Yes Or No Question. Thumbs Up For All And Quickly Chosen Best Answer.

How to choose best answer ?????

Hello, Joe S.

Yes, it is true. You can be on ANY level to choose the best answer. How to choose a best answer to your question: Wait at least 4 hours, so other people can answer your question. After the 4 hours are done, go to your profile and click on My Questions. Then click on the question that you want to resolved. They should have blue bars that say: 'Choose As Best Answer' and click on it on the answer that you like or that helped you the most. Then rate the best answer with 1-5 stars (1 being unhelpful, 5 being helpful) and comment it & the whole question if you want. Then click OK. There! You have successfully chosen a best answer to your question. You will receive 3 points by doing so and the answerer that you chose as best answer to your question will receive 10 points for it and additional 1-50 points for the thumbs-up their answer has after receiving best answer. Remember to choose the best answer before the deadline to your questions expired because if you don't choose a best answer, then it goes into voting where the Community has to choose the best answer to your question for you since you have failed to do so. You can also vote on it. Also, you can extend your question, so you can have a longer time to choose a best answer before it expires.

How to extend your time on the question: Go to the question that you want to extend. See the pencil icon that says: Edit and click on it. Then see Extend Question and click on it. There! You have extend your question. You have 4 days or 6 MORE days (Depends if you extend it earlier or not) for you choose the best answer. Remember, you can ONLY extend it once. So you better choose the best answer before it goes expired! You can ALSO vote for the best answer to someone's & your question!

How to VOTE on someone else's OR your question: Go to a UNDECIDED question or your question and see the blue bars that say: "Vote As Best Answer". Click on the answer that deserves the best answer. There. You have successfully voted the best answer to your or someone's question. You will receive 1 point for it. Best wishes and Hope it helps!

Are "Best Answer - Chosen by Asker" really chosen by Asker?

Yes, they are. When the asker chooses a best answer from anywhere on the answer list, it moves to right under the question, above all the other answers, and there's no way to know where it originally was in the list, so I'm not sure how you know if the chosen best answer was also the first answer recieved. In questions that I've answered, I haven't noticed any particularly tendancy for askers to choose the first answer as best, although I've definitely noticed that people do tend to vote for the first answer when voting on an undecided question.

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down Yahoo Answers?

So when you answer a persons question. Users above level 2 are allowed to vote on your answer. If you get a thumbs down does that affect you points (level) ? If you get voted thumbs up does that give you points? If so how many?

I can't give thumbs up/ down on Yahoo answers?

Get 250 pts. and you'll be on level 2. Then you can "rate" answers with "thumbs up" and "thumbs down."

Answer a question and get 2 pts. Ask a question and lose 5. Choose the "best answer" to your question and get 3 of those 5 back.

Be chosen as "best answer" and get 10 pts. plus 1 bonus pt. for each "thumbs up" your answer received.

Vote for "best answer" on unresolved questions where the asker was too lazy to choose "best answer" and you get 1 pt. per question. You also get 1 pt. every day for just logging in. It’s as easy as that!

Good luck, you'll be on level 2 in no time and then aim for level 3 (1,000 to 2,499 pts.)

What is the best response to "why did you choose me over all other girls/guys ?"?

I saw this on FB.really liked it.Iam writing nonsense now because quora will collapse the answer and my all effort could go waste.Blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah​

Why are rubbish answers so often selected as best answer?

Karma - this process IS a joke. You should know that already... Where else in the world can kids log on and ask "He looked at me by my locker - what does that mean? Does he like me?"

Truth is, the majority of the people on this site arent always looking for real answers. I spend most of my time combatting the idiocity in the Religion and Spirituality section. And, what I notice is that the gross majority of the people in that section pick either the one response that most closely matches their preconveived opnion on the subject, or they pick the most assinine and comical response. I'd be lying if I didnt admit that I occassionally leave those comical responses - but usually on questions that are obviously posted in a joking manner.

This site, to me, demostrates human nature. We tend to select as "winners" those that seem to think most like us. And, seeing as the majority of the population is inaccurate, incoherant and incomprehensible, those are the responses that are chosen!!

How do you play the 20 question game?

Summary: A guessing game in which people try to identify a person or object in 20 questions or less. Good for rainy days, long car rides, and for learning English (ESL students).Ages: All. Recommended # of Players: A small group of 2 to 5 people. Messiness factor: No mess, no stress! Materials required: None. Recommended Setting: Indoor settings such as cars, classrooms, and just about anywhere else.Twenty QuestionsThe objective of Twenty Questions is quite simple: guess the person, place or thing in 20 questions or less! This game is a stationary game, and also a good car game (meaning it’s a game that’s useful for long car rides). Little or no movement is required. It takes about 5 minutes per round to play.How to Play 20 QuestionsThere are no preparations or special materials required to play. This game works best with a small groups of about 2 to 5 players.Select one person to begin Twenty Questions. This person is designated as “it.” For each round, this person must choose any person, place, or thing. The person can be living (e.g. a current athlete or classmate), deceased (e.g. a famous person in history), or fictitious (e.g. cartoon or movie character). The place can be anywhere in the world, including creative places. The thing can be an inanimate object, an animal, a food, etc. Basically anything can be chosen, but try to make the selected item something that can be reasonably guessed. It’s no fun to play a guessing game that is impossible to solve!After the person has chosen a person, place, or thing, the guessing begins! The other players take turns and ask “yes” or “no” questions in an attempt to figure out what the chosen answer is. That is, the questions must be answered with simply “Yes” or “No.” After each guess, keep track of the number of guesses that are used until it reaches the limit of 20.Once 20 questions are used up, players may not ask any more questions. If a player correctly guesses the object before then, they become “it” for the next game and choose the next person, place, or thing. Otherwise, the answer is revealed.Variations for Twenty QuestionsThis game can be useful as an ESL game (a way for non-native speakers to learn English words). You can prepare flashcards with various categories (e.g. popular foods, American States, presidents, famous landmarks, animals, etc.) and have the students choose a category before playing each round.source: Twenty Questions - Group games, team games, ice breaker