Can You Help Me With This Math Problem

Can you help me with this math problem? 5x^2 = 125?


Can you help me with math problem?

ok so theirs a math problem i can't figure it out

kate is knitting a 85-inch scarf at the rate of 6 inches per day. write a rule in function notation to find the number of inches she has left to knit at the end of any given day. let d represent the number of days spent knitting??

how do i figure it out

Can you Help me with this Math Problem?

C(x) = 400x + 70,000

C(x) is the total cost
x is the number of items

you are given 900 items and want to find out how much it'll cost. so just plug 900 in for x to get:

C(x) = 400*900 + 70,000
C(x) = 360,000 + 70,000
C(x) = 430,000

so the cost is $430,000

Can you help me with this math problem!!?

You need a 25-gallon fish tank wih fresh water.
You are using a 1/2-gallon pitcher. Use the equation W=25 - 1/2p, where W is the amount of water still needed to fill the tank, when p pitchers of water have been poured into the tank. How many times do you need to fill the pitcher to fill the fish tank?

Can you help me with this math problem?


= 15!/3!12!
= 1307674368000/2874009600
= 455

Can you help me with a math problem plz ?

He can have up to four $1 bills, one $5, and four $10 because that's only $49. So throw in a $50 and you'd have ten bills.

Can you help me with this math problem about proof?

AxB={(a,b) such that a in A and b in B}. Since B is empty, then so is AxB as there is no b to write (a,b).

A silly way to think of AxB is this:
Let A be the set of children in one family X and B be the set of children in another family Y.
Then AxB is the possible ways that two children, one from A and one from B can go to the movies.

Since B is empty (family Y has no children), there is no way that a child from family A can go to the movies with a child from family B. Thus AxB is empty.

And what puji_perfect wrote is incorrect, AUB=A, it is A (intersect) B which is empty.

I need help with a math problem, can you help me?

P= 2W + 2L [Perimeter= 2 times width plus 2 times height]
P= 2(4.2) + 2(3.65) [= 2 times 4.2 plus 2 times 3.65]
P= 8.4 + 7.3 [= 8.4 + 7.3]
P= 15.7 inches squared

Perimeter= 15.7 square inches, or 15.7 inches squared.
Glad I could help you!

Can you please help me with this math problem? Or help me halfway through the problem?

Score Conversion Activity Scenario: (a)You have a student, Martina, entering your school from another state. You need to know which math class you should place her in. The scores you normally use are SAT scores (mean=500 and standard deviation=100). The rules you use for placement are:

700-800 Calculus
500-699 Trigonometry
300-499 Geometry
100-299 Algebra. However, this student did not take the SAT, but instead took the AAT. Scores for the AAT are reported with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 8. Martina received a raw score of 84 on the math portion of the AAT. Convert her scores to a metric so that they are comparable to SAT scores, then decide in which math class Martina should be placed.

In one or two paragraphs, explain (using words and numbers) which course Martina should be placed in, and why. Make sure to include a explanation
Sorry I know its kind of long.
Thanks 4 your help

Can you help me with this math problem, please?

I have been struggling with this math problem, and I am not sure how to get the solution. Here is the problem: The distance d, in miles, that Keegan is from his parents’ house in Tucson is given by the function d(t)=400−60t, where t is the number of hours since he left his home. What is the domain of the function?

Thank you so much!