Xanax To Stop Shaking During Work

How can I make my hands stop shaking?

I too live with essential tremor. I recently just published an article (you can read it here [ ] and in the link below) about how I deal with mine. Try a few of these approaches when it comes to dealing with your ET:

Have a healthy diet. Eat balanced meals throughout the day and try to avoid foods high in sugars (this keeps you from getting to "hyped" and shaky throughout the day).

Avoid caffeine at all costs. People with ET already tend to have high levels of brain activity and caffeine will just make it worse. Instead, try to get a good night's sleep to conquer the feeling of tiredness. If you do need a little caffeine to jumpstart your day, I recommend a cup of hot cocoa or coffee (good sources of antioxidants). Avoid energy drinks since they are usually high in sugar.

Stay away from stressful situations as they tend to over escalate your brain activity. Try to stay as calm as possible and avoid stressful conditions such as procrastination at school or in the work place.

Now as far as treatment goes here are a couple options (these treatments are based on more of the physiological aspect of the disease):

Have you taken Propranolol? Ask your doctor about it. He/She may prescribe you 10mg tablets but a maximum dosage of 300mg may be required.

Primidone is also an effective drug for ET. Ask your doctor about this. He/She may prescribe you 30-60mg tablets.

You can also ask your doctor about other drugs like Gabapentin, Topiramate, Clozapin, and Clonazepam as last resort solutions.

If drug treatment isn't working, there are a couple of surgical procedures like Deep Brain Simulation and Gama Knife Surgery (most innovative). Currently, there are a few trails that involve gene therapy but they are not fully matured.

I hope this helps. Get well.

Xanax and protein shakes?

I started getting panic attacks a few weeks ago,the doctor gave me xanax .25mg.My question is can i still work out and drink those muscle milk shakes?like Mass-tech?Heres what im taking.…

I'm 22 and don't wanna have a heart attack or nothinf.Btw im i get them once in a while,like sometimes at work or in big places like malls.

How do I avoid the hangover feel in the morning from taking Xanax?

I take Lunesta or Ambien at night to help fall asleep. Its not Xanax, but its highly sedating. I have to wake up early in the morning, so here are some things I do:I take it early. About an hour before I have to go to bed. The Ambien can make me loopier than the Lunesta, but I have a certain procedure of things I have to do before bed time. I have done it so many times its all instinct at this point.I have a caffeine drink on the nightstand. I set my alarm for 20 minutes before the actual time I want to wake up. When that alarm goes off, I drink the drink down and go back to sleep (mos times). When the second alarm goes off, I am ready to fly out of bed and go poop. So I poop for another 5–10 minutes and by this time, the caffeine drink has fully kicked in and I am much more alert.I get moving right away. Some days I have to force it, and the body is not willing, and sometimes the mind too, but I just force it. This can be lifting weights, running/biking, or HIIT training, for me. As long as I am moving and getting the blood flowing and heart rate up, its all good.I then take a shower, sometimes cold if I am still really struggling.After this time, about 2 hours, if I am not as alert and oriented like I would like to be, then I know there was not enough sleep had. I have to deal with it though, because I have kids and a job and need to get everything rocking there. So maybe some more caffeine or just move around quickly with all I do.At some point I may try to snag a nap if its a viable option that day, or else I try to get the kids to bed a bit earlier and then myself to bed earlier so that more rest can be had.That’s how I do it though. Maybe it would help you?

People with anxiety- how do you stop "the shakes"?

There are no home remedies for shaking, I can guarantee that. Are you sure it is just anxiety? Typically people might be shaky for a short time (eg during a panic attack) but constant shaking is not very common.

If you have not already, you might consider getting blood work and a full physical done just to make sure you are healthy.

What meds were you on? Some anti-anxiety medications (eg Valium, Ativan, Xanax, Klonopin/Rivotril) can causing shaking when they are stopped too rapidly. So if this is a new symptom you really should see your doctor.

Aside from therapy to treat anxiety nothing like a home remedy has shown to be effective in treating mild-severe anxiety. Most home remedies are just a placebo. That is not an opinion, that is was science says.

