Are We Going To War With Russia

Will U.S. go to war with Russia?

if the US goes to war with Russia in the shape it is now i don't think wed win, prob end up in some sort of stalemate. if the draft started then that changes it all cause we now have the man power to operate all the nice little toys the military has stocked up. fact of the matter is our technology surpasses anything they got and we would steam roll there military into the ground. same goes for china they might have millions of soldiers but in the end wed obliterate them as well cause numbers don't win battles anymore, technology does.
as far as Iraq and Afghanistan go it'll never end in victory. same situation as Vietnam. a US army cannot and will never win a guerilla war. to many ROE(rules of engagement) that they have to follow. if u took them away wed have a better chance but itd be 50-50 at best

Will the UK go to war with Russia?

No. But I think the UK will (at last) pass a law that allows seizure of Russian oligarch assets in the kingdom. Then MI6 will do its magic and disclose some of the carefully hidden ownership of perhaps hundreds of expensive London domiciles. In those real estate holdings are large quantities of stolen assets of the Russian nation. Ignore the charade of Sunday’s “election” in Moscow. Justice is coming for Vlad the Impaler and his cronies. It’ll take some time — we have to remove his plant in the White House first. But it’s coming. Meanwhile, Britain will (as it’s done before) stand alone and upright against these thugs.

Will the USA go to war with Russia?

I watched a video on those predictions made thousands of years ago such as how 9/11 was predicted and there was annother prediction which has apparently been linked/translated in to being:
Before the end of Obamas final term a EMP bomb will be dropped on the USA by Russia which will wipe out electronics etc across the US. By doing this the USA wont be able to use the internet, call people, have lights etc. The prediction then goes on to saying there will be riots and the USA will be engulfed in flames before being invaded. So this is all supposedly going to happen before January 2017.

Its like in 2012 when we all waited for the world to end but it didnt, though the 9/11 prediction did happen so i guess we just wait to see if anything happens. I personally dont think anything like this will happen

Has the US and Russia ever been at war?

In some secret conflicts yes like in Africa Soviet forces were in direct combat with covert US forces vise versa in Vietnam
and there have been some small engagements around Alaska that have never been made public

as far as fighting the Russians the US built her whole military to fight them , the US would win mainly because our doctrine is made to beat them.

Are we heading into war with Russia? Is the USA going to declare war?

You can always rely on Glen Greenwald to point out the potential danger of Russiophobia and making false claims about the country. No we are not headed to war with Russia. Greenwald is just pointing out the warmongering Russiophobic fuckheads who continue on this band wagon of blaming Russia for Trump, when Trump's rise as much the fault of their own making along with rise in nationalism under the Obama administration. Those who blame Russia can't except that 8 years establishment elitist politics led people to look toward a someone who is if not fully fascist certainly leans that way.

So when is the U.S. going to declare war on Russia?

President Trump and President Putin have had multiple meetings to restore hostility between the United States of America and former Soviet Russia. After the Cold War both countries weren't exactly friends, but leaders of both countries have worked to keep world peace and not start a possible nuclear war between two super powers. War will definitely be avoided by both sides. If there is any war to come the only reasonable one to be somewhat worried about would be a war with China. I may be taking this to an extent, but currently the U.S is having a trade war with China. Now because both countries want to win and get more income from their exports, the losing side might want to gain more power with military conflict. Although the U.S has an overall superior army: China has the largest militia in the world. Not the mention China could use missiles while the States couldn't because of their agreement with Russia mentioning both countries (U.S and Russia) can't use missiles in a military conflict.This may not be too formal, but I'm just in Eight Grade and this was a stupid question

I'm scared of WW3 and Russia war?

Don't waste your fear on something that may never happen.
Russia is no more eager for a nuclear war than the US is. In the coming years, I expect there will be global war, but it is by no means certain that the US and Russia will be on opposite sides. They have a common enemy: Islamist extremists. The US and Russia have been ideological enemies for 99 years, but they were allies in WWII, and never went to war with each other.