Anyone Drink Lactaid Milk

Can cats drink lactaid milk?

A tablespoon a day won't do any harm. My husband gave his cat a tablespoon of milk almost every morning of her nineteen years. You'll sure notice if it gives her diarrhea or makes her vomit. All mammals, after the age when they would be weaned from their dams, lose some of the enzymes needed to digest milk. Nature's way to say "Grow up."

Is it safe to drink lactaid milk while pregnant?

as long as its pasturized then yes

Will lactaid milk be ok to drink if you have a cold? Regular milk produces mucus, which is what we dont want?

No milk at all would be better. None of it is good for you:
Milk facts:

BTW.... the milk doesn't produce the mucus, your body does. That is the body's own allergic reaction to the foreign proteins in milk. It would make no difference whether it was lactaid, powdered, or skim milk. The result is the same. The human body simply wasn't designed for any type of cow's milk.

Did you know that humans are the only species that consumes milk after infancy (not to mention milk from another species)? Did you know that you are being fed a load of garbage by the dairy industry?

Is lactaid milk okay for cats?

Lactaid or other reduced-lactose milk should be fine and much better for her as a treat than the Ensure, which, I think, contains sweeteners.

They make also special reduced-lactose milk drinks for cats but these are extraordinarily expensive ounce-per-ounce compared with Lactaid milk.

Has anyone given Lactaid whole milk to their toddler?

My 16 month old has had loose stools since he began drinking cow's milk at 12 months. Not diarreha by any means and he shows no other symptom of being lactose intolerant. Our ped. thought that it may just be his body getting used to digesting milk. He has now suggested trying Lactaid milk to see if it helps. Has anyone else given this to their toddler or tried it themselves? Does it have a different taste?

Lactaid milk and diarrhea?

That is interesting. 10 minutes after you drink milk you get diarrhea. That is kinda fast.
Lactaid milk is just regular milk with the lactose [milk sugar] removed, and some lactace added, nothing more.
See, lactose intolerant people do not have enough, or have no lactase in their body. Lactace is the enzyme that breaks down the milk sugar into glucose for us. Glucose is what the body uses and burns. So the lactose does not get used, and just stays there, and can cause diarrhea and other lactose intolerant symptoms.
If you are not lactose intolerant, there is no reason to be drinking Lactaid milk. Which by the way is expensive compared to unaltered milk.
I did not find any info on getting too much lactase, if someone with no problems and plenty of lactace of their own takes a product with more lactase in it.

Can kittens drink lactose free milk?

As others have mentioned, there are various milk substitutes on the market that can be given your cats as a special treat. Not all cats will like milk or the substitute; some adore it.At my house, the cats who like milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, etc., get a little taste of it when they ask (i.e., trying to stick their noses into the cheese sandwich I have, or too closely inspecting my fruit yogurt). Usually, the quantity is a lot less than an eighth of a teaspoon, and generally, that satisfies their curiosity. A really small amount doesn’t seem to set anyone on the path of suffering, and it allows me to learn over time which cats can tolerate a bit more and which ones don’t care for the stuff at all. Like human beings, some cats are direly lactose-intolerant, and a few others can handle a whole level teaspoon of plain yogurt. They can’t tell you if they are developing gas or bloating, but you clean the litter boxes, so you can monitor the results.Straight to the gods’ ears: while I was typing this, my talkative, tiny orange girl moved in on my dish of oatmeal. She has no interest in the walnuts, apricots, or sugar (and certainly none in the oats), so when I finished, I poured a few drops of milk into the dish. There are delicate kitty tongue imprints at the bottom of the bowl. She lapped up all she wanted, and left about a sixth of a dram… and walked away content. With cats, so much is about the experience.

Once opened how long does Lactaid milk last?

that all depends on how the milk was treated.
If someone drank out of the carton, it can go bad sooner than the best by date.
If it gets left out often, sitting on the table while folks are having breakfast, it can spoil before the date as well.
On the other hand, if it get stuck in the fridge and lives there undisturbed and sealed, it can last longer than even the 7 days past the best by date.
Thats why you use your senses, smell, taste, appearance.