Animals Want To Lick My Hands All The Time. Dogs Cats Even Horses And Pigs. Not Sure If I Smell

Have you ever been licked by an animal other than a dog or a cat?

When I was 15 years old I worked at a nature museum in a city park that had a zoo out back with native animals from the region. We always had people bringing us animals and on one occasion someone brought us a whole brood of raccoons, 10 in all. They were the cutest little things, and we were allowed to handle them after they were wormed (coons at birth have roundworms that will cause people to go blind and have other severe symptoms).So one Saturday afternoon when I was working, we got out the whole covey of baby coons and I stood out near the zoo with them climbing all over my body. I literally was a coon tree, with about 6 walking on my outstretched arms and shoulders, one on the top of my head, and the others in various other areas of my body. They were very affectionate and licked and nibbled on my fingers and my face. It was exhilarating, and the crowd of people visiting the zoo loved it.

Why are dogs able to learn commands but cats aren't?

I laugh at people who think cats are dumb. There was an article by Animal Planet a few years ago that rated animals by intelligence: Dolphins and chimpanzees are tied for smartest. Scientists are now working on deciphering the language of dolphins, while dolphins already understand human languages. If dolphins had feet & hands with opposable thumbs, who knows? Dolphins use tools held in their mouths. Chimps make and use tools, hunt in organized groups and engage in acts of violence. Wild troops have distinct behaviors and customs. Field observations and lab experiments show chimps are capable of empathy, altruism and self-awareness. Chimps have better memories at number tests than humans.Elephants have been seen consoling family members, helping other species in times of need, playing in water and communicating with one another via vibrations sensed in their feet. A crowning achievement, some researchers say, was when a female Asian elephant named Happy recognized herself in the mirror. This complex behavior is shared only with humans, great apes and dolphins.Next come Cephalopods, crows, pigs, horses, dogs, squirrels & other rodents, and finally, at the bottom of the list are cats. However researchers say the only reason cats are at the bottom is because researchers CANNOT GET CATS TO COOPERATE CONSISTENTLY & cannot accurately judge cats. Cats don’t give a damn. Cats will play along for a while, for food or attention, then flat out refuse to cooperate. The same cats may or may not cooperate on any given day. My female Siamese, Queen of the World, sits on the left arm of my computer chair & taps me with her claws, demanding to be scratched or petted. One day, when she was a year old or so, I picked her up & put her on the floor; she jumped back up & slapped me (no claws) across the face & I slapped her back, knocking her off the arm of the chair. She is the only pet I’ve ever hit; I never hit my kids. After that, when I’d stop petting & put her on the floor, she’d “talk” loudly in Siamese cat, walk over & slap my Rottweiler & German Shepherd dogs in their faces & STOMP out of the room.I think cats are smarter than dogs at figuring things out, but cats only do things they want to do when they want to do it.

Are Pigs Smarter than Horses?

As someone that works a LOT with horses...(I train them and I ride nearly 500 miles a year, I also own 11 currently), and I raised pigs for years while growing up. I can assure you that pigs are smarter than horses. By a LONG shot.

Are they smarter than dogs.....well....I am going to fudge here a little. Their intelligence is different.

The truth depends on how you set up the test. Tests of animal intelligence is flawed. Why? because as humans we value some forms of intelligence over others. So which one comes out on top will depend exactly how you set up the test.

There was a drug grower though that trained his pig (a 300 plus pound sow) to guard his pot field. She injured 3 federal agents before she was finally stopped.

I do not put any faith in EQ's since the functioning of the brain is more important than size...otherwise people with big heads would be smarter than people with small heads and that simply has been shown to NOT be the case.

Why do I hate animals (seriously)?


It's not like I want to be like this...I want to die at the thought of something touching me...or licking me...or hair getting on me...I don't care if they are washed daily,they gross me out...and cats just freak me out period...I think baby animals are extremely cute to look at but I'd die before I pet something...I don't want to hurt something unless it tries to get near me,then I'll be tempted to kick it away...and animals ALWAYS want to get near me,ALWAYS...The only thing I like and would want to touch is like a horse or an elephant or some kind of truly special animal...I don't like this about makes me feel mean...but touching any kind of animal makes me feel dirty or grossed I have to scrub and scrub my hands clean...Like I said if a cat or dog tries to lick me,I will feel unclean for a long,long time...death for me is if a cat arches against my leg...I wanna die from fear and being grossed out...So I kick because I'm scared and grossed out...
I know God doesn't want me to mistreat his creations....