Y Is His Heart Hurting

Why does your heart hurt when you are crying?

Head, heart, stomach. We are much more than we seem.SMILE, It's a feeling!Crying can come about for a number of reasons and it should only held back in certain situations.If the heart is hurting I'll assume that you are on a memory fueled emotional rollercoaster. I wouldn't insult you by saying “i know how you feel”. I don't, those feelings are all yours they are very individualistic and should remain that way.Crying is love!Many of our emotions play host to crying.It's a sad world, or maybe another time we see all the beauty and love… Maybe we cry for a world that could be, maybe we cry because we know that it won'tMaybe we're crying for death and loss, for the memories that once were.Maybe they died too young. My HEART ACHES for Judgie Jr. We lost him to the habit at the end of last May. This is where I can't heed my own advice. In time I guess…I'm crying right now.Broken hearts can feel so bad. Love will do what she does. Tis better to have known love and lost…..Maybe we cry for ourselves(?)…Music so easily evokes my tears as it pleases my ears.The mind, the heart, our gut.. They speak volumes to us if we the INDIVIDUAL would just learn to listen and trust the messages. Depression is a message from the body that says something is not right. I cry because it is so often ignored and treated improperly.I'd cry some more with you and for you but my wife is in need of me.Thanks for listening to me babble. Coherence has been lacking today. My apologies.

Why is my heart hurting when I remember someone?

I think it is due to the attachment and unfulfilled expectations. Everyone deserves to be loved and to be happy. But it really pains if you love someone so truly from the bottom of your heart and it goes unrequited. You will never completely move on if you ever truly loved her, but you will have to start living with it.Memories don't hurt. Love doesn't hurt. It is the attachment that hurts. It is the expectation that hurts. It is the imagined future that is now broken that hurts.When we lose someone that we love so truly and they walk out of your life for some reason, it hurts. This doesn't mean memories will haunt us. It is the collapsed future that hurts us. Living in the past with the ones we love brings us tears, not because that is lost, but because there was something that could have been forever, but it isn't now. That hurts. That stings and we tend to associate it with good memories. Sometimes we love people more than the memories they gave us. We fall for the person, not just for the memories. We love, we live life to create beautiful memories for us and for the loved ones around us.Expectations hurt in proportion to the emotional investment. Whenever we are too much attached to someone or something, we grow attachment and that attachment leads to expectations. These expectations when fulfilled is an awesome experience. But when we are too much emotionally invested and when those dreams aren't coming true, it stings and hurts and kills from within.Getting over it is by forgiving and moving on with life accepting that you will never get over that true love. Forgiveness is your trait. It solely depends on you and not on the other person. You want to forgive them because you want peace of mind and don't want to hold grudges against anyone in your life.Forgive because you have a strong heart. Forgive because you are strong.Strongest people are those who forgive people who aren’t even sorry for hurting you.Forgive but don’t forget the lessons learnt.

What arm hurts in a heart attack and why?

My personal heart pain was down my left arm which is usually the case. It was classic presentation, yet I denied it, as I knew it was serious, and could not reconcile what lay ahead of me. The death of a slightly younger, more robust male friend who dropped dead mowing his lawn made me realize my denial was ridiculous. occasionally we get a right side heart attack, and the pain will go to the right arm. Some older diabetics will not present in a typical way. Woman after 55 years old, may have heart attacks at the same rate as men, but not with the same symptoms. We have missed women's heart attacks initially because of that. I would imagine the pain goes to the arm in many cases as a referred pain due to the specific part of the heart having its portion begin to die due to arterial blockage.

What should I do if I feel sad and my heart hurts a little bit?

You should do something which you love to do. Like if you like drawing then draw something. Engaging in some work will surely distance your “those sad” thoughts from your mind & you'll really forget that “sad” thing for some time. If you love singing, start singing some song.But if it still happens, go outside for a walk or something. The chirping of birds can make you happy, the smile of an old lady can make you happy, the children playing around can make you happy, the cotton candy's sight can make you happy, the beautiful sunset or sunrise can make you happy and the list is never ending.Everyone feels this kinda feeling for many times in their life and I know even “negative” thoughts about ourselves starts clouding our head but we should just try to cheer ourselves up because only “You” know the true capability of “Your will”.Life is not only about happiness. If that would've been the case, then the ‘value' which ‘happiness' holds now, would've lost its worth.Thanks!!

