You Are Fat Because You Eat Too Much Carbs

Do carbs make you fat or does fat make you fat?

While it is true that excess calories above your energy balance is what will make you gain weight, consuming too high a ratio of carbs to fats and proteins or excess amounts of simple carbs or refines flour products at the wrong times can tilt the scale in favor of fat storage. Additionally, your genetic profile will effect how well you metabolize carbs and explain why “one size fits” all is not a good approach for everyone. Learning what works best for you is a trail and error process.Fat on the other hand is calorie dense so it is more filling and it's actually slows digestion. It is recommended that you consume a little fat with with other foods to better regulate you insulin responce. This is the irony of fat free foods.In addition there are many other physiological processes that regulate how the body regulates energy balance. The 1st Law of Thermodynamics does not play out in a strict sense in the body and explains how a sedentary person can gradually gain weight even while maintaining an energy balance at a low energy intake and low energy expenditure.Gaining weight is not just about calories, fats, protein or carbs in isolation of each other. It is about balance , insulin sensitivity, the bio availability of the nutrients in the foods  you consume, fiber, simple vs complex carbs, hydration and exercise.Healthy eating is about sufficiently fueling your body to sustain your activity levels at moderate to high levels. Eating should be about enough quality calories containing all of the essential nutrients to sustain life. Dieting is fundamentally flawed because it is about restrictions calories, and eating enough is essential to your health.

Do I eat too many carbs?

Getting carbs from fruits and veggies is great. No it's not too much

BUT, the less than 1,000 calorie diet is probably counterproductive for you. Eating too little causes your body's insulin levels to rise, making you prone to weight gain and making it almost impossible to loose weight

Eat a standard 2,000 calorie diet a day, based on fruits, vegetables, carbs, and some protein and dairy on the side.

If you want to lose weight, the only efficient way to do so is to COMBINE the diet i described with exercise. The most efficient way to burn calories is through running/jogging. You burn 100 calories for every mile you run/jog. Work up to running/jogging 3 - 6 miles 4 - 6 times a week.

Do this and the weight will melt off

What is worse, too many carbs or too much fat?

“Too much” of anything is, by definition, bad.The Keto-evangelists will tell you that too many carbs are bad because of insulin, etc.Too much fat is bad too. It can lead to increased cholesterol levels, ketoacidosis, weight gain, fat gain, inflammation.Either way, it can kill you.Yes, fat isn’t the primary culprit in Western Society for cardiovascular disease, sugar is, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t contribute at all. Saturated and transfats are not good for you in high doses.The thing you have to keep in mind when people say “high carb diet” or “high fat diet” is that if you’re trying to lose weight, you still need to eat at a deficit. The “high” part refers to how much of your energy comes from that macronutrient. if you get 90% of your calories from fat, but you’re only eating 1900 calories in a day, you’re not getting “too much fat”.Carbs have gotten a bad rap lately, but they’re important nutrients, particularly for maintaining muscle mass and hormone levels. I’m not saying you should necessarily go on a “high carb diet”, I’m saying balance is good.It also depends on you. Some people don’t have genes that allow them to handle particular diets well. Some people don’t make too much cholesterol and are less apt to get CVD even if they eat 30 eggs a day and a ton of bacon. Others need to avoid those things. Some people have diabetes and either need to eat more carbs or need to avoid carbs depending on their condition.This question is like: what’s better, getting shot in the femoral artery on your right leg, or your left leg?

Does carbohydrates make you fat?

Fat, carbs and sugars do not make you fat. Ever. Only excess calories do. Human beings have a certain number of carbs, fat and protein they should eat -- as well as sodium, sometimes sugar, etc. However, it can't be entirely accurate due to the sources these things are coming from. Just because you have a high carb day, it does not mean it will make you fat. Your body needs carbs for energy. Cutting out bread and all carbs, like in the atkins diet, is seriously dangerous. Usually Atkins users lose weight and then gain it all back when they are finished. You need carbs to survive. If carbs made you fat, then I guess athletes are just special? Athletes use carbs immediately after a workout of competition to replenish their bodies.

To sum it up: FAT in food DOES NOT make you fat. Carbs DO NOT make you fat. Ever.

What happens if you have too much carbs?

Too many carbs: you'll get fat, maybe develop diabetese, higher blood pressure, risk of heart disease

Too little carbs: you'll lose weight, your body will start "eating" your organs for energy. you can have heart failure or damage kidneys, liver and other organs.

If you are overweight, it's good to follow a low-carb diet for weightloss. Follow the diet which would mean reducing carbs but not cutting them out all together.

Read: The Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, The GI Diet, Good Calories Bad Calories

It's hard to stick with a very low carb diet for a long time. But once you have read the books, you'll have an idea of what foods REALLY make you fat so you'll be able to consciously avoid them. Your weight depends on what you eat every day over time. If you are avoiding high carb foods every day.. cheating once in a while.. you'll notice a reduction in your weight. It's healthy not to be consuming too many carbs. Your blood pressure and body fat will go down.

Our bodies are designed to eat meat and vegetable. We're not evolved to be eating tons of pasta and bread and sugar. Eat like you're designed to.

Why do carbs have such a bad reputation?

Yeah, exactly you lose MUSCLE. Muscle weight MUCH MORE than fat. Therefore you lose weight but your midsection never shrinks.
I always thought that low carb diet was the DUMBEST thing ever. The guy that invented it dropped dead of a heart attack.
How couldn't people see through this ridiculous garbage? I see things on restaurant menus that state (Low Carb). The meal is a hamburger without the bun. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Are you kidding me? Like it's the bun that makes you fat and not the fried hamburger loaded with grease, fat and cholesterol.

Carbs will make someone gain weight if they just sit on their bum all day. Carbs are an ESSENTIAL part of an everyda diet, especially if you work out. The body uses carbs and glucose as energy, without them your body uses muscle for energy.

Therefore losing muscle will make you lose weight, but you'll become a weak, soft pile of skin and fat.
Perfect example. I'm 6'0 216 lbs yet my waist is 32 1/2 inches. My friend is 6'2 185lbs and his waist is 37 inches. I'm over 30lbs heavier, shorter and yet my waist is 4 1/2 inches smaller than his.
THANK YOU for your great question.

Why is eating too much carbohydrates bad for you?

Carbs are an energy source, but if you don't use that energy your body stores it as fat. Carbs are sugars, but you need carbs. Just don't eat more than you need.