Yeah Its Over Will The Tea Party Now Realize That The Government Is A Good Thing.

What do moderate Republicans think of the Tea Party?

I'm not a Republican ("moderate" or otherwise, except to the extent that moderate Republicans hold the same views as Libertarians, and I'm reasonably certain quite a lot of them do), but I was asked to answer (mmm, Credits (discontinued Quora feature)!), so ...I think the Tea Party is a great thing, because they're engaging in political activism around an issue I hold dear: limited government (especially: more limited than we have now), and cutting back the insanely bloated U.S. Federal Budget and the confiscatory taxes which only partially support it. While it's clear that quite a number of them are also Christian Fundamentalists with whom I have little in common on the hot-button social issues, on the issue of a smaller federal government and lower taxes, I have common cause with them.See also Are the promised benefits of U.S. Entitlement Programs higher than achievable federal tax revenues and the maximum amount of public (national) debt that can be serviced as a percentage of GDP? (Yes, by a lot - that's why the United States Credit Rating Downgrade (August 2011) happened)As for the rest of the "moderate wing of the Republican Party" - I only know what I read in the press. Some of them are horrified because they're going to be (or already have been) voted out of office for not doing their fiduciary duty to the electorate. Comeuppance is never a happy thing for those on the business end of it. Others are noting the change in political climate and moderating their views in the proper direction.

Why doesn't the Tea Party form their own political party?

This is a very wise thing the Tea Party is doing, for several reasons:

1. Creating a 2nd Conservative party will only split the votes between them and the GOP, resulting in guaranteed wins for the Democrat Party, which is hostile to the ideas of fiscal sanity and reducing spending that the Tea Party favors.

If we take your Green Party you mentioned as the example, the Green Party cost Al Gore the 2000 election. Ralph Nader siphoned off enough votes to keep Al Gore out of the White House. The same thing happened even early in 1992 with Ross Perot and the Reform Party. Their platform was being fiscally conservative, and they siphoned off enough votes from Bush to put Clinton into the White House.

So if you want to advance your cause, forming your own party is exactly the wrong thing to do.

2. Republicans historically have been the party of wanting to reduce gov't and gov't spending. This is a natural fit, and in fact, returns the GOP back to it's Conservative roots.

Have you realized why the Wall Street protesters are out there?

It has become clear to me that this is a movement of the far out liberal left. They are creating an extreme distraction/blame campaign in order to get their beloved Barack Hussein Obama reelected. The game involves blaming others, so that people will be lulled away from looking at Obama, who is the one at fault for making a mess out of our country and our economy.

Move and other leftist organizations are tied in with this, behind the scenes. Well, let's make certain to find a great Republican candidate who will drive Hussein-Obama out of power and back to the streets of Chicago where he belongs. Do you agree?

Tea Party vs. The Republican Party?

I went to a Tea Party "meeting" in early 2010. A friend brought me.

They were extremely religiously conservative - anti-gay, anti-anything but white evangelical christian.

They wanted to get rid of all government programs except the military, which they wanted to expand.

They wanted to privatize EVERYTHING - including schools. They firmly believed that if you couldn't afford children, you wouldn't have them - that the only reason the poor have children is to get more welfare income!

They strongly believed that the only way to get the economy going was to reduce taxes and eliminate regulation. They believed that if products were dangerous, people wouldn't buy them - we don't need safety regulations. They believed that there was already a checks and balances with a free market system.

There were racist remarks about our president, too.