Why does my heart hurt when I take a deep breath?

The pain that is felt with deep breaths could be caused by inflammation or irritation in the lining of your lung or the heart. The reason it is worse with deep breaths is that the irritation may get worse as the lungs expan with your breath and then increases the contact and irritation. It is called Pleurisy when the lining of the lung or pleura is involved or pericarditis when the lining of the heart or the pericardium is involved.If either are the case, itis then important to determine the underlying cause for either one. You should go see your Physician so they can start an evaluation on you to determine the cause of your symptoms and to look for the underlying cause for your issues!

Why does my heart hurt (feels like its hammering in my chest) when I see my crush?

I know exactly how you feel. When I was about 16 years old I met a girl and I instantly knew I wanted her. I thought about her a lot and I felt like I was going through a rollercoaster ride every time I saw her. I was incredibly shy around her and pretty much would do anything she asked out of me. You have to see if being with her is even a possibility. You have to convince yourself that this is just a girl, as hard as it may seem right now. I remember I would always tell people that I would never like a girl like her again, but it came. Find out if there is an opportunity and go for it. If there is not, come to terms with it and let her go. Keep yourself occupied and if there is no chance, you have to let her go. A better girl will come, give it time.

Why does loud bass in music make my heart hurt?

Some of the neighbors, even a block away will play music so loudly that you can ******* /feel/ the bass/base (whatever it is). If it was just music, I wouldn't mind, but it's that thumping. If your music is so loud, that it makes my house vibrate, you have a problem my good sir.

Anyways, why does the bass make my heart feel like its going to give out? bang bang bang. I hear it. it makes me nauseated and my chest and throat hurt. We've complained, even to the damn cops after a while, and no one cares. I know the other neighbors care, but they are too chickenshit to complain.

But yeah, scientific/medical explanation on why the music does this to my heart?

Why does your chest hurt when you are heart broken?

I’ll share with you my personal experience. I’ll also add that I have a bachelor degree in biomedical science. I’ll try to incorporate the two.In September I met an awesome woman. For a reason or another, in December we had some problems. We both had to take a break. It was difficult for me. I was experiencing the pain you are describing.I felt she was a part of myself. I felt I didn’t lose a person. I felt I lose a part of me. It was a pressure. It was something that I couldn’t live without. It was hard to cope with the pain.I haven’t received particular instruction on this matter. But science as far from now know that there are some neurons in the heart. I did a research and here what I have found.There are approximately 40,000 neurons in the heart that communicates with the brain. Memory is a distributive process ,it’s not only localized in the brain. It was discovered by a neurologist from Montreal, Dr Andrew Armour.To support this claim the article cites 3 cases of heart transplants. I’ll cite one.A 47 years old Caucasian received a heart from an 17 African. He suddenly started to love classical music. The 17 years old African was a violin player that died in a drive shooting clutching his violin case in his chest.I would even go further and introduce cellular memories.A 8 years old had received a heart from a 10 years old who got murdered. She had nightmares of a man who would murder her donor. The images were very specific.Police and psychiatrist were involved. The murderer got arrested.There is also feedback memory.Neurons work in neural circuits. Output will increase the input signals. But if there is no energy that is circulating in the system. It doesn’t stop. What has been stored it still accessible. There is no just no flow anymore. It’s data stored.Here is the reference in case you want to check it out:Second Brain Found in Heart Neurons - Trust your Gut Feelings

Why does my heart hurt me when I remember someone?

Those we let come close to us leave an imprint on our souls. When you think on him you are bringing past feelings and memories to the surface, and this does have an effect on our physical bodies, because the body is linked with the mind. I’d say it’s a perfectly “normal” phenomenon.Believe me, scars never truly, fully heal, but it’s the scars we endure that shapes us into the people we become, and strength is granted to us by those experiences to either help others or lift ourselves up to greater heights… as long as we don’t look back and linger on our wounds or what could have been; that’s paralyzing.Preventing an experience that has had a profound effect on your life is a pointless endeavor; it has already happened. I don’t know the exact nature of what has happened between you and this friend of yours… but if you want to overcome your past hurt you need to accept it and use it to fuel positive avenues of your life. Put simply, moving forward is your best remedy, not ignoring the aftermath of your heart, but realizing your experience has changed you for a greater purpose that you can forge on your own terms. Never let anyone or anything dictate who you are or how you should feel. Be strong, and live for better days.