Algebra 2 Simple Question

Algebra 2 simple questions!! ?

B = 4A
C = 2A - 12

A + B + C =180,,, substitute the above values
A + 4A + 2A -12 = 180
7A = 192
A = 27 3/7
B = 109 5/7
C = 42 6/7

2L + 2W = 96
L = W +14
2W + 28 + 2W = 96
4W = 68
W = 17
L = 31

If you could not do these, please talk to your teacher

A simple algebra question why (-) *(-) = +?

This explanation of mine is a layman understanding, which may have flaws, but it works good in general understanding. any value with a sign signifies a vector. value itself shows magnitude and sign shows the direction.Rule: for simplicity let us consider + means forward and - means backwards for the first numericand the + sign of the second numeric denotes same direction and - denotes opposite direction. Example:  Multiplication of  +2 * +3 =+6Here first numeric is +2 and + 3 is second numeric and +6 is result.As per the rule above, First numeric tells me, walk 2 units forward, second numeric tells me walk 3 times the same number of units you did before and in the same direction as before. Which means move forward +2+2+2, so result is +6, you moved in same forward direction totally 6 units. Now Example:  Multiplication of  -2 * +3 =-6Here first numeric is -2 and + 3 is second numeric and -6 is result.As per the rule above, First numeric tells me, walk 2 units backward, second numeric tells me walk 3 times the same number of units you did before in the same direction as before. Which means move backward again -2-2-2, so result is -6, you moved in backward direction totally 6 units. Finally, Example:  Multiplication of  -2 * -3 =+6Here first numeric is -2 and - 3 is second numeric and +6 is result.As per the rule above, First numeric tells me, walk 2 units backward, second numeric tells me walk 3 times the same number of units you did before but in the opposite direction as before. Which means move forward now +2+2+2, so result is +6, you moved in forward direction totally 6 units.

Algebra 2 question it might be simple for you but it confuses me! please dont ignore this question easy points?

If x = a is a zero of a polynomial then (x - a) is one of its factors.

There is a mistake in #1 because x = 8 is a zero not -8. This means (x - 8) is a factor. Divide the polynomial by it and you get 4x^2 - 81 as the other factor which can itself be factorised to (2x - 9)(2x + 9).

The same mistake occurs in #2. The zero is x = 11 so (x - 11) is a factor. When you divide the polynomial by it you get 64x^2 + 176x + 121 which can be factorised to
(8x + 11)(8x + 11).

Help with algebra 1-2 math questions???

we are doing system of equations in algebra 1-2 and i have 2 questions that i didnt understand-

1) The ratio of boys to girls in a school is about 3 to 5. There are about 800 students in the school. How many are boys? how many are girls?

2) Niki has 8 coins worth 1.40. Some of the coins are nickels and some are quarters. How many of each coin does Niki have?

[A] 4 quarters and 4 nickels [B] 6 quarters and 2 nickels
[C] 2 quarters and 6 nickels [D] 3 quarters and 5 nickels
[E] 5 quarters and 3 nickels

can you please do them in the format of system of equations AND tell me how you do it??? thank you :)

Algebra 2 Questions Simple problems?

I'm working in my algebra 2 class and came across these problems and I can't seem to find out the answer. Could you please help?

1. Three trains - one eastbound, one westbound, and one northbound - leave a city at the same time. The speed of the northbound train is 20 miles per hour greater than the speed of the eastbound train. After 2 hours, the distance between the westbound train and the eastbound train is 140 miles. Twice the speed of the westbound train is 30 miles per hour more than the speed of the northbound train. Find the speeds of the three trains.

2. Find the values of a, b, and c such that the equation y= ax^2 + bx + c has ordered pair solutions (-1,6), (1,12), and (3,34)

Thank you for the help!

Help with Algebra 2 questions?

If you left off an "!" from the nine, it is a combination expression for nine things taken 2 at a time.
9!/7! which when everything cancels out is 9*8 divided by 2! which is 2*1

I would bet the answer will be (9*8)/(2*1) = 36

Literally it means (9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1)/(7*6*5*4*3*2*1)/(2*1...

You can see all the stuff that will cancel.

Heres a link:

hope that helps ya!
Good Luck!

Simple algebra 2 problems?

A radio station is going to construct a 12ft antenna tower on the roof of the station building. The tower will be supported by three cables, each attached to the top of the tower and to points on the roof of the building that are 16ft from the base of the tower. Find the total length of the three cables
The city commission wants to construct a new street that connects main street and North Blvd. as shown in the diagram below. The construction has been estimated at $100 per linear foot. Find the estimated cost for constructing the street.

(N.Blvd) l..\ New street
5 miles .|....\
|-----\-------(Main street E)
4 miles
(its supposed to be a triangle, but its turning out weird)
Same question as above except:
The 4 is now 5, The 5 is now 7. And instead of $100 per linear foot its $90 per linear foot.

Thanks so much for you help!

Simple Combination Problem Algebra 2?

"could take in YOUR car" means you are in that car, and so only 5 more from 31 remaining are to be chosen

31c5 = 31!/5!26! = 169911 <------