Can The People You Hang Around With Really Influence You As A Person

My friends have a really bad influence on me. I have no other friends apart from them. Should I stop "chilling" with them?

Yes, stop chilling with them.  There are two types of people in this world: those that can move you ahead, and those that can hold you back.  Interestingly enough, the two types of people don't associate with each other.  If these "friends" are a bad influence on you, then they are holding you back.  Because you associate with them, the people that could be a good influence on you refuse to associate with you because they view you as one of "them."  If you break away from the people that have a bad influence on you and show that you want to do good, you will soon have friends that are a good influence on you.I will give you a perfect example.  I like to think of myself as a good influence.  I encourage my friends to better themselves, give them good advice, and am always there when they need assistance.  Unsurprisingly, none of my friends are involved in anything illegal and truly want to better better themselves.  I do not want to be connected with someone that is doing something wrong or is hanging around with people that are doing wrong stuff.  Why should I since that is not the type of person that I am?If you decide to break with your current "friends" (I keep putting friends in quotations since I cannot see how a true friend would want to hurt you by being a bad influence), then do know that it will be lonely until you finally win the trust of those that want to help you and be a good influence in your life.  You will need to prove that you have changed before those that are a good influence will accept you.  We aren't stupid, which is why we aren't doing the stupid things that would make us be a bad influence in your life.  Once you prove that you want to move ahead, I swear that we will be better friends to you than your current "friends" could ever be.

Is it bad that I like to hang out with rich people? Or with really smart people?

it is not bad but just in my best opinion i say with rich people it is kinduv bad depending this is my opinion for me specially cause i am a kid and i know what they do they influence you to come to thare house and play every day or allmost and your mind most likly is in the stage were you will want to go and they will influence you to it and for me a poor person tho he is probally the smartest in your class i would hang around him beacause rich is not bad but they will not like to study more if than a poor person who likes to study cause they got no option or a sunario like that can influence that to you i know that cause i am young and experince it but this is my opinion or than it is your choice. So it is your option if you want to be more greedy or more smart and have fun and become a good person with GOOD MONEY your choice.

How to act around really cool/popular people?

Hiya! So I'm going to meet a group of all the REALLY cool popular people on Wednesday. I think we are going to hang around town. I'm 15. I'm not exactly the most sociable person but my friend who I'm meeting there is REALLY sociable. I have NO idea how to act around people like this because I'm kinda quiet and I DON'T want to be a wallflower and be forgotten in the background.
(There will be boys and girls there)

How are you influenced by those around you and how do you influence them?

It's really hard to admit, but I'm the one who has capability over influencing people negatively. I'm a bad person, with immature thinking, and over the years, I have turned lives a little upside down. Maybe it's because I share too much emotion and words with my friends that they become something like me. I openly express my feelings towards others, am not afraid of what people may say for my inexcusable actions. One by one, people start doing what they've been seeing from me. I don't know why, but when I see them acting that way it doesn't feel fine at all. Moreover, I think it's awful and nasty. But I didn't intend to spread my evil virus.

As for people influencing me, well, in my early years, yes, they do, basically because it was like intuition. Like a part of me that wanted to be something snapped in place. I was very reserved and anti-social to strangers but when I had friends which resembled my personality but are more extreme than me, I tend to act like they do, 'cause I thought then that it was okay. You like, feel more freedom of expression without fear of rejected ideals. But being in with the crowd, or keeping up with the Joneses isn't in tune with me. I don't think that way.

In morals and values, I take a firm stand in what I believe in. I am not easily overpowered cause I know the right and the wrong. When I decide, it's irrevocable. The biggest influence of my life is my mom, cause I look up to her. But that doesn't mean all the people I admire in this world influences me. I am sane enough to justify matters twisted by the world.

Sure, I love rock, yes I do! But that doesn't entitle Rock to gain power over me and teach me to do drugs, overload on booze and too much sex. Sure, people love Obama. But he is self-contradictory - he doesn't take a stand - he sways to please people. But I respect him on some points that McCain can never gain.

Sometimes, influence can creep over you. Like TV. Like music you listen to. Unconsciously. So be wary. You know what is good and what is bad. You don't have to lie for it. You choose which side you are on, and which influence to really influence yourself. You don't have to put your dignity and yourself out of line just for being on the bandwagon. You should, be your own influence. And opinions, are opinions.

Does anyone feel nervous around religious people especially christians?

You are not alone because extremely religious people who are set on converting you can be a royal pain in the a**. It is their job to convert to you to their way of thinking about Christianity and they are prepared to stay there all night and the next day to convince you. I am generally a mild sort of guy. I don't like to get riled up due to high blood pressure so I often merely nod and smile and avoid confrontations but occasionally I have to let go because their information is so far off base that I cannot merely sit there and say nothing. They know only what they were taught even if much of it isn't exactly factual and they hit you between the eyes with their point of view. Yes, it can make me VERY uncomfortable.

