Do Conservatives Hate New York Or California More

California's liberal economy vs Texas's conservative economy? See what works liberals?

And yet they both have conservative governors. And houston, dallas and san antonio metro areas are also pretty heavily regulated.

How much work is done to separate two charges from California to New York? (PHYSICS PROBLEM)?

A +7.5-nC point charge is 5.0 cm from a -9.4-µC point charge in your laboratory in California. How much work would you have to do if you left the +7.5-nC charge in the lab but took the -9.4-µC charge to New York City? (k = 1/4πε0 = 9.0 × 109 N • m2/C2)

Why do many American conservatives hate California?

As for myself, I hate California because I lived there, and I know what the state is really like.California Democrats are among the most left leaning Democrats in the US. They are strongly buying into the idea that the future voting base of the party should be immigrants, the less educated they are, the poorer and more Marxist the country they came from, the better. This group, they believe, will never learn to speak English or want to work real jobs, or understand what the Constitution is all about. They will be content to do what they are told, and especially vote as they are told, in exchange for a pathetic lifestyle only marginally better than where they came from.The most dispiriting thing about the attitude Californians have toward the immigrants they hope to use to win elections is how much they really despise these people. Californians are willing to flout the laws of the US to protect the nastiest kind of criminals because they ACTUALLY think that is what immigrants are: rapists. Kidnappers. Murderers. And, as they see it, that is why protecting this kind of criminal will endear the Democrat party to the immigrant base itself.As for people who actually work, you know, have jobs? The Democrats have no use for them. Democrat policies have driven working people, businesses, and college kids who want to get ahead out of the state. The people who remain are welfare recipients, criminals, and students with majors like, “transgenderism among dolphins”, “feminist cross pollination in seaweed”. The type of thing where no job will ever exist to take them from academia, where they feel important.It makes no sense that the state has driven a huge part of their tax base out of state, yet they continue to spend the meager remaining tax revenues on overblown pensions, and ridiculous renewable energy schemes, while ignoring streets full of feces and drug paraphernalia.I guess that in the back of whatever minds the California politicians have is the assumption that when the economy fails, the rest of the US citizens will have to bail the state and most of the municipalities out. Don’t they know who the rest of the nation is?Deplorables.This isn’t going to end well for California.

What makes some states more liberal and others more conservative?

Culture. The rural states tend to be conservative because the people there are more self-reliant, stoic and austere.

States with a larger urban population are more socialist, not liberal. Socialists have fraudulently taken the label "liberal" when liberalism is actually antithetical to their policies; but they prefer that label to theirs. Most people today say, think, and believe whatever they like, regardless of any truth to it.

Jefferson futilely warned that bringing heavy industry here would bring hordes of people conditioned to taking direction and dependent on someone else for a wage. That's what we have now and those are inclined to socialism.

Liberalism advocates: individual freedom, weak government, and free markets. Conservatism advocates: moral responsibility, strong government, and protected markets. Socialism advocates: social responsibility, omnipotent government, and controlled markets.

Why do texans bad mouth californians and new yorkers?

i've never heard of this and i live in texas.

Why exactly is California and New York so hated?

You may notice that they're only hated by American hard core right wingers. Really, that's it! The rest of the world either loves them, could take them or leave them, or doesn't have an opinion on them any way at all. But the American right wing is trained to hate certain people and places, and places that have higher tax rates, lots of immigrants, lots of diversity, stronger gun control laws, and liberal laws that support LGBT and women's rights hit almost all the buttons for their venom.On the other hand staunch liberals like myself don't hate Republican dominated states. I may be worried about my freedoms as a gay man or discrimination and acts of hatred for being Jewish and gay so would prefer not to live in a very red state but I think they are beautiful places with still plenty of good people and great regional food.In fact, it was conservative talk radio that invented the term “fly over states” and claimed that's what “elites” (another conservative talk radio term) on the coasts “pejoratively” call those states between the coasts. But we really don't. I've never heard one person ever in NY or CA or any East or West Coast state refer to the middle of the country that way.There are even sizeable amounts of conservatives living in these two states who hate them becuase of all the “change” liberals have brought, that usually means a larger non-white population and higher taxes.That's it. That's all they see. That's all they know. It's what they're told to see and hear and they are dutiful.Yes, people are leaving both, and yes they have their problems. But New York was the largest state by population for most of this country's history and California has been the largest since the 1970s. After a while they get too big, too populated and people spread out. 30 years from now people may be saying the same thing about the states they're flocking to now. So the fact that people are leaving is not some scathing indictment. But many of us love these states for their incomparable cities, beautiful scenery which includes mountains, farm land and ocean beaches, interesting and diverse people, strong economies, and don't mind paying a bit more in taxes to live in a place that has “everything.”So while they are certainly not everyone's cup of tea, pay mind to who “hates” these two states and the remarkable similarity in their reasoning and phrasing. And if you doubt me, for exhibit A, start with Mike's brilliantly written response to this same question.

Why do people hate California?

Anyone I know personally who says they hate California is of the view that there are too many Spanish speaking people here, thus I would say that is racist based perspective. Other people I know who have left the state did so because they could afford nicer home in other states and that was very important to them.  (However they all come back to visit any chance they get!)  But for all of those in either category, I know many more friends and acquaintances who would love to move here but are unable to due to family, job, or other ties.I have lived in 5 states and visited almost all others, but spent most of my life in California and have no desire to live in any other state again. Absolutely adore the varied scenic beauty, the great weather, the progressive values, abundant fresh food and much more.  However, I will admit that the scenic beauty and progressive values are not evenly distributed throughout the state--there are significant areas where there is nothing of the sort of either, and if I lived in one of those places, maybe I would hate it too.  Fortunately, I'm on the central coast and it is heavenly.As for being more expensive to live here--I don't completely agree with that, other than the cost of buying a home or renting in any desirable area, which is definitely high. And gas costs a little more, but then we don't have a toll roads. But, compared to other states I've lived in, we save lots of money by low heating bills, no AC needed, (not all areas of CA would that apply), no snowplowing costs, less climate related home maintenance, and well priced fresh fruits and vegetables all year.  So those factors may offset some of the other things.