Can 10-10x Be Simplified

-30x/-10x to be simplified?

ok, so what you need to do is write it out first. if you write big its easier not to make mistakes. then you can just look at the integer part of the problem, -30/-10. you can see that 10 goes into 30, so you just simplify that statement to -3/-1. then you re write that. then to the x's. when there are two of the same monomials on top of each other, they cancel each other out. so it ends up as -3, because -3/-1 is the same as 3/1. i think. lol i hope that helped. i believe it is right

Can you simplify this 10x^5y^4/15x^3y^9?

When you have two monomials that have the same base and you are dividing, you keep the base and subtract the exponents.

It might help to break this expression up into parts for easier understanding

10x^5/15x^3....*....y^4/3y^9 (this is essentially saying the same thing as the expression above)

10/15 = 2/3 and 5-3=2
On the y's side, you hae 1/3 and 4-9 = -5 but you can't have negative exponents in the denominator so you have to bring the base and the exponent back up to the numerator.

So now your expression is 2x² 3y^5 / 3 ← Answer =)

Simplify (2x - 10) - (3x2 + 10x) + (2x3 + 3x2)?

I take something like 3x2 would be 3 times 2. Is that correct?

If yes, then do a little distribution and see what happens.

(2x - 10) - (3 * 2 + 10x) + (2 * 3 + 3 * 2)
(2x - 10) - (6 + 10x) + (6 + 6)
(2x - 10x) - (-4)
The answer would be...
-8x + 4

Hope this helps out! (:

How do you simplify (4XY^-6)/((10X^-1/3)(Y^-4)?

re writing gives

4x/y^6 divided by 10/x^1/3y^4

invert and multiply

4x*(x^1/3)*y^4 / 10 y^6

= 2(x^4/3) / 5y^2

How can you simplify the expression 6-3(5x+2)-10x?

It's -25x

Here is how you solve:


Solve for parenthesis: -3(5x+2)= -15x-6
The solve for the rest of the equation:
combine the 'x' numbers: -15x-10x= -25x
combine the normal numbers (in this case subtract): 6-6=0

This becomes your answer: -25x