the sentences are false.

How does a person answer the question, "Tell me something about yourself?" in a social situation (not in a formal setting like a job interview)?

The opinions of other people is the average of all the information they know about you, not the sum total.If you want to impress the person asking or people listening (social or otherwise), keep it short, stick to highlights, and have a great segway out of the questions.I'm socially awkard, and have always dreaded that question. I've found a lot of success by talking about stuff I find interesting and then finding common ground and asking someone else (typically the person asking) about something they enjoy or are interested in. Pro Tip: listen to what they say, be interested, ask follow up questions.

Is it impossible to make someone do something they don't want to do?

Yes and no. Many in the scientific community nowadays don’t believe in such a thing as free will. I beg to differ.Someone can easily be manipulated subconsciously and made to do things that he/she won’t do subconsciously otherwise. But note that the person is not exercising free will at such level to begin with.For instance, a person who is conditioned to like small cars can be manipulated to buy a big car, if advertisers managed to re-associate his/her subconscious fears and desires with the size of cars. Now all these are done subconsciously, although the person may think that his/her decisions on cars are done consciously and based on free will.Free will does not come in until the person is able to reflect on what comes to his/her mind subconsciously. Free will is really a veto power of subconscious thoughts and inclinations.Unfortunately, most people nowadays don’t even know they have such power, mistakenly think that they are exercising their free will, but in fact live their lives mostly subconsciously and on auto-pilot. This also makes them easily manipulatable.However, if a person being aware and reflects, reaching deep and truly exercises the free will of his/her own being, and for you to force him/her to change that - well, let me put it this way - you REALLY don’t want to do that!The entanglement and negative consequences on you can be enormous.But what if it is for the person’s own good?You can nudge. You can guide. You can support. But you can’t really walk the person’s path, can you? So don’t try.How about manipulating people to do things subconsciously? We see that happen everyday unfortunately - the blind leading the blind, telling people to buy things they don’t want, or value the wrong values, as you are blind to want to manipulate someone that way for unnecessary gain. It has resulted in our society being in a runaway train, pushed by greed and materialism, with nobody consciously steering it toward sustainability and our true happiness. If not enough people wake up to it, well, our train will crash, and we all suffer the consequences.

How do you respectfully tell someone they are bad at something without hurting their feelings?

By being kind and encouraging.Do not tell them they are simply bad and leave it at that.Encourage them to try new things and let them know you will always support them no matter what they decide.If they decide to continue working on what you believe they are terrible at, then let them be.They will eventually come to their own conclusion.