Can I Bring A Bong Across The Border

Can you legally bring pipes/bongs through the US-mexico border?

"Under the Federal Drug Paraphernalia Statute, which is part of the Controlled Substances Act, it is illegal to possess, sell, transport, import, or export drug paraphernalia ." This quote is from the site below. It is simply illegal to transport any type of drug paraphernalias ian any way at any time.

Can I bring a bong across the border?

My question is how can they detect if I have a bong in my car. I'm crossing back into the us from Canada in a car through the border and I bought in Canada a small bong which looks like a small case about like 4 to 5 inches tall and the piece which you put the weed in is able to be taken out so I can put it in a different part of my car but I'm driving with my parents so I'm just worried why should I do I'm just worried if they have X-rays do any of you know if they do and what I should do thank uou

Is getting a bong across the border legal?

Have you ever used the bong? If so it will probably have traces of drugs in it so you would be arrestable. Also, if they see you with a bong the airport staff are liable to strip search you, I hear this isn't at all fun. Why don't you buy one when you get to Serbia or make one yourself?

Is it illegal to bring a bong to and from Amsterdam?

It's called drug paraphernalia, and it is illegal in the US. Tommy Chong didn't go to prison for fun.

Can I bring a pipe or a bong back to Canada from amsterdam?

Sure. If you decide to you use them there, make sure they're clean & spotless before packing them. Don't leave any residue on your bongs.

If they check your bags & find the bongs stuff, they'll ask the obvious. Do you use? Do you have any weed on you?

You won't get arrested for saying you smoked weed abroad.

If you say you don't have any weed on you, then you better be correct.

Now, they may go through all your stuff anyways but being straightforward with the officer will certainly help.

Can i bring my bong on the airplane?

sure yeah, actually no not at all, but you can get your bong smashed and be charged with paraphenilia charges. please listen to me these people are not correct. even attempting to cross a state border with a "water pipe" is a federal case. why don't you ask john ashcroft? these nazi's have changed the laws in the last few years making sale and trafficing of the cleanest even unused "waterpipes" illegal.

please please listen to me i do know and do not want another stoner to go to jail for something stupid.

leave it home and simply fabricate one once you have reached your destination. even mailing it would be safer however that probably has about a 25% chance working due to residual scent.

17 years old ordering bong from Grasscity and was wondering about customs crosschecking name + age?

Customs will not normally check your age. They do check your name and notice what you ordered.

You may be added to the list for people to watch when crossing the Border.