9-year-old Tantrum - Discipline

How do you discipline a 3 month old that is throwing temper tantrums?

It may not be he's screaming because he's not getting what he wants. My son did that too. He could have bad gas or teething or constipated. My son started teething at 3 months old and he would scream his head off. I didn't know what to do. Everytime I picked him up he stopped screaming. I thought at first before I realized that he was teething that he was spoiled from his daddy holding him all the time, but he wanted the comfort from his mommy. He stopped screaming when I picked him up and it still hurt him, but the fact that I was comforting him...made him feel better. He's still going through it now and he doesn't have any tooth breaking through yet. He's still all gum and he's 8 months old. Get some teething tablets and Mylicon. Both of them are NOT medicine, so you can give it to him together and wait it out. When my son starts screaming like that, I give him Mylicon, a teething tablet, and Tylenol for pain. I give him a warm bottle and I hold him while feeding him. He ends up falling asleep in my arms and when he wakes up...he's so playful and happy. You can give the Mylicon and teething tablets to him everyday, but the Tylenol IS medicine and you only need to give that to him when he NEEDS it. Good luck

My 9 year old still throws tantrums!?

My 8 1/2 year old has tantrums too. I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not she was spanked. I am struggling though this too and have found a few things that have helped a lot.

* Make sure she gets enough sleep. I find that my son wakes up a 7am no matter what time he goes to bed. Try backing up her bed time an hour and see if more sleep helps. With after-school activities, homework, and down time, it's hard to get to sleep early. But it's worth the effort.

* Try to spot the stress producers and handle the problem before it becomes one. For us, it's homework piling up. I got my son a white board and on Monday, we go over all his homework for the week and divide it up for each night. This way he feels more in control and has a sense of satisfaction at having completed his tasks. He also doesn't dread homework so much because he knows what to expect.

* I know this will sound weird -- but Fish Oil and Omega 3's are great for adults/kids. Try googling "fish oil kids" and you'll see the benefits that kids can expect, including increased focus and concentration. It's worth a shot and assuming you get a reputable brand, there's very little down side.

* The last piece of advice is to nip things in the bud where at all possible. By this I mean that at the first sign of a tantrum, it's straight to the room and removed from the situation. My son hates going to his room, but when he's there he knows he no longer has an audience. He has time to cool down and so do I.

My personal feeling is that spanking her will just increase her anger level and make her feel that more violence is ok.

What is the right kind of discipline for a 16m old girl who throws temper tantrums and hits her parents?

At 16 months, you can't just ignore her while she throws a fit, you have to restrain her. Do not hurt her, but do take away her freedom by restraining her and keeping her safe. I find that gravity helps, especially when you restrain her with you on top and her back to the ground. God built parents larger for a reason. Do this EVERY TIME she throws a tantrum, even in public. Kiss her and love her, show no anger but do show understanding and empathy. You are teaching her control by showing her control, so never lose your temper. You'd be amazed at how fast her behavior changes.

She may fight and try to bite you or hit you. I recommend using holding her arms down with your arms, and sitting on her stomach area. If she learns to kick, extend your sitting position lower to almost lying on her. If she spits, put your body over her face so the spit just ends up on her face. You have to be patient to ride out each storm.