Youtube Video Resolution Acting Weird

YouTube video resolution acting weird?

Who better to answer that question, than YouTube itself?

YouTube ''adjusts the quality of your video stream from standard definition
based on the speed of your internet connection & bandwidth.  This is why
you may notice that the quality of the video changes as you watch videos."
http :// support . google . com / youtube / answer / 91449

Best thing to do is to delete your 'cache', your 'cookies', and your 'history'
then shut-down / reboot your computer + modem + router.


How can I change the resolution of a video to 1080P on YouTube TV?

If the video was uploaded and is available in 1080P, you can adjust it with the wrench icon in the lower right hand corner of the video. Most of the time YouTube automatically determines what the max resolution of the video is and what your display device can handle. I recently got a 4K iMac and YouTube automatically selects the higher resolution, 4k, if the video is in 4K.I have noticed multiple videos that say they are 4k, but are only available in 1080p. This is because the person who uploaded the file to YouTube chose to do so as a 1080 video and not 4k. The same is true for 1080 videos, which may have been captured in 1080. but are uploaded as 720p or less. In these cases there is now way to watch in a higher resolution.

Why is the screen blank on YouTube? How do you fix it?

If your screen is blank on YouTube you might be panicking, after you panic stay calm because we’ll have you watching cat compilations again in no time.First check that your internet works. You’re writing on Quora or trying to find a solution here so I’m going to assume that it does, but you never know man.Check if your Flash player or YouTube app is updated. If it is out of date you may need to update it before you can watch videos again. This usually happens if your computer or device is old and you haven’t updated your software in a while.If your Flash player is updated try clearing your browser cookies and cache, closing your browser, and opening it again. Sometimes the Flash player crashes and will leave you unable to play video.If that did not resolve it, try a using a different browser. If that still doesn’t help sometimes restarting a computer lets it clear some of the memory and that fixes the problem. Try your same browser and then a different one if you’re still having trouble.After all of that you should be good but sometimes that doesn’t do the trick. If your YouTube troubles aren’t fixed, if you have another device handy check the other device to see if YouTube works.If your other device is not loading YouTube either, you can expect one of three scenarios: you’ve somehow been banned from YouTube and can’t view video content anymore (highly unlikely), your internet is out (unlikely but you never know man), or this is caused by some kind of bug or server issue on YouTube’s end (highly likely, just wait it out).If that still doesn’t work you need more help than a Quora answer can provide try contacting some kind of support either your device support, internet company, or YouTube support.Hopefully this fixed your YouTube troubles!If you want something to watch now that you can enjoy YouTube again you can go check out my channel. But in all seriousness, go back to your cat videos, they’re funnier than me anyways.