Can A Man With A And A Woman With O- Produce A Child With O Blood Type

Can a woman with blood type A have a child with blood type O with a man who is blood type AB?

From not unless a parent had chimerism (different parts of the body expressing different genes) or the theoretical possible mutation took place, or the person testing as having blood group 0 in reality has the extremely rare Blombay blood group hh (without H antigen no A or B can express themselves), in India 1 in 250,000 (in some regions 1 in 7,600) in Europe 1 in 1,000,000 see A+, AB, O- … but have you heard about Bombay Blood Group?

Could a man with blood type B and a woman with blood type O produce a child that has A blood type?

I'll second what the other guy said. As far as I'm aware you can't prove paternity reliably using blood types, but you can disprove it.
In this case, those two blood types would not result in a child with A type blood.

If a man and a woman have the same blood type, O, can they make a baby?

Not until they also have sex. (Pro tip - blood type isn’t the deciding factor in getting pregnant).Seriously though, two people with the same apparent blood group can absolutely produce a baby together. I say apparent because both parents can be Rh positive (like my parents) but produce an Rh negative child (like me).Each child receives one trait or allele from each parent receiving a total of two. So a person with Rh positive blood could actually have one allele for the Rh factor (positive) but lack the factor in the other allele and be able to pass on both, as my parents did. Three of us are Rh negative (we don’t have an allele and can’t pass it on) and the other two are Rh positive (meaning they each got at least one Rh allele, possibly two).A person could potentially get two Rh positive alleles, one from each parent, and always pass on a positive trait. There is really no way to tell for certain until the babies start to come. I’ll have to ask on my family’s beach vacation which of the grandkids have what blood type.So if both parents are group O, that means that neither inherited the A or B blood factors and neither can pass those factors on to their children. If both are Rh negative, then neither inherited the Rh factor they they can’t pass on that trait either.People with the same blood group can still have Rh incompatibility. If the man is Rh negative and the woman is Rh positive then there is no problem with Rh incompatibility.However, if the man is Rh positive and the woman is Rh negative (like me) and they produce an Rh positive child, then the woman can develop an immune response to the Rh factor in the child’s blood. This can cause complications in subsequent pregnancies.So your concern is not out of place. It is a good idea for the couple to determine if they are Rh compatible. If they are not, like my husband and I, that is the woman is Rh negative and the man is Rh positive, then when the woman becomes pregnant, she needs to be injected with RhoGAM® to keep from developing antibodies to Rh positive blood. I got the injection at around 20 weeks pregnant, just before delivery and after miscarriages.Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.

Can a man with blood type B and a woman with blood type O have a child with blood type A?


There are 3 alleles:
A, B, and O

A and B are co-dominant
O is recessive

A combination of two of them makes your genotype and thus blood type. On allele comes from mother; one comes from father.

There are four blood types
Blood type (combination)
A (AA or AO)
B (BB or BO)
O (OO)

Mother: OO
Father: BO

Possible combinations for child:
OO or BO,
Type B or Type-O, respectively

Therefore, she is a ho.

What is the chance that a man with type AB blood and a woman with type A blood whose mother is type O can... .

Mother is A/I (A is dominant) because her mother is I/I (or O group)
Chance that father passes down A 50% (or 1/2) and mother can pass any of A or I [AA or A/I will still give type A]
1/2*1 =1/2

b) Father needs to pass B and mother needs to pass A

c) Need I/I to give you type O, and father will not be able to pass any I allele.
0*1/2 = 0

d) Father needs to pass B, and mother needs to pass I
1/2*1/2 = 1/4

Blood type: Can an AB man has an O child?

No, a man with type AB blood can NOT have a type O child... The way blood types work is that A and B are surface markers on the red blood cells that are inherited. Type O means that there are NO surface markers. A and B types are codominant (i.e., both dominant) over type O. So...if your father has an AB blood type, your brother MUST be either A or B or AB for this man to be his genetic father...he can NOT be O, no matter what your mother's blood type is. The genetics are thus:

If Dad is AB and Mom is O: the possibilities for the children are AO or BO (type A or type B).

If Dad is AB and Mom is A: possibilities are A, B or AB.

If Dad is AB and Mom is B: possibilities are A, B or AB.

If Dad is AB and Mom is AB: possbilities are A, B, or AB.

P.S.--Just because it's not possible for your father and brother to be related, that doesn't necessarily imply that your mother is a bad just means she made a serious mistake in being unfaithful. Don't let that influence your love for your brother.

How can a woman of blood type A and a man of blood type AB have a child of blood type O?

No. Each parent has two alleles. The AB parent is easy, he has an allele and a B allele. For the A parent, there are two possibilities: AO or AA. The child will get one allele from each parent.This punnett square shows the possibilities for the child if dad is AB and mom is AO:If mom is AA, there are only two possibilities: AA=50% AB=50%.Therefore, without knowing whether the mom is AA or AO, the genotypic ratio for the child is:37.5% AA37.5% AB12.5% A012.5% BOThe phenotypic ratio is:50% Type A (genotypic either AA or AO)37.5% Type AB (genotypic AB)12.5% Type B (genotypic BO)There is no chance that the child will be Type O (genotypic OO)

Could a man with type b blood and a woman with type ab blood produce a child with type o blood?

Impossible. Both mother and father need to have a recessive allele for O. The father may have it by being heterozygous but the mother has a dominant allele for A and another for B

Can a man with blood type B and a woman with blood type AB produce a child with blood type O?

No, type O is a completely different type of protein that can only come from having a parent with type A, B, or O. If even one parent is type AB then the child can not be a type O.

Could a man with type B blood and a woman with type AB blood produce a child with type O blood? How is this explained in a Punnet square? What are all the possible genotypes?

Technically, if everybody writes things down right, it is impossible to have a Type AB parent and a Type O child, unless — there is one pretty rare situation where the genotype and the phenotype don’t match. The hh genotype does not produce any anti A, B, or O antigens and there are groups which only produce “weak” A or B antigens, these are also rare.The most common cause of an AB parent being listed as having an O child is someone wrote the types down wrong. Before you tell me that never happens, it happened to me. I’m O neg and my husband (and father of all my children) is O pos, so I was slightly ( OK, very, ) paranoid about needing a RhoGam(c) shot after each kid. Since I wasn’t getting much cooperation from the nurses with my oldest daughter, I went to the records department and insisted on seeing her record. They had her listed as type AB neg “No RhoGam Needed”. I lost it, and insisted on the shot, anyway. Since my husband outranked the nurse on duty on the weekend, I got it. ( this was in a MASH unit hospital) .Edit to add P.S. here’s the charts,The ABO blood group.