Canadian History Social Economic Political And Geograohic

Is it social, political, economic, or geographic? 7th grade history homework..need help!?

tell me if these words are social, political,economic, or geographical?
these words are used in the terms of 7th grade history*


i will choose the best answer when i get the paper graded by my teacher
and whoever has the most right answers will get 10 points
thanks for your help on my homework!!!

What were the political, economic, and social causes for the founding of different british colonies in north a?

Mainly economical:
Beavers and cod stocks in Europe had been drastically depleted. The fisheries and fur industries were first to be exploited in North America.
Politically, it was a good place to bestow favours on those deemed 'special' by the Crown - nepotism and 'merits'. For example - trading companies such as the Hudson Bay Company.
It was also a place to send 'problem people' such as religious 'misfits' called non-conformists - usually those with Puritanical leanings.
All three of your categories go hand-in-hand. You can separate the details out further from what was noted above.

What political, economic, social and geographic factors caused appeasement in WWII?

Politics: Britain was feeling remorseful about the harshness of Versailles and felt that Germany should be allowed to grow strong. This argument was finished after Anschluss. It was replaced by the argument that without France's backing, Britain should not enter a war. France was very unstable so its political motivation was not to do anything to injure France. Joining a war without British backing was unthinkable.

Economics: Britain and France traded with Germany and did not want to hurt this trade. Britain and France did not feel rich enough to risk war as there was no hope of plunder or decent reparations.

Social: Both Britain and France had convinced their public there could be no major war after the horrors of the First World War. Their public did not want a war if it could be avoided.

Geographical: Germany was pushing East towards the USSR. Britain and France were afraid of the USSR and wanted a strong barrier between it and them. Neither Britain nor France could easily send troops to Austria, Czechoslovakia or Poland. The Siegfried line would deter an attack from the west so Germany was allowed to move eastwards.

What are the differences between social, economic, political and cultural rights?

No. In the past, there has been a tendency to speak of economic, social and cultural rights as if they were fundamentally different from civil and political rights. While the Universal Declaration of Human Rights made no distinction between rights, the distinction appeared in the context of the deepening cold war tensions between East and West. The market economies of the West tended to put greater emphasis on civil and political rights, while the centrally planned economies of the Eastern bloc highlighted the importance of economic, social and cultural rights. This led to the negotiation and adoption of two separate Covenants—one on civil and political rights, and another on economic, social and cultural rights. However, this strict separation has since been abandoned and there has been a return to the original architecture of the Universal Declaration. In recent decades, human rights treaties such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child or the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities have integrated all rights.Second, economic, social and cultural rights have been seen as requiring high levels of investment, while civil and political rights are said simply to require the State to refrain from interfering with individual freedoms. It is true that many economic, social and cultural rights sometimes require high levels of investment—both financial and human—to ensure their full enjoyment. However, economic, social and cultural rights also require the State to refrain from interfering with individual freedoms, for instance trade union freedoms or the right to seek work of one’s choosing. Similarly, civil and political rights, although comprising individual freedoms, also require investment for their full realization. For example, civil and political rights require infrastructures such as a functioning court system, prisons respecting minimum living conditions for prisoners, legal aid, free and fair elections, and so on.Call Tutors - Foreign Exchange Market Assignment Help

What economic, historic, and geographic factors influence/affect/shape canadian government?

I have a strong feeling this for a test, is it?........
Anyway, Canada's massive size and the wilderness and Tundra to the north and close to Alaska would certainly affect politics, these areas would be sparsely populated.
Logging I'm sure it a large industry as in the snow lands to the north there is plenty of wood.
A lot of trade with with the US.
The Maple tree is on the flag , i.e maple syrup.
Used to be part of the British empire.
Played major role in world war two, took Juno beach on D-day there was a lot of opposition to involvement in the war.
Try wikipedia.

How did ww2 impact Canada socially, politically and economically?

Effects Of Ww2 On Canada

What are the Economic and Political features of canada east and canada west?

Alberta in general is more conservative. It flourishes on oil and gas (in general). Eastern Canada tends to be more liberal (in general). Some Eastern provinces also flourish on oil and gas as well as logging.

I can't give you any specifics.

How do political, social, and economical issues relate when talking about history?

They stand on their own as well as inter-relate pretty well like anything else can be made to if you have acquired enough multi-disciplinary knowledge and have the imagination to exploit it any which way you want. History impacts everything and everything has an impact on history. How defining or not is the essence of the argument and if yes, why and if not, likewise. What can be learned is just as essential. Deeper in history, you will realise that it never repeats itself, otherwise by now we would have learned how to solve every issue after thousands of years of it. The truth is that we haven’t even solved a very fundamental issue, which is that of governance. How to ensure rising levels of satisfaction within a system that is balanced and is equally fair to all is something that still eludes us. Governance and governability are deeply entrenched in economics and social issues, and the tool we use to try to make things happen within these type of national systems is politics. Be aware that the activity is not circumscribed to politicians but to all who can influence by the use of power. What kind of power and how to wield it and the consequences emanating therefrom is the quintessential argument in politics. That is why we study civilizations across geographic and time continuums, to try to assess failures and successes against a backdrop that can be very adverse and therefore potentially mitigating and favourable and therefore possibly unforgiving.

What were the political and economic reasons for building the Canadian Pacific Railway?

BC joined Canada based on the promise of a railway link. (That is a Political and economic reason.)

Politics, by creating an east - west link, it ensured there was a Canadian Connection instead of an American one. BC could have been talked into joining the US, which is implied with Alaska being purchased by the US. A railway, ensures Canadian settlers, canadian economy and Canadian defence - like ability to move Military.

Economics. Transportation has huge economic implications. First it lets goods get from areas of production to the markets. But even more importantly it opened up huge areas to settlers. settlers could move easier into new areas and start local production. Mostly we are talking Farmers on the Prairies, especially early on. But also forest products, mining and even tourism. If you look at all of Canada's grand old Luxury Hotels you will find they were all Canadian Pacific Hotels. (Victoria, Vancouver, Banf, Winnipeg, etc.)

How do the Canadian and American political parties compare?

When it comes down to it, the greatest difference between the two sets of parties has to do with:Canada being more liberalThe United States being more conservativeSimilaritiesBoth countries have a Liberal and Conservative party, each having a vastly greater following than other, Independent parties. They also both share the same three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.DifferencesDue to being what one could call a “leftover” of the British empire, Canada’s government is allowed to be a lot more authoritarian and sovereign. On the other hand, The United States has a Constitution which limits the power of the federal government. For example, the American Constitution prohibits government from intervening into the personal lives of its people (without just cause), while the Canadian government can do pretty much anything they want without breaking any of their own laws. Although most Canadians believe in Economic Liberalism, or progressive taxation on individuals and businesses in order to fund more public programs, Conservative Canadians do not support newer referendums of Social Reform, such as government surveillance and gun control. On the other hand, although Canadian and American Liberals are similar in many ways, Canadian and American Conservatives differ as, although both Canadian and American Conservatives are Traditionalist, American Conservatives appose Economic Liberalism, weighing more of a concern on Private Property and businesses to allow Freedom of Choice and Forced Competition between said businesses, which more often than not leads to innovation. Lastly but most obviously,Canada is a Parliamentary DemocracyThe United States is a Constitutional RepublicThank you for your time.