Conclusion Sociology

What is the conclusion of feminism?

The conclusion of feminism will be when :When women will feel safe to go out anywhere irrespective of time, place, irrespective of being alone or with someone, irrespective of cloths they are wearing. When they wont be stared or harassed by men and seen as a normal human being instead of an object of lust.When women wont be seen by default as a home-maker and instead be encouraged by society to earn her own bread.When a birth of girl child be celebrated and she would be given equal opportunities as a male child in all aspects - education, healthcare, etc. There are various households where due to shortage of money they compromise on girl child’s education, healthcare, food and reason they give is “We don’t have enough money, can afford education of only one child, so if has to choose it will be boy, ladhki kya kregi padh ke? (What will girl do by getting educated?”When we stop assigning gender roles, example “You are a girl, you should know cooking.”When she no longer get to hear sexist comments like “You are a girl, you will have a happy life even if you don’t study or earn.”When parents’ concern shifts from getting their daughter married after she reaches “marriageable age” to getting their daughter highest degree of education and successful career.When she is stopped being expected to dedicate her life for in-laws, husbands, children and stop even thinking about herself.When society is able to accept the concept of house husband, in case the couple decide to do that.When girls are not slut shammed for having a number of affairs and losing her virginity before marriage and boys are looked upon as a player/Casanova.When girl parents’ need not give dowry to get their daughter married.When she is not judged by beauty and cooking skills for marriage.When people will stop praying to God for giving them atleast one male child to carry their generation forward and cursing their luck for not having one.When she is stopped being viewed as “child producing machine” and taunted with sexist comments like “A women life is fulfilled only after birth of a child.”



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What is the scope of sociology?

There are two main schools of thought regarding the scope of Sociology: (1) The Specialist or Formalistic school and (2) the Synthetic school. There is a good deal of controversy about the scope of Sociology between the two schools. The supporter of first school believe that Sociology is a specific science and the scope should be limited whereas others believe that it is a general science and its scope is very vast(1) Specialistic school:The supporters of this school of thought are George Simmel, Vierkandt, Max Weber, Vonwise, and F. Tonnies. The main views of the school regarding the scope of Sociology are -(i) Sociology is a specific, pure and independent social science.(ii) Sociology studies the various forms of social relationships.(iii) Scope of Sociology is very narrow and limited.(iv) Sociology deals with specific form of human relationship.(v) Sociology need not study all the events connected with social science.(vi) Simmel believes that it is a specific social science and it should deal with social relationships from different angles.Criticism:(i) Sociologist alone does not study the forms of social relationships. Other social scientists also do that.(ii) The distinction between the forms of social relations and their contents is not practicable.(iii) Thirdly, the formalistic school has narrowed down the scope of Sociology.(iv) Finally, the conception of pure Sociology is imaginary.(2) Synthetic school:The supporters of synthetic school are the sociologists like Ginsberg, Durkheim, Comte, Sorokin, Spencer, F. Ward, and L.T. Hobhouse.According to this school-(i) Sociology is a general and systematic social science.(ii) Scope of Sociology is very vast.(iii) Sociology needs help from other social sciences.(iv) It is a synthesis of social science.(v) Sociology is closely related with other social sciences.Conclusion:From the above discussion, we come to know that formalistic school believes in the study of the parts, which makes up the society and synthetic school advocates the study of the whole society. However, both the schools complement to each other. They are not opposed to each other. Thus, Sociology is a general science of society and specialised discipline. Sociology is a growing science. Therefore, it is neither possible nor desirable to restrict its scope.

What is the importance of sociology?

It allows us to study society.Without it, we could not explore in depth how society is structured, what is good about it, what is bad about it and how to change it for the better. It gives us insight into how humans can advance socially and provides us with an understanding of how things happen as they do in the social world. This is true for anthropology as well, which is much broader than sociology, and political theory, which helps us dissect the political institutions and structures in society that hold everything together. The same goes for sociology. We must constantly study society so that we can help improve upon it, uncover its various ills and understand better how different people, of different sects and experiences, interact with greater society in the way that they do.Without sociology, we cannot analyse society and that would be very dangerous. A society which is immune from scrutiny and revision is likely to end in disaster.Importance Of Sociology

What are some common criticisms of sociology?

One of the biggest criticisms of sociology I have is that it is very insular. Prior to about twenty years ago it privileged sociologists' research, theory, and observations over that of other disciplines. The field seemed very closed off from other social sciences, and very mired in western worldviews. It has gotten better, especially with the slow encroachments of mixed methods and ethnography into the discipline, but it still seems very tribal. (Ref: sociologists view of economics)Source: sociology degree. Graduate coursework in sociology while completing MA in anthropology.

How do I write a conclusion on corruption?

This would depend on which many things:Where you come from or which society you're writing aboutThe level of corruptionThe corrupt officials themselvesIn my home country Uganda, my conclusion on corruption would look like this:A land full of scoundrels, eating society down to entrails with no mercy for the population. Surely,will God ever have a listening ear for these goons?

What is the importance of sociology of education to a teacher and why?

Sociology is the field of study that analyzes and explains important matters in our personal lives, our communities, and the world.The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes. It is mostly concerned with the public schooling systems of modern industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education.[1]Education has often been very much so seen as a fundamentally optimistic human endeavour characterised by aspirations for progress and betterment.[2] It is understood by many to be a means of overcoming handicaps, achieving greater equality, and acquiring wealth and social status.[3] Education is perceived as a place where children can develop according to their unique needs and potential.[2] It is also perceived as one of the best means of achieving greater social equality.[3] Many would say that the purpose of education should be to develop every individual to their full potential, and give them a chance to achieve as much in life as their natural abilities allow (meritocracy). Few would argue that any education system accomplishes this goal perfectly. Some take a particularly critical view, arguing that the education system is designed with the intention of causing the social reproduction of inequality.Thank you WikipediaSociology of education gives us the tools to manage, lead, and understand the relationships between teachers and students, and students and their peers.There is more to teaching than having an assignment written out for students to follow.

What are the sites for a good sociology essay?

Word of Warning:
Do not use a WEBSITE to get your essays that you do not want to write.

Because first of all it is illegal. Second of all you can get into really big trouble with your school if you get caught. This may range from a 0 grade for the essay or the course, to suspension or even expulsion. It also goes onto your permanent record and you will not be accepted to Universities.

Teachers check every essay by putting sentences from your essay into google or other programs that search the internet for certain words. Also, teachers know the popular websites to use for this illegal activity, and will search those.

I am not trying to change your decision, but I have had in depth conversations with teachers and professors about this topic. They aren't as stupid as you think.

How do I write an essay on what sociology means to me?

Hi Watson,
Sociology on the other hand is described as, according to the Hutchins encyclopaedia , “the systematic study of the origin of human society, in particular of social order and social change, social conflict and social problems. It studies institutions such as the family, law and the church, as well as concepts such as the norm, role, and culture. Sociology attempts to study people in their social environment according to underlying moral, philosophical and political codes of behaviour.” Read more information about sociology here:

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