Did Carl Sagan Have His Body Frozen

Is Carl Sagan in Hell?

Nah, he's laying in a morgue somewhere.

The Earth is too perfect, it must be God right?

All that is true. It is not a mistake either but the Earth was designed that way and designed for man to live on. Anything bad is a result of man's selfishness. God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth.


1. Water is a great solvent. Water, because of its polarity (which is due to the highly electronegative oxygen atom drawing electron density to itself), is able to dissolve many organic and inorganic molecules necessary for life. e.g. amino acids, sugars

2. Water experiences cohesion, tension, and adhesion. Water molecules can hydrogen bond to one another (cohesion) and to polar surfaces (adhesion). Surface tension is due to the fact that water molecules are more attracted to other water molecules than to the air. Cohesion, tension, and adhesion are necessary for water movement in plants.

3. Water has a high heat capacity. It takes a lot of energy to raise the temperature of water because of the strong hydrogen bonding between water molecules. As the water heats up the molecules move faster--it takes more energy to weaken the hydrogen bonding interactions. This is good for evaporative cooling. When water does evaporate, it takes a lot of heat with it--this is why sweating cools you down. Water's high heat capacity is also important for the climate of biomes. Oceans hold a lot of heat. This is why areas near the ocean have more mild temperatures than areas inland. Water slower to change temperature than land due to high heat capacity.

4. Ice is less dense than liquid water. This is again due to hydrogen bonding between molecules. The hydrogen bonds that form when ice forms prevent close packing of molecules. Therefore, liquid water is more dense than ice. This is important for aquatic environments such as ponds, lakes, etc. that freeze over in the winter. Because ice is less dense, it floats at the top and insulates the water below. This allows fish and other organisms to survive the winter in the water.

Hope this helps.

How important do you think it is to integrate modern psychological understanding into astrology?

Scientists are learning more and more in the field of psychology everyday - what constitutes personality, what traits are linked to other traits, what symptoms result from which mental disorders, and so on and so forth. A big area of research still ongoing is how the individual personality comes to be what it is, and why some personalities are similar and why others are the same: genetics, environmental factors, social factors, childhood upbringing, and so on are all studied and looked at in a holistic manner to help us understand the formation of personality (and resulting life choices, goals, relationship patterns etc.).

Do you think it is important to take this kind of modern scientific knowledge into account when studying astrology and interpreting a birth chart? Or do you think astrology works just fine, regardless of what details we learn about the psyche through science?

Thanks for your opinions.