Being Social Without Food

How long can a hamster live without food?

BTW im on a 5 day vacation and i dnt have people who can watch my hamster. i checked her food bowl and water before i left and everything was fine.. im just really worried... coming home 2day soon

How long can you go without food before fainting or being hospitalized?

I have fainted 5 times, and it didn't matter how much I ate really, sometimes after skipping only 1 meal or maybe even none. Be very careful in the shower or hot tub.

However, what you are training your body to do is shut off your metabolism. That means when you eat again, every calorie will be stored as fat. Your body goes into starvation mode, and it thinks you don't have enough to eat, so anything you do eat, it has to store as fat so that it can be used as fuel in the future.

Oddly enough, the reverse it true as well. If you eat very frequently, even like almonds or a light sandwich, some pretzels, juice, a chick leg, every 1-2 hours, your metabolism is going to speed up and your body will think you always have plenty of fuel, and it will make you have all kinds of energy, and you will burn off all the calories and lose weight.

When I was 12, I was tall and I weighed 112, and my mom put me on Weight Watchers and I dropped to 103. That was only the beginning of my dieting life. I have tried every approach known to man, but I can say with all my experience, the fastest way of losing weight is by eating something healthy every 1-2 hours. It can be salad, nuts, half a sandwich, veggies, deli meat+mustard (especially fueling and good results), celery and peanut butter, etc. It will take a few days to get back the energy, but soon you will feel like going for a run, or doing a workout dvd.

The times in my life I did this, once I lost 40 lbs in 3 months. Another time I lost 16 lbs in 10 weeks, and then again, 16 lbs in 6 weeks, among other times as well. The secret is you eat healthy stuff, lots of meat, and you literally eat so often that you really hate all the eating you are doing, and drink a cup of water every 1/2 hour. Its exhausting all the eating, lol but it is fat burn mode.

How long can a glofish survive without food?

It can survive without food for at least a month, but I wouldn't push it that far.
Feeding once a day is fine.
Skipping a day now and then doesn't hurt, either.

Betta being anti-social?

I just added a Betta to my community 10-gallon fresh water. I'm sure all the parameters are set to his liking (80°F, tank is cycled, etc.) He isn't fighting with the neon tetras, and they aren't nipping at his fins, two of the things I was worried about.

What he does do is sulk in the corner of the tank. He's not very active. I'm worried that he's sick, or depressed (I've heard that can happen to Bettas). He isn't interested in food, even freeze-dried bloodworms. What's the best way for me to keep him healthy and happy?