You Are Out Having A Nice Dinner And Then .

Would you drive home after having a glass of wine with dinner?

Of course, yes. What else should I do, ask the restaurant if they will let me sleep in the kitchen for the night? Sleep on the street? In most of America, you have two choices after drinking: drive home, or sleep in your car.Obviously, having a drink decreases your driving skills whether or not you are drunk in the eyes of the law. Crossing the line to being legally drunk is a huge personal risk, but the line itself does not make much difference on your risk to yourself and others. Other behaviors like driving in an badly equipped car, being sleepy, allergy medications, and general idiocy, also affect your risks. The fact that you have had one glass of wine is a negative factor, but so would be the fact that you are angry over a workplace interaction, you have a cold, or you did not get much sleep that night.We are currently in an era where driving impaired is considered a bad act, like sexual crimes and some other stuff. I would not mess with that. If somebody loses an arm because you've been drinking you are in a world of hurt. If somebody loses an arm because you didn't setup your jigsaw right you are not. In another decade this could be reversed. But whatever it is, if you're aware of a danger, best avoid it.

What should I have for dinner tonight?

Cabbage & onions, fried up in snot...
and twenty-two assholes, tied in a knot...

mmmmmmmmmm... good eatin'...

My boyfriend won't take out to a nice dinner

My boyfriend basically refuses to take me out to dinner. He makes $22 an hour, so I don't think money is the issue. I have told him many times that I want him to take me out to dinner, pick me flowers, or something that shows he cares. On Saturday night I asked if he wanted to go out to breakfast for Sunday morning, at first he agreed, but then Sunday morning he offered McDonald's instead because he didn't have the right clothes. It's like he always flakes out on me. Help? Advice? Thanks so much. By the way, we have only been on one date in 10 months.

Romantic Dinner Ideas?

try a tapa appetizer... ply her with a little wine.
Make a gourmet meal... meat (ask her preference... salmon to steak),
side veggie (carrots to artichoke), little pasta (maybe?)...
End meal with a dessert... make sure you have an aperitif dessert wine ready.

After dinner lounge snack, try cheese and crackers with wine.

Good luck!