Your View On Immigrants

What are your views on immigration?

Legal immigration is fine, I don't have a problem with that all.

Illegal immigrants need to get the hell out, I don't care where they're from. They come over here, don't know how to speak the language, then they screw up our school systems by making our teachers have to spend more time focusing on making sure they understand what's going on, which takes away from us students who are here LEGALLY. Then, they want to steal out jobs because they'll do the same work for less money than they should be getting for the job. Our tax dollars go towards helping them, when all they're doing for us is, umm, NOTHING. Other than screwing up our economy, of course. They all need to be deported. And because they're too damn lazy to learn how to speak English, nobody can get a freaking job unless they speak Spanish now, to cater to illegals. I think America has forgotten that being an ILLEGAL immigrant, means that YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW. Which makes them criminals. Why am I having to cater to criminals?! It's ridiculous. Oh, and then there's how they get in state tuition in some states for college. They shouldn't even be allowed to go to college here, or school in general, unless they're legal. What's the point, anyways? Any job they're gonna try to get with whatever degree they get in college isn't gonna hire them unless they're legal. So it's a big waste of time, and again, it takes time away the students who deserve to be taught. It's BS.

Views on immigration in US?

Okay, maybe these people would come over legally if our country could come up with a reasonable plan for them to become legal. As it is right now, you have to wait for years and pay out a lot of money when you are applying to come here from Mexico.. Most of these people come here because they don't have the money and they don't have the time to wait while their families are starving. Also, my husband is illegal and is being deported back to Mexico. We have a 11 month old daughter together, and he has been ripped away from her and will be dropped off across the border with no food, no change of clothes, nowhere to sleep, no money, and we call this humane???? I'm sure they would treat a dog better. And now because he came here to make a better life, and met me and had a family, this will happen to him....

Worried about views on Immigrants in Canada?

Hi! So uh, with the recent political events going on right now, people have started to express their dislike for immigrants/ preference for one culture in Canada. This worries me just a bit, only because I don’t want to be hated on for being Indian. My family immigrated here when I was barely a year old, my parents pay taxes, Canada is the only home I’ve ever known (we’re Canadian now), and I’m planning on contributing to our society as well - attending university to become a physics teacher right now. I understand where some of these views come from, not going to lie. Some people from my ethnic background DO make you wish immigration didn’t occur, but not everyone is like that . For every one person you find who is not contributing and just taking advantage of the opportunities that Canada offers, you’ll find 3 who do care and who do contribute.
USUALLY (from what I have noticed) the people who don’t care, come from rich families and stuff. Also, I understand that if we let more immigrants in than we have the capacity for, then it’ll harm our economy. However, for those who were here for a while and did their part as citizens or residents of Canada, not ALL of them are bad :/ This is why the hate worries me a bit, makes me feel bad being associated with those -“take all and give nothing” people, because I’m not them. The only thing I share with them is my ethnicity, not my values.

Australian's -- What are your views on immigration?

Well yeah they do take our jobs. I don't mind people coming into the country that can speak english and fit in and go throught the proper system. But those boat people are really pissing me off, they are just gonna keep coming, they are going the easy way.
The goverment doesnt even know who these people are...they could be drug dealers and murders and rapists. Then they give them free accomodation, schooling, they get jobs easier.

The government should be thinking about helping the people who are already in australia, like the homelessness and drugs and gangs.

Its just stupid


As a Spaniard, what are your views on immigration?

Currently the issue of immigration is a major one, in Spain as well as in many developed countries. Immigration and emigration have always taken place in more or less extend. We have received here in Spain:; Phoenicians, Romans, several barbarian tribes, the Visigoths, Arabs of different kinds, and in later times Germans (after the two World Wars) many Italians and few years ago we had a flood of Rumanians, Bulgarians, and Latin Americans, etc...Likewise Spaniards emigrated initially obviously to Latin America and during the 20th century mainly to Germany, France, the UK and other European and American countries.In very broad terms, the emigration/immigration phenomenon has been very fruitful to countries receiving these emigrants.But in former times countries when were not very populated, there was a need of manpower because lot of works were handmade, and the welfare state did not exist, so requirements for social expenses were low and people solved – or tried to solve – their vital needs on their own.Currently the situation is much more complex, immigrating countries are overpopulated, countries receiving immigration have a high rate of unemployment (a couple of years ago we had some 20%), and the immigration receiving State must try to provide the immigrants – being legal or not - shelter, health care, schooling for children and a minimum income.So more of Spaniards think that immigration has been in general terms (not always) positive for this country, but the country can’t afford accepting the enormous wave of people that in daily basis are reaching our country by many different ways. Think about Africa. Now there are almost 1.000 million and at the end of the century the may reach 3.000 million. Africa is only 10 miles from the Iberian Peninsula. And we have two towns Ceuta and Melilla in the African continent.Some 25 years ago the percentage of immigrants in our population was were limited, say 2 – 3 %. Currently it is estimated in some 15 %.I don’t know how to cope with this problem, but something should be done. Because most Spaniards – except the politicians – are really very worried about this problem.

What is your view on immigrant children being separated from their parents and being held in child detention centers?

It is a crying shame.I totally agree with the United Nations, that it is a violation of human rights.It is one more sign of the biggest Democracy on this planet slowly, step by step, turning into a Dictatorship. This is especially true after the Dictator himself stated:”I have the absolute power to pardon myself”.So much for Democracy! So much for all people “being created equal”.So much for human rights.We all, and the American citizens in particular, should do whatever they can to put pressure on their Democratic and Republican senators to get them to take adequate measures to protect the human rights of these children.Huge protest marches should be organized and held, both in big cities (Washington, New York) and in the immediate vicinity of these centers.People also should put pressure on the press to pay more attention and to deploy the strategy of investigative journalism to find out, how the children are being treated in these centers.I have written an email to Christianne Amanpour of CNN to do investigative journalism to find out what happens to these children in these centers. How they are being housed and treated.The excuse of this fascist Trump Regime, that it is all the fault of Obama is BS.Trump is Dictator now! It is his Regime and he should have respect for human rights and in particular for the rights of children.I hope the American citizens and the world community will do whatever is in their power to turn this human rights catastrophe around and to protect these children.Greetings,Robert.

In your view, what is the reason behind the rise in illegal immigrants moving to the US despite the negative recent conditions for them?

The thing is there is no rise in illegal immigration. In fact the number of illegal immigration as been decreasing steadily over the last 10 years. Don’t take my word for it, here are statistics from pew research, a non partisan and respected reasearch firm5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.Here are figures from the Department of Homeland Security detailing a clear trend of decreasing illegal border crossing are irrefutable and quantified facts. Don’t trust what politicians with agendas tell you. By the way Democrats are also guilty racial politics.Trump and Republicans are using fear of immigrants to stoke racial anxiety and animosity solely for their own political gain. They know that this issue resonates deeply with their base and are desperately trying to manipulate them for their own political gains. Don’t fall for it, always take whatever a politician tells you with a grain of salt. Better make that a cup full of salt.