Are There Any Ways To Make Hanging Less Painful Also Psychologically

Is partial suspension hanging a painful way to commit suicide?

I am referring to the method where you attach yourself to a towel rail etc and lower yourself so that the arteries in your neck are compressed, and you black out before suffocating.

Can you get paralysed from hanging yourself...?

So I have been thinking about committing suicide lately but I'm thinking of painless ways to do it. So the best way seems to be overdosing on painkillers, but in my house there seems to be very few tablets, certainly not enough to kill me. So another way could be hanging myself... but i heard that you can crack a bone in your neck and be paralysed for the rest of your life without actually dying. This thought really scares me. Is it true that this could happen? If so, is it very likely to happen?

How long does it take to passout when hanging yourself?

If you need help to get through it then i don't think that this is the right thing for you. As for how long it would take? I would ask someone but everyone who tried counting and succeeded is now dead, pretty inconsiderate of them.

Does letting hot wax drip on you from a candle hurt?

First, whether using wax hurts or not depends on several factors. One important factor is the type of wax. For example, softer waxes or paraffin wax candles have lower melting points and create less discomfort. Also, the color of the wax matters. Colored waxes typically have higher melting points. Lastly, the distance between the candle and skin matters. If a candle is held up high, the wax has more time to cool before reaching the skin.

If you are new to trying wax, I recommend a soft, paraffin wax. Also, some candles are better in terms of what chemicals they contain. Paraffin candles or candles from holistic businesses are better. You can find websites that have candles that are suitable for such use. One such site is When you play with wax, be sure to set something underneath you. It's a pain to get wax out of carpet ;-)

Second, whether the wax should hurt or not is a whole other question, the answer to which depends on the person. Some people like to include pain in their sexual play. It can create psychological gratification or sexual arousal for some people--they are simply wired that way. Also, playing with pain causes the body to release endorphins, which can send the body on a flight and create a natural buzz. This sensation is similar to a runner's high.

What is the least painful method to commit suicide?

Please inform me. Yes, it is for myself. Do us both a favor and just inform me, or else a lot more people will get hurt. I'm not religious, so don't tell me god created me for a reason. Don't tell me my life is worth living. You see, I don't have anyone who cares for me, over the past years I've been turning dark under the influence of modern day... Things. It was the only path to take. There was no other direction to turn. I hurt people, physically and mentally. I'm insane, literally. I hurt people I love, or at least to, until they abandoned me. I have planned to murder people, I feel the need to kill. I'm not overreacting or anything relating to that, I am being serious. I have a collection of knives, handcuffs and all weapons I can get my hands on. Sadly guns are illegal where I live. Tell me now before I continue to follow this path of darkness and corruption. Tell me before someone gets severely hurt.

Quick, painless, easy suicide methods?

Hey, you just answered my question so now I am going to answer yours. I have been wondering what is beyond eternity and in the afterlife mainly because I have been listening to the murdered love album by POD. Now I am not really religious or anything but their songs inspired me to think about people in need and people who are in trouble. One song "Beautiful" references people who are hurting inside, and it made me realize that every single person was put here on this earth to live a life and contribute to the world. You may think that your life is dull and uninspired, but just think about how you affect other people and how sad they would be if you were gone. As the song Beautiful says, "Life is beautiful so share a little love with the whole wide world" and you are Beautiful no matter what anyone says. Can you listen to it for me please?

Why do people hang themselves? Why specifically this method?

Trigger warning: I talk somewhat in depth about my past suicidal thoughts and actions, also mention of self harm.Now, obviously don’t do this. This answer is only for informational purposes. If you need help, please call the suicide hotline (US: 1-800-273-TALK (8255))I will be answering this from my point of view, when I have thought about it in the past. Don’t worry, I’m not suicidal anymore, however I do still struggle with depression and other mental illnesses, though that isn’t the point of this answer.When I thought about hanging myself, it was because of my wanting to avoid pain. I knew I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to do something like stabbing myself or cutting my wrists, only because of the pain. I have a low pain threshold, and therefore cannot stand pain well at all, although later I did self-harm (but again, that’s a different topic altogether).So, my options were, in my mind for suicide: Shooting myself or hanging myself.Okay, here is where I go really in depth. THIS IS AN EVEN BIGGER TRIGGER WARNING! I am most likely going to sound very cold and emotionless when explaining this.Shooting myself: Again, because I wanted to avoid the pain, and secondly because it would be the quickest. Pull the trigger, then it’s lights out. I was going to shoot myself in the head. I knew that if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to register the pain before I died, so that was why this method would have been my first choice. But, fortunately for me now, I didn’t really have an easy way of acquiring a firearm.Hanging myself, therefore, was the obvious choice. No pain, though there was the feeling of suffocation, but to me that was much more bearable than pain. Plus, it would be easy to locate the materials needed.Luckily, I did not go through with either method.Now, this is only from my point of view, and this may not be what everyone who wants to hang themselves is thinking, and if you are thinking about it, please get help!If you need someone else to talk to, please message me. I will do anything I can to help you, little as that ability of mine may be. I can at least help you with advice or just being someone for you to talk to.

I would like to know how to commit painless suicide?

i do respect my body. I am physically built(i ma beast). I know body is my temple, but thats not it. I seen so much pain, whent trough so much suffering. I dont believe this is the world i should live in. When i say i cut myself, i really mean it. I am buff as ****, but my wrist cut up from up to down. I know what i need to do. U guys can say that there is better solutions... well there is not. I stabbed myself in a heart, and still didnt die...aint that some bullshit! Doctors told me, this is not just bs. Cutting dosent kill. I research a little and there is snake venom for sale, but not in large enuff doses. I want something painless, i know that makes me a coward, but i had painfull years and i dont want to finish in this world with a pain. I know my parents/gf will suffer over it, but guess what life is a *****. U have to choices in life 1. get up and deal with it 2. go kill yoself... I m quite sick of choice 1... I been through therapist, even he said i had ****** up life... but h