Would You Want To Know What Happened In This Story Just From This

If I died today, what would happen?

I have no idea what would happen to my consciousness, but I will tell you a true story. My dear son at the age of 3 almost died from an burst appendix which the doctors has missed due to his age. They had to perform an emergency operation at six o’clock in morning.My son made it and when he came home he told me a strange story. He asked why I had left him there and told me how scared he was. He described being under a white light surrounded by people in white masks whom he thought were going to kill him. He said he thought I had left him there because he had done something bad.Then he said he was floating above the table and there was a very nice man there. He asked the man if he could go with him and the man said no not yet, he had to go back.If you are questioning my son’s verbal ability, he had a I.Q. of 150 and had taught himself to write his name by the age of 5 from watching “Romper Room.”I do know what will happen upon my death in the physical sense. My in-laws will pounce on my family to get everything I have. I hope I have taken the right steps.

I want to write a fantasy story, but I don't know it's plot. Should I just start writing without knowing the plot or should I write it bit by bit?

Either route will get you to the same destination fairly similarly. Start by describing a world, a region, or a village in quite a bit of detail. Then, do the same with a few characters. It is safe to assume that there will be some sort of hero. This doesn’t have to be a character who perfectly fits the mold of a hero. In fact, it is better to create a character who has a lot of growing/maturing to do before they actually become a hero.Once you have loosely generated a setting and a character or two, you can begin to form a plot around them. It helps to have already thought up your antagonist at this point, so that you can begin to create a conflict through this character. Basically, start slow. What would you do if you were suddenly transported to this place? How would you react if you were confronted by your antagonist? Chances are, if you’re a long-time fan of the genre, then you have likely thought about what you would do if Legolas Greenleaf needed your help, or Kvothe Kingkiller asked you to accompany him on the stage.Use what you know. Have fun with it, and absolutely start without knowing what the ultimate plot is going to be! As you spend time outlining the logistical aspects of your story, the plot will begin to surface organically. Make connections between your characters, and remember to draw from your experiences and reality. Good luck!

Which one is correct, "What did happen?" or "What happened?"?

Both, depending on the circumstances. “What happened?” is simply a question of what occurred, in the past tense. “What did happen?” is asking for verification or clarification and, in speaking the question, “did" would be stressed. “The car is wrecked! Did you hit a tree?” “No.” “Well, what DID happen?”

Do any one know what happen to the real Tayshawn-from the Ron Clark Story?

I caught like the middle to end of the ron clark movie. From what I saw it was a real great movie. I really want to know where the real Tayshawn and what he is doing? It was really sad when his foster father beat him up like that. I just want to know how his life is now.

Have you ever been kidnapped?

No and I am not planning to but my cousin has she said they asked for 1,000 dollars for her. She said she was sexually abused and was very scary. Her parents paid the kidnapper to have her back. Hopefully it won't happen again.

Why is the ending of a story important?

It affects your overall impression of the if the ending was sad, you would end the book feeling sad, and with the inpression that it was a sad book(which it might not have been...the rest of the book may have been happy, but it is the ending that stays with you...simply because it's the last thing you read.)

If the book didn't have an ending, it would probably leave you feeling annoyed, like when someone starts a sentance but doesn't finish it.

If you were given a book with story of your life, would you read the end? Why?

NO...I wouldn't read the end but i will read till the present to just refresh my memory.The problem with the current generation is not being patient. We think about the future so much that we don't live the present. We do things today to enjoy tomorrow. If we know the end, that will only make it worse. We will work towards changing the end and won't live the present to the fullest.Also, it will instill negative feelings within us. Most of the victories are achieved because we believe we can win. If we know the end, we will stop believing ourselves which in my view is the end.So I wouldn't read the future of my life, but I will read the past to just see how I have carried out myself and refresh small , happy, cute memories. We all want to live our childhood again and this will give a real opportunity to do that.