Do the people you hang out with effect your intelligence?

"You become who you drink coffee with." - Robin SharmaThe dictionary definition of intelligence is the ability to comprehend, understand and  apply knowledge and skills. According to that definition, the amount of knowledge a person possesses is not exactly a measure of how intelligent they are, although the ability to acquire knowledge and the amount of knowledge acquired are directly related. That said, generally we often use the terms 'intelligent' and 'smart' to generally describe people who are knowledgeable and learned. Now does spending time with different kinds of people have an effect on how intelligent you are or how intelligent you get? In my opinion, yes. This is how I look at it: Human brain is like a muscle. It gets stronger when it is used, when it is challenged, when we learn new things. In the company of people who are full of ideas, are generally smart and have intelligent discussions, and innovate things, you will learn new things. Hanging out with knowledgeable people is a fun way to become more knowledgeable. If you spend time with people who are skillful in certain areas, it is probable that you will also benefit from their skill(s). For example, if you spend most of your time in the company of a person who has very strong communication skills for three months, you will notice your communication skills to have improved after those months. I believe that we are always picking up skills from those around us, even if we don't realize it. You can increase how much you learn by observing and learning consciously. I have also observed that when I spend time with people who are generally quicker in thinking and calculating etc. (i.e. those with higher IQ), I also become very quick in thinking and comprehending etc. On the other hand, if I spend time with people are slower (not belittling them; they must be good at other things) in understanding and comprehending things, I also become slower. I don't know if other people experience this as well.

How can you influence someone to become a better person?

The most ethical and sustainable way to influence people is to become a better person yourself.What actually happens is that we think we are better then others, or we know what is better for them and we try to fix them, while what really is, is that we ourselves have hard times with stuff in our lives, we project it on others, they mirror it and we blame them as guilty and tell them how to change.The closest people near us are there because our flaws and shadow parts are simply loveable with them. If we say: “you don’t love me. I do everything for you and you do not appreciate…” the hidden truth is that we do not set healthy limits of what we are willing to do for others. So what happens is that we feel like the exchange rate is in our disadvantage, and we challenge the other person to start giving more.What we have to do in this situation is to evaluate who’s desire to give is, and start calibrating what we really want in the conditions where the other one does not modify anything.A good and perspective opening, but hard to take self-question is : “what is my contribution to the situation I am in.” Stop the blame-shame-guilt vicious circle, that mostly points towards others, and start taking responsibility for your actions, and “contract” with the other person what you give and what you would like to have, being ready as well to really listen to the others’ part opinion.For example, my mom always said I’m lazy because I do not dust and vacuum my room. And we often quarrelled on the subject, even if I did dust and clean. Why? Because on a scale from 1 to 10 she wanted to see things done at 11, while I was happy with a 6–7. The difference to 10 meant for me to loose my precious time of reading or going out with friends, and she said that because I do not reach 10, I’ll be a looser in life! Because only “tidy and neat” people have success…See what I mean? She was not prepared to listen to my needs, she just wanted to “make me do”. This is not influencing. :-)Hope this helps. Happy to hear how and if this opinion makes any sense for you!Cheers!

If you hang with a certain type of people, are you likely to be like them?

The degree to which you'll be influenced by the people you spend a lot of time with, is the degree to which you want to be accepted into a group. This has more to do with personality preference than any other factor. So in this case, you'll pick up good habits, yes. But also bad habits. Most people become like the people they hang around with. It's an unconscious thing. It's like going to live in another county and getting an accent after a while, and adapting your method of living to be more efficient by following things people do in that country, like eating the food that's most available there and listening to the music that's always playing. Eventually, your individuality gives way to group behaviours and patterns. There's no avoiding this.However, some stubborn individuals will change less. They don't adapt as much as most, if they're confident enough in themselves or their way of doing things or thinking. And hence they're less likable or agreeable, and more arrogant. And have a rep for being so. Perhaps they'll even try to change the group, instead of letting the group change them. Think Hitler.

Will I get dumber if I hang out with less intelligent people?

There is a saying that goes that you are the sum of the five closest people you keep around in your life. I wouldn't necessarily say you would become dumber, but you would probably adopt behavior that would be seen as less intelligent. However, it wouldn't necessarily affect your actual intelligence. You ever notice how if you hang out with someone who talks differently from you long enough, you start to use parts of their vocabulary?Then if you distance yourself away from said-person, you would stop emulating their behavior as much in general? It's really that simple.You would incorporate parts of "dumber" behavior into your everyday life, but it wouldn't affect your actual intelligence. As a rule of thumb, I would suggest to always try to hang out with people of similar if not higher intelligence than oneself. But if you have no choice, then rest assured that hanging out with people of lesser intelligence wouldn't actually affect your innate intelligence.Good luck!