Just for your considering there is a type medication, not normally used in anxiety, and not really even a psychiatric drug that could help. Beta-blockers (propranolol, atenolol) were the first drugs for high blood pressure but recently these medications have been used for anxiety because they block adrenaline and make people look less anxious by treating the somatic (physical) symptoms of anxiety. Heart palpitations, tremor, flushing, increased blood pressure, sweating, and so on are reduced or eliminated. The feeling of anxiety still exists but it does not show and many people feel less anxious because they know they don't look as anxious. Many celebrities take a beta-blocker before a performance to help with stage fright and people with test anxiety often benefit from beta-blockers. The drugs are NOT addictive, they don't have psychotropic effects, they don't typically have side effects, there is a wide range of doses (10-80 mg tabs), they can be taken as needed or continuously, and they don't cause dependency.

Propranolol is typically the best choice because it is a non selective beta-blocker, meaning it antagonizes (blocks) beta1 and beta2 adrenergic receptors. Other drugs like atenolol selectively antagonizes beta1 adrenergic receptors.

So these would probably be the most ideal medications and along with a more than 50 years of testing they won't carry the risks other medications can.

How Can You Stop Shaky Hands?

Okay I work in a lab and I was running a gel electrophoresis today and the shakiness in my hands was so bad I could not get the samples into the wells and I had to have someone take over.

This isn't the only time this happens. It happens everyday. For example, I'm passing a pencil to a friend and my hands shake. Is it just nerves? Do you think I have anxiety issues? My mom takes Xanax; if I were to take a couple of her pills do you think it would help?

I drink coffee a couple times a week or have an occasional red bull. I used to smoke (not often about 3 cigarettes a week) for about a year but I stopped in April.

I'm a college student in a very tough school so that basically equals stress but the year has just begun so I'm not stressed out yet.

Whats wrong with me??

Xanax hangover?

I recently got xanax for anxiety.. was wondering if it is like alcohol, where you take it and feel good, but pay for that feeling the next day?

in other words, will the brain stop producing 'good' chemicals if it expects a pill to do its job. and how long does one have to be on something like xanax for that to start happening

Overdosing on 9 unisom and 75 Xanax?

I won't tell you not to do it. I'll say that the overdose experience isn't like what they make it out to be.

Firstly you start to feel drowsy, but you don't fall asleep. You stay awake. The room starts shaking a bit and you slowly start to twitch. Your heart starts to pound staying on 160bmp as an average, getting up to 180bpm sometimes. The room shakes more, the twitching becomes more frequent and you feel nauseous. It feels like this for about 2-3 hours then you have a seizure. If you are in a hospital when you have a seizure, they can give you things to conflict it and stop it.

If you are home in your room with the door closed, you'll either wake up brain-damaged or not wake up at all.

There's also the possibility of puking all the pills up.

They pump your stomach within 20 minutes of taking thepills if you go for help. If it's been over 20 minutes, the pills are in your system and you have a chance of dying. You also have a chance of brain damage and seizures.

Also if you take it and nothing happens...WRONG. your liver is taking damage and will continue taking it until your body has counter-medicine inside of it. So either way if you take it and it doesn't work, you'll need to go to hospital anyway or you'll die from liver failure, in a much more painful way.

Will xanax pills affect my productivity and performance in work or studies?

I've take Xanax off and on for about 4 years. I can go months and months without one and then sometimes I'll take maybe 5-10/month (5+ is rare). I've had the same 90# bottle nearly a year so that tells you something. I've never had it affect my productivity at all. I'm highly functioning and productive at work (high stress sometimes) and there's no change to this when I take a Xanax when I'm anxious. If taken when I'm not anxious, I can expect to be drowsy. It will very likely put you to sleep if you're not anxious. Not in the same way a sleeping pill will but it will probably make you a little drowsy and make it easier to fall and stay asleep.I have a couple of friends who have had this exact experience. Anxious: no effect other than anxiety goes away. Not anxious: little drowsy, easy to fall and stay asleep.This is a highly addictive drug and I have a highly addictive personality. But given that I've had the same 90# bottle for nearly a year, I obviously don't have this issue. But I'm probably the exception to the rule. There are doctors that specialize in getting people weaned off this drug.